Given Up

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The Beginning of My Actual Life

Chapter 11 'Given Up'

*Hey guys so sorry about the wait I had no access to wifi our Internet thingo stop working but it's been great coz I've graduated high school, went to university, got married and made my self a cheese and bacon burger.

No actually I decided to write another chapter. Hopefully I will have a writing flow and do another chapter to as well. I tried to make it long. Oh and I was listening to Minutes To Midnight when I wrote out most of this and none of you could possibly imagine how much that album means to me. Sooo lots of swearing sort of.*


Chester's POV


What have I done!

More like what HAVENT I done! Why couldn't I do it? I'm such a retard. Why! Why! Why! I'm so stupid!

I ran my hand along a cabinet in the hall way knocking over a glass vase which shattered to the floor, pieces of glass rolling across everywhere. This only resulted in my frustration growing and it didn't get any better when I cut my feet on the many pieces of glass. Without even thinking about cleaning it up I stormed into my room and shut the door.

He tried to calm me down but there was no way, I could here him banging on my door which I had locked about 2 seconds earlier. I turned on the speakers which were playing Given Up but an instrumental version and before long I was screaming my way through the verses while stomping around my room throwing punches into the air. The stomping was only making my feet throb worse and a mess of blood on my floor. At least it wasn't enough to be worried about.

I turned the speakers up all the way as I sang/screamed...

I'm my own worst enemy, I've given uuuuuuup. I'm sick of feeling, is there nothing you can say, take this pain away. I'm suffocating tell me what the fuck is wrong with me *Scream* put me out of my misery. Put me out of my misery. Put me out of my misery. Put me out of my, put me out of my, put me out of my fucking misery *Scream*...

I couldn't hear Mike outside the door anymore well I couldn't hear much other than the blasts of sound coming from my speakers and my mouth. Mike got them for me last Christmas and even said I could keep them here. Mike rocks.

I walked over to my door breathing heavily and just as the screamo part was due again I punched the door four times as I screamed. The first one left a dent but the second, third and fourth broke straight through the door. Shit I'm gonna have to fix that.

ARGGHHH!!! I yelled I was so exhausted from all that screaming and punching and pain that I flopped onto my bed and fell asleep right there.

Mike's POV:

I tried to go after him but decided to give him a few moments to himself, well until he disappeared into the hallway and I heard shattering sounds. I ran after him reaching the victim of Chaz's anger. A glass vase, correction, what's left of a glass vase. Eh didn't like it that much anyway I bought it at a neighbours garage sale.

That was when I saw the blood. I started to freak when I realised he must have cut his feet on the glass. Just an accident. Probably pissed him off more though I should hurry up and check on him. Just as I got within 3 steps of his door I heard a click. I started banging on his door I guess it wasn't the most practical thing but I needed to make sure he didn't hurt himself. It was then that I heard Given Up playing. An instrumental version. I also heard him savagely screaming the verses like there was no tomorrow and stomping rather forcefully around his room.

The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now