I'm Taking A Raincheck'

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The Beginning of My Actual Life'

~Chapter 27 'I'm Taking A Raincheck'

'My birthday?? But I- its not, I-'

'Nope definitely is' said Chaz as I looked at all the smiling faces around me.

'Happy Birthday' Jade said handing me the long awkward shaped parcel.

'Um I uh thanks' I replied holding it awkwardly.

'You don't even know what it is yet, open it!' She was laughing. I hesitated looking at it.

'You okay babe?' I turned to Chaz he looked worried.

'Um yeah, no- yes I just never really, I don't get presents on my birthday or, or even a birthday. I had kinda forgotten when it was a long time ago.' I said frowning. My eyes started watering as I looked at them, Mike I've only seen a few times, Another person I've just met and Chaz all seeming so honest and positive. Then there's me like a dark pit drowning in my self only to make them worry and it would be my fault if I told them why. Just like it was my fault what happened. Mike and Jade hardly know me yet they are showing me more kindness than I deserve. I have known Chaz over half a year even if most of it was from a hospital bed and trust him completely but I haven't told him. I think I should but I don't want to. Even as I thought this he came over to my side and held me steady concern etched into his face.

'H-hey Chester I need to talk to you for a sec alone, sorry guys' I couldn't even look at any of then as Chaz picked me up and helped me walk upstairs. He waited until we were in his/our room closing the door before asking 'What's wrong? you know you can trust me.'

I started crying 'that's the problem, I would trust you with my life but you don't know enough about me, if you did then you definitely wouldn't trust me'

'Everyone makes mistakes baby its how you handle them and move on, I trust you just the same no matter what you've done'

'But y-you don't even know what it is yet'

'Hey, look at me'

I couldn't so I just sat there on the edge of the bed staring down at my lap.

'Hey, please look at me'

He put one hand under my chin and lifted up my face. A single tear fell down my cheek as I looked into his warm eyes.

'Nothing you could say will make me think any differently of you. Every person deserves a second chance and what ever you did, whoever you were, your not that person anymore, you're my amazing girlfriend and I won't let any of that come between us. He held up my hand entwining his through it looking from our hands to me. 'Now, who are you?'

'I-I'm Skye Rogers..'


'And I'm Chester Bennington's girlfriend'

He coughed looking into his lap.

'Fine. I'm Chester Bennington's amazing girlfriend' I said rolling my eyes at the word amazing.

'That you are' He smiled at me pushing me down on the bed and slowly kissing me.

I giggled 'Your bestfriend is downstairs and your perfectly okay with leaving him waiting so you can kiss me.'

'Hmm pretty much' he started pulling his shirt off.

'C'mon baby we've got visitors' I murmured into his soft lips putting my hands on his to stop him from taking his shirt off completely.

'Fine but I'm taking a rain check' he smirked at me wiping under my eyes with his thumb.

'You are beautiful, its your birthday and you're going to celebrate it' he stated.

The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now