Really? Thanks Chaz!

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The Beginning of My Actual Life:

Chapter 5- 'Really? Thanks Chaz!'

*Hey guys I know its short the next will be longer. I did update twice in 2 days so... love me :D*

"So do you want to go back home now? You're family is probably missing you and your parents are probably worried sick about you. I don't want you getting into trouble and I could get in trouble for harbouring someone against their will" Chaz said completely serious for once.

Such a pity I prefer the fun-loving cheeky-grinned Chester but he does have a point. Also was that a hint of disappointment I heard? Nah of course not. Why do I keep thinking this stuff! I must be imagining it.

I was touched by his care but I laughed emptily with no feelings. It was like a dead laugh, unnatural, when he mentioned the word 'parents.' He seemed a bit worried after hearing my laugh. To be honest I kinda creeped myself out too.

What's up?" He asked noticing the dead laughter and knowing It wasnt coz of something amusing. Finally a person with brains. Where's the angel sounds?

"They definitely aren't worried about me and I don't think I could ever go back." I stated simply.

"What about your brother, Dan?"

Wow he really loves asking questions. I took a deep breath. It was all I could do to stop myself from breaking down at the mention of my lil bro's name. "Yeah he will but he will understand why I left. He was always my mothers favourite so he will be alright" I explained.

"Thats good then but you haven't actually told me what was so terrible for you at your mums place."

He looked at me but I slowly shook my head. Realising I wasn't ready he thankfully knocked that aside.

Then he completely surprised me by going on and saying "Okay down to business. You can stay here as long as you want coa I don't have to tour until next year but I do have studio sessions and similar with the band."

"I couldn't.. I can't.. But that would be too much to ask of you."

"Technically you didn't ask, I offered and now I think about it and remember how annoyingly stubborn and independent you have shown to be, its not an offer."

"You're staying here at least until you find somewhere else and you would be helping me out cos it gets lonely around here when everyone from the band is off visiting their families. Plus then I would have someone to verse on Mortal Combat.

"Really? Thanks Chaz. No one's done anything like this for me in a while" I admitted barely restraining myself from letting a tear slide down my face. I felt like hugging him but stopped myself just in time.

"Yay!" Chaz said while imitating a young kid punching the air. I giggled. I wonder if he is like this without me around. Probably an accurate assumption.

I had started to forget who he was for a while there. He was acting so casual. Duh how could I forget? I voiced my thoughts out loud. "Oh yeah, right I forgot."
"Forgot what?" Chester asked genuinely confused.

I don't blame him. "Forgot you were the lead singer of Linkin Park" I admitted and immediately felt my cheeks burn up from embarrassment of my stupidity.

He laughed. "And just how did you manage that?" Thank God he didn't realise or at least decided not to point out my embarrassment. That was nice of him.

"Its just that.. cos are being so casual n down to earth! Not like all the snobby stuck up celebs who think they are better than everyone else."

"Is there something wrong with that?" He asked.

"Nah its actually pretty cool I just thought you would act a lot differently" I explained.

"Well thanks... I think" he said grinning and ruffled my hair in a friendly way.
This I didn't mind as much and I kind of enjoyed the contact. But if he did it again i'd have to break his face, im not a pet. Oh c'mon its just his hand in my hair, no big deal. But I still liked it. Perhaps more than what would be considered appropriate.

I smiled shyly while feeling angry at myself for allowing him to do that. Oblivious to my internal struggles of emotion he grinned.

He turned on the tv and we watched tv for a bit, a few episodes of Friends. He didn't try anything which was nice of him. I actually enjoyed sitting there with him. It was just so chilled and I felt myself relaxing despite myself. He was sitting next to me but he didn't make it awkward at all. I feel like I can just be the way I am and he wont judge me. For once I'm not afraid of an older guy in that way.

I welcomed the comfortable silence as it allowed me to think about everything. My name is Skye Moreno and i'm in Chester Bennington, lead singer of Linkin fucking Park's house. Sitting on his couch watching Friends. Like what the actual fuck got me here.

The not freaking out and fangirling thing was proving to be a mission of its own.

Then I felt myself becoming drowsy...

*I hope you like it though please be awesome and vote+comment. And a little challenge for you. The first person who can list every Eminem reference in this chapter will get a shout out in the next chapter!


The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now