It's Complicated

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'The Beginning of My Actual Life'

~Chapter 29 'It's Complicated'

*Warning, its really short but if i didnt update now youll be waiting til the end of the week. I just got a new phone 'yay' but its not letting me make LP my wallpaper so im not happy with it, anywaaaaays here you go.*

Skye's POV~

Mexican. Foooood!!!'

I looked over n Jade was standing there proudly next to Mikey, they were like staring at each other and it was really sweet. 

'Guys stop fucking each other with your eyes' Chaz said wrecking the moment.

I elbowed him.

'But they so were.'

'Like you dont.'

'What no I-'

'You what?'


'Tell me.'


'I know what you were gonna say anyway'

'No you dont'

'Yeah I do, I'll show you later' I said


'I meant tell dammit, sorry.'

'The guys wanted me to let you know they wanted to come but they're about 3 states away right now working on a side project til Thursday but they're definitely gonna be here for the snowboarding which is gonna be like your birthday present from all of us' Mike interrupted before Chaz could say anything.

'Oh uh that's cool, I'm totally pumped to meet em. Cant wait for snowboarding i've always wanted to see Chaz fall on his ass so many times he cant sit down for a week.'

I didnt even think of that for some reason, other people in the band. Other Guys. But Chaz n Mike wouldnt let anything happen to me n there all supposed to be like bestfriends right? Im sure they're gonna be cool.

'I like her, she's staying' Mike said holding his side while trying to breathe through his laughter. Chaz was pretty quiet but i swear I heard Jade say 'Owwwwned.'

Once Mike had calmed down he spoke.

'Jade has a Martial Arts class to go to in an hour so I gotta take her home to get ready and drop her off but then I'll come back, I would ask her to drop it but-'

'It's kinda a graduation thing for the lower belts, sorry about that' Jade put in.

'Awh nah it's cool, what belt are you?'

'I'm purple so I could whup any of your asses' She said referring to the guys.

'Except Chaz he's a black belt.'

'Oh cool I didn't know'

'Haha well Mike's only blue belt but he spends most of his class times in the studio or at Dave's place.'

Im guessing Dave is another band member or brother?

Mike put their skateboards back in the garage and walked over to Chaz.

'Cya guys' Mike said doing a sort of bro hug-fist thing with Chaz. It looked pretty awesome actually.

'Cya Skye' Jade called.

'Later' I replied smiling.

'Happy Birthday' they said once again.

'Shuddup guys, but thanks.' I blushed a bit.


Me n Chester walked back inside and straight after he closed the door I said, 'You're a black belt?'

'Yeah' He said it like it wasn't a big deal.

'That's awesome!'

'Not really' then he added, 'close your mouth babe flies might get in.'

'Or other things' I said without thinking.

His head jerked up at that.

'Ohmygosh you know what I meant'

'Hmm don't think I do, what other things?' He had changed to his deep ass sexy-as-fuck voice. I didn't reply so he said  'this thing' kissing me,referring to his tongue.

'Or this?' and started grinding against me.

'I um I I meant I Um, no' He stopped.

'Uh yes?' I was confused i dont even know what i want.

'Well? I know you think im sexy' he said.

'I I well I'

'Yeah or no?'

'Yes but-' he held me closer.

'Its complicated' I made that sound silly. It was so much more understanding when I said it in my head.

'Complicated how? I don't want to push you but your telling me yes then telling me no but wanting to say yes?'

'It's just, its honestly not you and yeah I want to but Im not ready like technically yes but I dont want to be reminded of..' I looked for the right word.. 'things.'

He stood back a bit.

'You know you can talk to me, I have done this before so if your worried about something or you have so damn awkward question just ask it, I'd rather you are completely sure of what you're agreeing too.' He started walking upstairs so I followed him to his bedroom. Yeah I still call it his just makes it less confusing.

He sat on the bed, legs crossed and I did the same so we were facing each other.

'I'll answer with 100 percent honesty and as best I can' he promised.

'Same with anything you want to know, I'll tell you.'

I looked up at him before bowing my head to look at my lap.

'If you're worried if it will hurt, yeah it does at first but it's a good pain.'

'Well thats not a big deal to me, it would be happiness enough just to satisfy you' i said before realising how corny that sounded.

'Wow that was really corny'

'but touching' he added. I looked up. He was smirking.

'I see what you did there.' I said poking his leg several times. I feel like laughing even though it was such a lame joke. Somehow I controlled the urge.

'It's just my-, he threatened to but I wouldn't let him and he kept going and I yell for him to stop but he never did and no one was around to hear it and I hated it so much and I ran away but I don't know if the same thing is happening to my brother now that I left so now it's my fault if he does.'

He stiffened. 'Hey, hey, who does- did. What to you??'


*Comment if you'd like to read more*


The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now