Like A Demon With 10 Heads!

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The Beginning of My Actual Life- Linking Park FanFic

Chapter 22- 'Like A Demon With 10 Heads!'

*May the fourth be with you, yeah okay I couldn't help it. I used to be a total nerd for that shit xP plus the guy who played Anakin was totally hot, Hayden Christensen :3 *


Skye's POV

I'm actually going shopping with Chaz and he doesn't mind. I thought guys hated shopping. Haha not this guy. Or should I say my guy.

We walked out to his car and he opened the door for me, waiting patiently for me to get in saying thanks, before closing it and walking around his side and getting in.

'This is sorta weird' I stated.

'Why's that?'

'It's been a while but the last time I was in this car...' I said frowning slightly

He must've understood what I was getting at coz he said,

'Well think of it this way, you never would've met such a handsome guy if you hadn't runaway'

'You know I thought you were pretty good looking when I first met you, chains hanging off your jeans and everything' I said

'Haha well it just so happens I was hoping you would stay when I asked if you would move in.'


'Yup, couldn't let such a beautiful girl walk away without offering.'

'Nawww shut up.' I replied feeling my face flush with embarrassment. I didn't know he thought like that, especially so long ago.

'I could tell you were toned through that jacket you were wearing when we first met' I commented now determined to embarrass him too.

He kept his eyes on the road pretending not to hear.

'That second hug you gave me, I didn't shiver because I was cold I shivered coz you were hugging me.'

I studied his face and before long his eye twitched and I could see a smile creep onto his face. I could swear his face went at least two tones redder as well.

'Ahaha I saw that!' I shouted gleefully. We had stopped at an intersection so I leant over to kiss him on the cheek but at the last second he turned his head so I kissed him on the lips. He put one hand on my waist and pulled me closer intensifying the kiss until the guy behind us beeped his horn. The light must be green I thought somewhere in the subconscious part of my mind.

'Shit' He murmured detaching himself from me before hitting the accelerator.

'Not my fault you turned into it' I said as innocently as I could manage.

'You knew I would turn into it' He laughed

'What! No.'

But deep down I hoped he would. He smiled. Damn! He knew I was bluffing.

Eventually I gave in to a chorus of

'I was riiiiiiight, oh yeah'

Wow Chaz. Just Wow.

By the end of the drive to the shopping mall we were both laughing so much we needed a few moments to collect ourselves before walking in.

Just like the gentleman he is Chester got out and walked around my side opening the door and lending me his hands. I took both and jumped very unlady like onto the bitumen of the car park, letting go of his hands I bent my knees and pointed my hand wrist-upwards at a near by car pretending to be like spiderman before standing up straight smiling  like nothing had even happened.

'What?' I asked grinning as he just stood there. 'I got caught up in the moment.'

'You don't expect me to go all damsel in distress-I'm a little princess shit just coz your my boyfriend now, do you?

'Haha nah that's why I like you, doesn't stop me being totally awesome to you though' He replied with a wink. 'But you would look like one hot spider-girl in costume.'

'Yeah because my face would be covered up' I muttered then said louder 'keep dreaming tin can iron man' patting his chest before walking off.

His hand found its way through mine as we walked to those big sliding glass doors shopping centres have.

Being the kid I am I stood slightly back from its sensor before jumping forward as far as I could without hitting the door, turning around to see how far I got. 'Damn, bit shorter than usual' I said to myself.

'Haha what was that?' He asked

'As I said I'm still gonna be myself and that's just a game I used to play with my brother, Dan...' I said trailing off because I realised I havent seen him in like 7 months.

'Awh I could take you to see him?' he suggested. I know he was only trying to be nice n I really want to but 'I can't coz it would mean seeing my mum a-and my stepdad' I explained frowning and practically hissing the words 'my' and 'stepdad.'

He pulled me into a hug n I buried my face in his chest as we passed the various stores.

Chaz's POV

After a while of just pointlessly walking around barely noticing anything except colours, patterns, indistinct voices and the warmth from Skye I looked down at her and said 'Is your mum really that bad?'

She looked up at me, scrunching my shirt at the same time.

'Yep' she nodded grumpily, 'like a demon with 10 heads!'

'And 4 eyes' I added

'Yeah and 3 arms'

'And green skin like hulk' I said realising this was cheering her up.

'Haha yeah that too'

'Guess what?' I asked her


'You're adorable when you're grumpy' 

'Shut up you' she smiled pushing me away.

'Ahaha I saw that!' I said imitating her voice, grinning.

'Hey I don't sound like that'

'Yeah you do'

'Nope' she poked her tongue at me crossing her arms.

'Okay i'll admit that was pretty terrible' It really was.

'We gonna do some shopping or what?' I said loudly clapping my hands making her jump. I chuckled as she seemed to jump higher than humanly possible.

'Yup!' she replied enthusiastically after recovering her posture. Ignoring my laugh.

Aw tough crowd eh.

'This is a cool shop, one of my favs' I said pointing to the left.

'Cool lets check it out'

Skye's POV

I looked up as we walked in. Its called Fallen Angel. Awesome.

*Sorry it took a week to update, schools got me wrapped up in a ball of misery coz I have to choose the subjects that will decide my future blah blah blah when I really want to be in a band. I won't be able to work on this tomorrow as I have to catch a train for 3hrs to pickup my new skateboard. Totally worth it!

Votes n Comments are really appreciated like you have no idea how happy they make me :)*


P.S I don't hate my actual mum, this isn't in reference to her in any way.

The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now