Stop and Stare

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The Beginning of My Actual Life'

~Chapter 26 'Stop and Stare '

'Hey you missed! I said poking my tongue at her.

'I'll get this one' she countered with a determined look on her face.

'Hahaha another miss! I'll show you how it's done.'

'Nope you missed too' she laughed.

'You havent done much better, here let me help you out' I smirked throwing a piece of popcorn into my mouth.

'Whatever I'll get it this time'

'Or?' I grinned meaningfully at her raising one eyebrow.

'Or I have to walk around the house in my underwear for the whole day tomorrow'

'No complaints here babe'

'Shut up you'

She picked a piece of popcorn out of the three-quarters-empty bowl pretending to test its weight and whisper something to it.

She tossed the popcorn in my direction n it looked like it was gonna be a winner so I moved a fragment to the left hoping she wouldn't notice, as it bounced off my lip.

'Hey! You moved! I saw that!' she attempted to say while blushing a deep red and biting her lip.

'That's adorable and nope you can't prove it!'

'Fine but only if you have a go n if you lose, same thing but for two days coz you totally cheated!' Her face was flushing even more as I nodded agreeing to her terms.

I took a deep breath. I can do this I've done it before many times. The aim of the game is to throw the piece of popcorn, MnM, chocolate etc n get it into the other persons mouth. We sat a good metre apart to make it at least a little challenging. I threw the little piece of popcorn knowing it was I good shot before it met its mark.

But somehow it missed. 'Huh? You moved!'

'You. Can't. Prove. It.' Skye replied crossing her arms for a few moments then laughing and taking the sugary goodness off my lap and placed it in her mouth.

'You want something to drink?' I asked her.

'Yeah actually'

'You stay there I'll get em'

'Nah I'll come'

'Sure' I gave her a hand up. Stray bits of popcorn falling all over the blankets. Err have to pick them all up soon. I respect it that she doesn't expect me to do everything myself or make me I've had way too many controlling girlfriends and none of them lasted very long. Mike was always the one to knock me to my senses and regrettably were the reason for most of our fist fights.

'Well I hope we dont get any visitors tomorrow' I stated as we walked into the kitchen trying to hide my smile.

She giggled and bit her lip again.

'You really shouldn't do that' I said smiling at her.

'Why not?'

'Because I might get ideas'

'Hmm what sort of ideas?' Her eyes seemed larger as she gazed innocently into mine.

'Do it again n you'll find out' I grinned back unable to stop myself from looking up n down her body. I really am trying to control myself. Im allowed a bit of fun every now n then though I mean Skye seems okay with everything so far my baby knows I'd never do anything to intentionally hurt her.

The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now