Nah Just Tacos and Pancakes

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'The Beginning of My Actual Life'

~Chapter 24- 'Nah Just Tacos and Pancakes'

Mike reminds me of an elf with his bright blue hair and huge smile, its one of those where if you see it, you can't help but smile too. I think it's cool how one person can be so happy.

'We didn't really get to meet properly before, yano at the hospital so hey I'm Mike' he said and instead of shaking my hand or anything he just got up an gave me a bear hug.

'H-he-y ch-o-king h-ere' I managed to gasp.

'Haha sorry' Mike laughed stepping back.

'He's like that all the time' said Chaz laughing at my attempt at talking.

I think it's pretty cool that he doesn't mind other guys hugging me even though we're together.

'I'm guessing you like tacos?' Mike said directing the question at me.

'No not at all I hate them, give me nasty allergies runny nose, vomiting, a temperature, sore throat and means no kissing.' I said with a straight face, pointing the last comment at Chaz. My acting must have been convincing because his face fell and Mike looked like he'd been told spaghetti grew on trees.

Neither of them said anything til Mike asked if I'd like something else seeming somewhat deflated.

'Oh my gosh guys I was kidding you silly sausages!'

They were quiet for a moment but once it sunk in that I had tricked them Chaz was the first one to speak.

'I knew that' Of course he would say that.

'Pfft, you had no idea either' said Mike looking embarrassed but also started laughing at the situation.

'Good acting by the way' he added.

'So-so that means you can still kiss me?' asked Chaz.

I walked over to the beautiful plate of tacos, took a bite then holding it in one hand went up to Chester, swallowing then kissing him full on the lips. It only lasted a few seconds and as he stepped back he stumbled forward ever so slightly so I stood on my tiptoes to give him a hug and kiss on the forehead to make it look natural. 'Thanks' he said into my ear.

I smiled and nodded.

Chaz's POV

'Get a room guys anyone would think you haven't seen each other for 12 months. I don't want to see you guys playing hockey with your tongues.'

'Yeah yeah nice trick Skye, well played. You've turned Chazzy boy here into a softie' Mike added ruffling Chesters hair n messing up his spikes.

'Uh Fuck off man' Chaz said unhappily, using his phone screen as a mirror.

'So we gonna eat or what?' Skye asked.

We sat down, Skye next to me and Mike on the otherside. 'A piece of advice man, hoard the shit out of your tacos and defend them like its the Great Depression in World War Two' I suggested to Mike.

Skye's POV

He started coughing n I swear it sounded suspiciously like he was saying Skye into the coughs. I death stared him with a smile and got one in return. Mike was laughing but I could tell he was taking Chester's advice as we piled our plates. I wasn't shy about how much I freaking love the stuff n I didn't mind to let it be known, even though Chaz had already put it out there for me anyways.

I had plenty more than either of them and decided to let Mike n Chaz fight over the last one while I got stuck into my own.

'Mine' They said in unison.

The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now