Me? Never!

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'The Beginning of My Actual Life'

Chapter 7~ 'I wanna be Sub Zero!

*Hey guys I couldn't really think of much else to call this chapter without giving away what happens in it it so yeah! happy reading...*


The next day Skye woke up to find the sounds of guns being loaded and shot and explosions. Not too loudly but enough to alert someone. She shot up into a sitting position only to relax when she saw it was just Chester playing Halo.

"Heyy, gudmorning hope the game didn't scare you" He smirked.

He was the complete opposite of me I thought. I must look like a bomb site and yet here he is all cheerful and wide awake, hair freshly spiked, glistening with gel.

"Morning, pfft course not" I answered as best I could with a croaky voice resembling a dying cat. Actually a dying cat would sound better. I mentally cursed myself at my pathetic attempt of speaking.

It did not slip past me however that when I woke up I was covered with a blanket I definitely did not remember putting there. Or pillow either for that matter.

I glanced up at the lounge room walls and found what I was looking for, a clock. It read 10:43am.

Ugh I just wanted to curl up on the couch again and dream of amazing things. Like Chester for example. Definitely like Chester.

I painfully and slowly sat up properly and removed the blanket from the grasp it had around my body to find Chaz had already made me breakfast and placed some cereal on the coffee table for me.

It was weird coz I always hate it when other people make my cereal for me. Either to soggy, to dry, too much, too less but no. This was perfect, just how I make it.

"Aww thanks man" I said in another dry mouthed croak but my voice was now showing faint signs of life.

"No probs, there are some fresh clothes for you in the bathroom and I'm gonna get you a glass of water before you lose your voice completely."

"Thanks" I replied. He is so nice. Hey, hey don't get ahead of yourself Skye he is only fetching you a glass of water! Well I guess he must have to really take care of his voice to sing the way he does but sheesh anyone would think he was proposing to you! On a whole different topic, I bet he has really nice abs too.

Skye! What? All the better to help healthy lungs to sing high notes with. I flukes through my own suspicious thoughts. What the fuck! I'm actually interrogating myself over my own self denial.

I still don't know him very well but I'm starting to get pretty fond of him. I hope he feels the same way about me but I guess I've been a bit of a closed shell so far.

I walked into the bathroom and found a black T-shirt with a pretty cool graffiti design on it and dark blue denim jeans. Hell yeah! He nailed my style perfectly but then again I got mine from him. I put them on and gave myself a little twirl in front of the mirror. To end the twirl I flicked my, at this stage very messy and knotty hair to one side while pouting my lips.

I put my hand up in line with my shoulder and flicked my wrist down while placing my other hand on my hip. I started laughing at the accuracy of my imitation of a rich posh girl from one of those girly movies. It didn't really suit what I was wearing at all but oh well it's not like any one else saw it.

I usually never do this but at the moment I just feel so great and care free. It's a new feeling for me believe it or not. You would think I've had nearly 16yrs to experience theses things but no I haven't. My life has just been full of stress and pain mixed with anger and fear. Not the best combination for a naturally suicidal person I can tell you.

The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now