Good to be home

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The Beginning of My Actual Life- Linking Park FanFic

Chapter 18- 'Good To Be home'

Skye's POV

Uhr I found myself thinking as I slowly woke up. You know how your awake and can feel everything but you haven't opened your eyes?

Im feeling unbelievably comfy, I must be in a bed. It seems spacious and the pillows are melting around my face. Oh boy this is going to make it difficult to get up from. I want to sleep more.

But then I recognised something that changed my mind in a flash.

I jumped out of bed, finding myself still in the clothes I was wearing yesterday. I looked around as a ran out the bedroom realising I was in Chaz's bedroom. I jogged down the stairs nearly running into a picture frame of the band hanging on the wall.

I have this tradition to jump the last 2 or 3 steps and today was no exception. I walked casually through the lounge room, remembering my hair must be a mess I made a detour to the bathroom. Mess is an understatement! Apparently there is a price for sleeping in a bed made of fluffy marshmallows.

After running my fingers through my hair several times I went into the kitchen yelling PANCAKES!!! and jumped up to give Chaz a hug. I felt him hug me back and attempt to say something. I mean attempt because my hair was all over his face.

I detached myself from his embrace taking my hair back with me.

I had the biggest smile ever as I looked at 2 plates overflowing with pancakes.

'Chaz youre the best!' I said happily as he sat down on the couch gesturing for me to sit next to him.

'I know' he replied, turning on the tv and putting his feet up on the coffee table.

'You know I want to thank you for last night it was pretty random n I guess I've never done anything like that before' I told him.

If that was like a first date thing than I wonder what a second would be like?

'Haha no worries I thought you might enjoy it after being stuck in that boring ass hospital' Chaz replied with a mouthful of pancakes and maple syrup.

'Yeah' I said. To be honest I miss falling asleep to his voice.

I've been so used to crying myself to sleep before I came here.

'It's great to have my house back, thank God for insurance that I got my stuff back as well.'

'Everything?' I asked him

'Yup' he replied looking puzzled which looked really adorable.

I got up and all the crumbs collected from heaps of pancakes dropped all over the floor.

'Dammit I'll clean that up later' I muttered.

'Yeah i'll help' he said with that killer smile. Like man how can one guy smile so attractively. Not that I'm complaining.

Walking over to the tv I bent down and set up the x-box for Halo.

'Now this chick knows how to entertain a guy' Chaz said happily.

I got up passing him a remote.

'I'm player one though' I smirked doing a twirl in front of him.

Chaz's POV

As she did a twirl in front of me my eyes were following her smile. I can see the light in her eyes and I hope it never goes out. I want to stay like this forever but I don't have forever.

'Why don't we clean up this mess made by yours truly first?' Skye suggested.

I sensed an idea start to form and eagerly agreed to her suggestion.

We swept up the crumbs, for some silly reason competing to see who could sweep up the most. Which included a lot of rough shoulder shoving and elbows in ribs and hands in face action.

I feel like the clowns on those ads that don't stop laughing through the whole thing.

We were walking back to the couch and I knocked Skye on to it as gently as I could. She made to get up still laughing thinking it was part of the game probably.

I placed my knees either side of her legs and moved my thumb to her lips. 'Missed a bit' I said in a deep voice. I know what my voice does to her, its not like I haven't had girlfriends before. My thoughts were confirmed as she shivered when I touched her and when I spoke.

I didn't spare more than a moment for my guilt at her age. She hasn't pulled away so far...

*Mwahaha, will Chaz do it or get cold feet at the last moment?

Will Skye's fear take over?

What will happen?

Im so silly I did half of this in bold before I realised, sorry about that guys. I've nearly finished the next chapter so Vote/Comment for the next chapter to go up (probably will anyways tho)  :)*


The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now