The Stranger

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'The Beginning of my Actual Life'

Chapter 2 -The Stranger

I was gently awoken by a hand on my shoulder and a man speaking. He had a light voice but it had a calming effect on me. I know it's ridiculous but I had heard it somewhere before but I couldn't recall exactly where. This started to bug me quite a bit.

I felt unthreatened and strangely safe in his presence but still he was a man I didn't know and can not be trusted. I know what they can do to girls. I quickly gathered myself and sprung up onto my feet.

The guy must have not been expecting this quick reflex to his touch cos he took a step back. He quickly recovered himself as he saw I was about to topple over again and rushed to catch me. This I didn't like at all.

After looking into his face full of 'apparent' concern for a few moments. I half whispered half almost hissed at him to let me go and quickly stepped back from his embrace. Much to my disappointment I realised I felt some sort of warmth in his arms.

Skye! you cant be thinking that, he is just being nice so he can get you to sleep with him. Don't fall for it. You're better than that. But of course there was the curious side of me that was shooting down all of my completely judgemental and biased opinions.

It was then that I got a proper look at him.

He looked about 20 short bright yellow/white obviously dyed hair with browny/black regrowth.

(*Think In The End Music Video*)

He had it gelled into short spikes which would have looked ridiculous on anyone else but seemed to suite this guy pretty well.

He also had the cutest black lip piercing in the middle of his bottom lip. Bloody hell once a sucker for lip piercings always a sucker for lip piercings. What can I say?

He was wearing a black leather jacket with silver zips all over it in unnecessary places, black converse and dark blue denim jeans with stylish rips down the front completed with a single silver chain hanging over his jeans. Who the hell is this guy.

He had a small amount of stubble starting to appear on his face. I also couldn't help but notice he looked pretty buff I could see he had a good shape even with the jacket on. Over all he looked pretty handsome.

And you were just suggesting he's the creepy perv? I decided not to answer myself back on this occasion. Creepy pervs can be handsome you know.

But seriously I have to stop thinking like this. It's how you get yourself into trouble.

Then I remembered what I was wearing and also realised I had been staring at him for quite some time. My face must have shown my frustration at myself and anger cos his features became softer and he slowly walked towards me and asked "Is it alright if I hug you? I'm not going to hurt you, it's alright you can trust me."

"That's what they all say before they rape you" I replied more coldly than I had intended. He honestly didn't seem like the hugging type either. He looked a bit hurt but he seemed to understand. I have never even heard of anyone saying that before they rape someone. I'm being so stupid. Why did I say that?

"I understand, you have no reason to trust me or to come with me, but doesn't seem like the current options are in your favour."

Who said I was going to go anywhere with him.

"What's your name and how old are you?" I mumbled my answer not sure if I could trust him still and suddenly shy realising I had hurt his feelings. 

"Can you repeat that? You don't have to be shy." He asked patiently.

"My name's Skye Moreno and I'm 16, 17 in 7 months." I replied.

Then I started feeling my cheeks burn and next thing I know I was crying a fucking slow motion river right in front of this person, the slow motion appearance came from me trying to keep it in.

I really hate myself sometimes. Lately more often than not. I was just confused and I had no idea why this man would show me any sympathy. Sympathy, I don't want his sympathy.

Without asking for permission this time he gave me a big hug -did I mention he gives the best hugs?- He wrapped his arms around me and let me put my head on his shoulder. It actually felt really nice. After a few minutes he pulled away and started slowly walking me to his car. Umm Skye. Stop. What are you doing. My only defence against my internal battle was 'the hug made me do it'.

It was then that I realised my tears had left a patch of moisture on his jacket. I was in such a state of emotional distress I didn't refuse even when he picked me up and opened the door with one hand, helping me into the passenger seat. I waited for the usual breathing restrictions and closing in feeling that I usual got when i'm in a situation I can't really get out of.

But it didn't come.

Wow how helpless and vulnerable I must seem. He can shove the victim attitude up his ass. But then quite possibly i'm just overreacting and he just wants to help.

I hate how soft I was being usually I'm not. I mean it. No one not even my mum can get anywhere near me let alone give me a hug or put a hand on my shoulder for that matter. He walked around to the other side of the car after closing my door and got in his side. He started driving but glanced at me to check if I had my seatbelt on. Which I reluctantly put on.

He put on some music. First thing on the radio was Taylor Swift. I heard his snort but couldn't see anything because my face was in the side of my shirt creating a damp spot. I looked up and saw he had surprisingly kept the song playing. I mumble again and he asked me in a reassuring tone what I was trying to say and joked about thinking he should get a hearing aid. I thought this was sweet coz he was putting the blame on himself not me, for mumbling. Wait. What the actual fuck. You're better than this Skye, one cute guy and you get like this? Better stop. thinking like that. And snap out of your pathetic mumbling while you're at it.

"Why are you leaving that song on? You obviously don't like it. You look like your about to be sick, from your ears" I almost laughed a little louder than before.

He must have been able to decipher some words because he chuckled and said "I thought you might like it." I thought it was funny that he referred to Taylor Swift as an 'it' not her.

" Eww Taylor Swift! No way!" I replied straight away, I had stopped crying the fucking Nile river. Finally.

"Well what do you listen to then? Justin Beiber? One Direction?" He asked cautiously cringing with the mention of each name.

"WHAT!" I pretended to look offended with a look of mock horror on my face. I suddenly found myself becoming more confident and comfortable in his presence. Laughing does that, a seemingly rare event for me these days.

"I listen to Linkin Park!!" I said with an enthusiastic grin showing my pride. I looked back at him and watched as the colour slightly drained from his face. "What's wrong, did I say something Wrong?" I asked frantically hoping I hadn't said something wrong. Why Skye? I asked myself you shouldn't care about him or what he thinks of you or of what you say. That's just silly.

"Nothing I mean I uh do you know my name?"

I wondered why he abruptly changed the subject but continued to say "No, how could I know your name I only just met you. What is your name?" I asked curious now. He was still driving but he looked at me and said "I'm 20 and my name is Chester Bennington.

*So people of wattpad do you still think it's interesting? The next chapter was pretty fun to write so I think you'll like it. Please be totally awesome and leave a comment. Good or bad. Thanks.


The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now