Chester?Who's Chester?... Oh

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'The Beginning of my Actual Life' -Linkin Park Fan Fic

Chapter 3 - 'Chester? Who's Chester?... Oh'

*Hey guys this ones a bit short sorry about that but I added lots of detail for you. Please be awesome and vote+comment. :)*

First, holy fuck he's only 20.

Secondly, I have no idea who Chester Bennington taking into consideration I can't really think very well right now. Thirdly, why the hell did he have such an uncomfortable expression when he told me his name? Lastly, How could I possibly know his name before he told me?

He looked at me expecting some sort of reaction...I think. "Um I'm sorry am I supposed to know who you are?"

I asked quizzically. He seemed shocked but recovered himself and said "you don't know who I am?"

"Obviously not" I replied.

Chester let out a sigh and continued to say "Fine. I'll show you oh and by the way you can call me Chaz or Chazzy Chaz that's what my friends call me."

So he thinks we're friends huh. Are we friends? I guess we are. He switched through a few channels on the radio while I was just sitting there feeling very confused and confrontational and once again a little uncomfortable at his strange actions.

What the hell was he doing? The song wasn't even that bad it was only DEFEATER. Then he found a channel playing Numb by Linkin Park and looked at me before he started singing,

"I've become so numb I can't feel you there.

I've become so tired, so much more away.

I'm becoming less, all I want to do is be more like me and be less like you.

Can't you see that you're smothering me.

Holding to tightly afraid to lose control.

Cos everything that you thought I would be has fallen apart right in front of you.

Every step that I take is another mistake to you

And every second I waste is more than I can take."

He stopped singing and quickly looked at me before turning back to the road. He had played every note in time and exactly the same way the singer of Linkin Park did. Vocally it was seemlessly perfect. It was an amazing performance really. He seemed confident with singing too like he had sung that song a thousand times... It was then that it all clicked into place.

I felt pretty dull cos it took me that long to figure it out. Maybe I didnt want to let myself believe it and I felt awkward because I had sort of suggested he might rape me. Still you never know I guess. Welcome to my life of trust issues and paranoia.

I didn't know what to say except "I knew your voice sounded familiar."

He laughed -Did I mention he has the cutest laugh?-

Skye! I know, I know I'm mentally kicking myself for thinking that. I suddenly became very shy and conscious of the state I was in. He noticed my discomfort and said "Don't worry I'm not going to judge you im a bit better than that. I haven't exactly had an apple pie life either."

Lol he just said apple pie in a sentence. But I was barely controlling myself here. Trying my hardest not to go 'extreme fan mode' and ask a million questions. Actually I was expecting you to maybe go all classic fan-girl on me."

"Me? I wouldn't dream of it!" Then I coughed.

Once, maybe twice... Four times... Then we both started laughing.

"I don't really do that much even when I meet really attractive, talented people" I said.

"Oh really, then what do you do?" He asked seeming curious. Oh no I just turned this into a completely different ball game of cringey-ness.

"If I was any younger I would have kept my thoughts to myself but I'm older than that now and I guess if they stuck around I'd want to get to know them."

He looked uncertain for a minute then he grinned. Probably unsure what I meant by that even though I think I made it pretty obvious. Guys can be sorta thick sometimes.

I laughed and after a bit he joined in.

I smiled and felt a little better. Just a little. Finally he pulled up in his driveway which made me realise how tired I actually was. He got out and I opened my door sliding out of the seat.

As soon as my feet touched the ground I remembered how much of a bad idea that was. I stumbled falling to the ground and swore loud enough for Chester to hear. He looked over his shoulder and came over to help me up.

I don't know which one is worse the fact he was being so helpful or that I was letting him, lead singer of my favourite band of all time or not. I don't really like asking for help and even more so getting it.

He put his arm around my shoulder and helped, yes helped me into his house and sat me down on his black velvet couch. Curse my untrustworthy legs. I immediately sunk at least 3 feet into its surface. Okay maybe I exaggerated but you get the idea.


The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now