Life's Too Short

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The Beginning of My Actual Life- Linking Park FanFic

Chapter 19- 'Life's Too Short'

I was watching her face carefully as it changed from laughing and fell into one of puzzlement, then one more that I couldn't quite read properly.

Life's too short I thought as I leant down placing one hand on her face and the other on her waist, I hesitated before gently kissing her on the lips.

It was the second best feeling I've ever experienced the first being when she kissed me back.

I felt her small hands find their way around my neck as we became more in sync. I could feel she wanted this as much as I do, we both know we waited long enough.

Nothing else matters right now. My mind went blank from everything except this feeling of brilliance.

I tugged at her lip and I felt her control melt as she let me well you know.

One of the hardest things I've ever done was pulling back before my hands got a mind of their own. I'd never do that to her as long as Im in control of myself.

Saying that or well thinking it technically, I felt my control waver and pulled back before I got out of hand. She's only 15 dammit.

I felt her gasp and whimper wanting it to last longer. She went to kiss me again but I pushed her away gently and tried to sit up but feeling weak all over. I had a look of shock and incomprehension. I couldn't think, my mind had a been blocked by a cloud consisting of only the actions and feelings expressed in what we were just doing.

I put so much energy in it and the disappointment of having to stop drained everything.

This is one of the few times in my life where I don't know what to do.

I just sort of sat there unsure of myself, regretting my advances with the guilty knowledge of the her age.

Skye's POV

'I shouldn't have done that, It was inappropriate, Im sorry I had to, I've wanted to for ages but I-I...'  He began uncomfortably.

I broke him off moving onto his lap. His hands seem to act of their own accord wrapping around me making all my insecurities disappear. He attempted many times to say something but he couldn't quite get it out.

'Just shut up' I told him with my hands again around his neck. I'm feeling a new burst of confidence I thought.

'Kiss me' He said shakily giving in.

I hesitated a few seconds to look into his eyes, he seemed scared??

I felt him pull me closer, staring at my lips. His own were shaking.

I kissed him with every feeling I could imagine, I felt his hands trembled and moved up my sides then to my lower back, his touch felt amazing even through my shirt.

Talking about shirts, Im finding his restrictive and its started to piss me off, I tugged at it and felt one of his hands leave my back. We broke off to catch our breath and he took it off throwing it over his head.

'Maybe we should-'

'No' I answered.

'This is what I want, but only this.'

'I don't know If I can without-'

'I know you can and I trust you, let's just have fun'

'Hmm yeah' he murmured kissing me again.

I couldn't wait any longer, I checked out his abs

Chaz's POV

'Like it huh' I smirked as she felt up my abs running her hands everywhere keeping the kiss intimate. I like this new side of her, I hope I'm gonna see more of it.

I felt disappointed that I couldn't do the same to her, you know girly parts getting in the way. I sighed into the kiss accidentally.

'What's wrong?' She asked stopping to look at me.

I guess I should just be honest.

'Nothing just that I can't really, it's coz, you're shirt is limiting me and like you know coz you know and yeah'

She giggled. I love her giggle its not really annoyingly-girly but it's cute

'That's what bras are for silly, it stays on, its okay' she stated.

'Hmm okay but it's up to you to stop me, if I get carried away I give you permission to punch me or something' I said grinning.

'Haha well since that's all sorted'

She smiled going bright red, she went to take off her shirt but I placed my hands on hers.

'I,ll do it' I whispered continuing to kiss her.

'Mmh' she murmured and moved her hands back to my abs, I felt her smile into the kiss.

Man I love sit ups, making people sexy since God knows when.

I slid my hands under her shirt then back down her stomach. Talk about abs, I didn't know her stomach was this flat. I let my fingers circle her belly button making her shiver. They dropped ever so slowly lower until I reached the band on her jeans, moving back up.

'Mm you work out too, we should hit the gym together sometime'

'Hmm' she replied

I dunno how many people she's kissed but she's good, not perfect but I'll teach her those tips n tricks later.

I grabbed the hem of her shirt, slowly taking it off while dragging my fingertips up her side's in the meantime. Her skin feels slightly cold to the touch. Not for long I thought.

I heard her gasp as I touched her. We broke away so I could take her shirt off completely.

Now it's my turn I thought as I checked her out, feeling her soft skin as my hands glided over her body. I ran my hands across her sides and along her shoudler blades, then to the lower of her back were I ran one hand in circular motions, the other on the back of her head. I thought about going lower but decided against it. Not yet maybe next time if she lets me. She kissed above my lip then but my lip I automatically let her in. She French'd me and I French'd her loving the feeling of light headedness that came with it.

This is sorta weird coz I'm used to being the one dominating, in control, calling the shots with this sort of thing. Yet I've given it over to her without question despite my considerable experience.

Skye started massaging my back the way I was hers, maybe to show me that she noticed I've let her take the lead but respects me enough to realise I know more about this than she does.

Either way I'm grateful. Making out and getting a massage, win win. She's definitely a keeper.

I want to know what she's gonna be like once I've shown her what I know.

I've never seen this side of her but I like it and I don't think I'm ever gonna tell her how much I liked it when she told me to shut up earlier. That type of stuff is a turn on so I gotta be cautious of it.

Eventually we became so out of breath we had to stop, I gave her one last kiss holding the side of her face, feeling the hand she was dragging through my hair stop as she got up off my lap sitting next me.

It's still morning or at least I think it is but I'm so tired and I bet Skye feels the same.

I picked her up bridal style, then walked up the stairs into my room. I laid her down before climbing in next to her. I pulled the blanket over both of us before moving closer to her. She was facing me and put one hand on my chest. I gently lifted her head and placed an arm over her shoulder.

*Hey guys, please vote if you want to see more make-out scenes lol nah but I love the feedback so please comment too :)

Special thanks to @secretlyawizard and @Siri_Ess for the comments and being awesome!*


The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now