Things heating up in the kitchen.

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'The Beginning of My Actual Life'
Chapter 10 - Things heating up in the kitchen

I stood there grinning and looking around. Me, Skye a runaway girl is cooking dinner for Chester Bennington. My breathing started coming quicker and I found myself beginning to freaking out.
What if he doesn't like it? What if he absolutely hates it! What if he chokes? Oh my great green jelly coloured socks! (Idek) Ch-est-er Benn-ing-ton dying because I gave him food poisoning! Omg omg! Now is not the time to start fangirl-freaking out I told myself. I calmly collected myself as best I could. But then it hit me. In the face. A fly literally just flew onto my nose. I swatted it away before it actually hit me. What on God's green earth am I gonna make for dinner?

Something simple but amazing so he couldn't possibly hate it... Something without much opportunity to choke on anything and something I'm confident with that I've made a zillion times before... I can't think of a single meal. It's like every thing I've ever seen on tv or made has been erased from my mind. I leant against the bench furiously thinking, forcing my mind to work. Just as I was about to get really really frustrated at myself and start comparing myself to a piece of dead grass the clouds parted and a bowl of... something appeared floating down... No actually I just decided I am gonna make spaghetti bolognese.
Duuuuuh like the easiest and yummiest delicacy of teenagers everywhere! I guess he isn't exactly a teenager but meh not even a year difference right? That still counts right? What can possibly go wrong?

I found all the necessary ingredients, spaghetti duuuuh, tomatoes, cheese for the top, mince blah blah blah and some rosemary and various spices around the place.
Shit I forgot to heat up the stove. No big deal. Calm ya farm Skye. Turns out it was a gas stove so I turned on the gas when I got rudely interrupted because I heard a loud and continuous thudding on the roof and looked out the window. Great it just started raining. As I watched it got heavier and heavier.
Cool I always loved rain and thunderstorms too especially watching the totally awesome lightning. Suddenly I saw a large flash of lightning striking somewhere in the not very distant distance. As if the weather had read my thoughts.

I waited for the thunder but I didn't have to wait long. Not even 2 seconds later I heard the thunder crack open in the heavens and bloody hell it sounded close.

I don't mind the rain but geez I nearly jumped at that thunder crack. Something I never do. I'm a hard one to scare or get a reaction out of but fuuuuck this is already turning into quite a ferocious thunderstorm. I can hear the wind whistling and howling outside. I ran to close the kitchen window just in time for the hail. Hailstorm! As I watched it got more severe before my eyes.
The hail became so heavy it was pounding down on the roof and ground bouncing off in all directions the way hail usually does. I swear I saw a few chunks the size of golf balls. I smirked thinking of all those people who are gonna have trashed up cars. Good thing Chaz put his car in his garage. Imagine trying to drive in this weather!

I heard a few windows being slammed closed and thought Chester must've gone and closed them.
After an epic lightning display I heard Chaz cheering but I wasn't sure if it was coz of the lightning or the game he was playing.

After my few minutes of spacing out I decided to go back to what I was doing. Wait, what WAS I doing. Oh yeaaa. Gosh and you call yourself a smart cookie Skye! I grabbed a pot off the bench where I had my utensils neatly arranged and walked over to the sink.
As I was doing so I sensed something out of place, foreign. Unwanted? But for the life of me couldn't figure out what it was. I shrugged it aside mustn't be too important then.
How wrong that thought turned out to be...

Due to my lack of concentration, again don't judge, my hand slipped and turned the tap on too fast and a noticeable amount of the water bounced out of the pot and onto the floor.
Shit! I quickly turned the tap to a more acceptable speed and voila! Half filled pot of water. Anyone would think I was finding this difficult. Am not!

I am rather nervous still about making dinner for Chaz, stupid I know but I can't help it.

My nervousness involuntarily making my hands shake proved to be a key point in my undoing...

I walked slowly to the stove as to not make even more of a mess. Geez it already looked like Niagra freaking falls. Gonna have to clean that up later.

Then quite a few things happened at once. Firstly the loudest growl of thunder ever came then immediately after an epic lightning flash resulting in the houses power going out and everything went dark except for the glow on the microwave telling what time it was. 8:18pm.

I heard the tv turn off and Chaz's blast of swearing come after it. My hand also betrayed me shaking uncontrollably at the same moment my bare feet decided to slip on a puddle of water sending the pot of water flying.
The pot crashed onto the floor and I heard Chaz asking if I was okay from the other room, also saying something about finding a match so we can see.


I yelled back I was fine just dropped something. But that was before my head smashed onto the side of the table after slipping again and falling.

I felt a blinding flash of pain on the side of my head and at the same time I heard the unmistakable sound of a match stroking the side of a matchbox. What happened to torches people?

Suddenly it all made sense. That foreign sense I was... sensing. It was gas from the stove I hadn't turned on properly.
Now I realise the smell is quite overpowering. Although I am right next to it.
Wait! Matches! Would it be enough to... With a last rush of pain and fear coursing through my body I heard myself shouting, "Chaz don't fucking light it! The stove... Gas... Match... Ugh my head... The table."
I wasn't sure if he heard the last bit but it was already too late I forced my eyes open the tiniest bit and I could just make out his silhouette.
He was walking through the doorway with a small object undoubtedly the match flaring up much higher for its size and I heard Chester exclaim in surprise and drop the match which began immediately licking at the curtains... Before everything went black and Numb.


*Hey guys, did you see what I did there with the chapter name? Haha I bet you all thought differently... Hopefully wont be on a cliffhanger too long hehe... Were any of you expecting it?
What do you think will happen next? Will Skye be able to recover? Will Chaz be able to get to her before the flames? What will happen to the kitchen, Chaz's house?? Vote+Comment and you may found out soon... :D
Sorry I took so long to update I finished it like Tuesday but when I tried to update it kept saying error please add some text. Even though I had. I ended up uninstalling then reinstalling wattpad. Sorry.
Cya Peeps,


The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now