Alright alright you win!

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The Beginning of My Actual Life

Chapter 8 ~ Alright, alright you win!


I started but before I could finish...

I was hit with a pillow right in the face. So that's how he wants to play it huh?

I grabbed a cushion off the couch and threw it at him but it missed his head by a few centimetres.


We continued the pillow/cushion fight and before I knew it Chester was laughing and I was laughing and he had tackled me onto the floor and had pinned me down knees on either side of me continuously hitting me with a pillow. Lets just say if someone walked in at that moment it would have looked very wrong. I had my hands in front of my face trying to defend myself but it was useless. Plus he was pretty strong.

"Alright, alright you win!" I said between laughs.

"You mean it? I can be Sub-Zero then? He said trying not to choke on his own laughter.

"Yes yes just get off me already!" I said. He did as I asked a gleeful look on his face.

He started doing a very entertaining victory dance. A mischievous grin lit up my face and I took my chance to trip him over and before he could get up I grabbed a pillow and got him back for before. This time I was pinning him down. Kinda unsuccessfully though.

"Hey! You said it was over." He laughed.

"I didn't say for how long though." I said poking my tongue at him.

He picked me up off him . Did I mention he was strong? He is. Then he slung me over his shoulder. I could hardly say he was gentle about it. I was wondering what he had planned. when he carried me upstairs -to my many protests and attempts at kicking out- to the bathroom. WTF?? He finally put me down still holding my arm firmly so I couldn't run. I was thinking about the rational ideas and suggestions as to why he would bring me here. I failed though, I couldn't think of any.

He laughed brought cable ties out of nowhere and not to tightly tied my hands up in front of me. I didn't really like this but I know he doesn't mean to hurt me. I still felt uncomfortable though. maybe i thought wrong? Maybe I can't trust him? Nah as hard as it is to believe i do trust him. Only known him for a short time but I knew he was the real deal if you know what I mean. Then he promptly stuck me under the shower. Clothes n all. He was holding me under the shower with one hand.

I yelled and started kicking.

"No way, Chester Bennington you better get me out of this right now!!" But he just laughed poked his tongue at me and turn the water on. Ice cold water blasted my face and then my whole body saturating my clothes which began to stick to my body the way wet clothes usually do.

"Chester I hate you! Argh." Was all I could manage sputtering coz of the water which flooded into my mouth. After a few minutes of clutching his side from laughing he collected himself enough to turn off the water getting himself wet in the process.

He let me go and freed my hands with a pair of scissors. grinning the whole time. Mistake. I punched him in the arm.

Not too hard but he pretended it was and started groaning and slid to the floor. He made a pose and stuck his tongue out to the side randomly twitching his arms and feet.

It was the funniest thing I had ever seen. It was so obvious he wasn't knocked out coz he opened his eyes slightly for a fraction of a second to see if I was looking before quickly closing them again.

I quickly cupped my hands when he wasn't looking and grabbed a handful of ice cold water from the tap and splashed it on him. Haha. I succeeded in this 4 times before he managed to start getting up slowly giving me a few seconds. Deliberately???

Without bothering to grab a towel I screamed and ran downstairs into the lounge room which looked like a bomb site from our pillow fight and hid behind the couch.

Unfortunately he saw me or rather heard me due to my uncontrollable spurts of giggling. giggling? I never giggle. What's wrong with me?

He continued to chase me around the house until both our clothes had dried. Mine taking a lot longer thanks to Chester. He nearly caught me a few times. I was surprised at how fast he was but I was faster. I've always been a good runner.

We both stopped running around and fell on the couch smiling. We were so tired we fell asleep right there. The last thing I saw was Chaz half laying half sitting down next to me smiling happily falling straight to sleep.


*Sorry for any mistakes and sorry I know I haven't updated for a while. I stayed with my sister for a week and I'm having major issues with my mums partner (not my dad). It's really crazy. I stacked my skateboard and received some pretty bad cuts and abrasions on both hands, my right knee, both elbows, my hip and scratches across my stomach. It really hurts so much as I can't hold anything in my right hand or sit down without pain. Oh how I love feeling useless :D :D Comment+Vote if you think it's good enough. I'm trying to make this a good story. Votes are great but comments are way better. Should I continue with this story or start another?? I am hoping to get lots if votes and comments before I finish this. Thanks for the 80+ reads you guys rock!*

Cya Peeps,


The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now