The Messenger

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'The Beginning Of My Actual Life'

Chapter 13~ The Messenger

Chaz n Mike were driving to the hospital when they heard police sirens. They turned to look at each other 'What did you do!?" They both chorused at the same time and laughed so much they didn't see the lights flashing behind them. 'Hey man, take a look out the rear view mirror' Chaz suggested after finally being able to control himself.

"Oh shit" Mike said.

"Ahahaha what DID you do this time Mikey?"

"I dunno bro."

Chaz looked out the window n saw trees and houses blurring past...

"Hey Mikey, what's the speeding limit in this area?"

"Uh it's like eighty-"

"Dude, we're doing 110 " Chaz interrupted. "N dude, I think you should pullover sometime soon"

"Oh uh yeah I was going to" Mikey replied.

"Make this quick bro"

"You sure Chaz?"


The police officer pulled up behind them and was walking up to Mikey's car.

"Bro, I know this one!" Chaz whispered to Mike.

"Quick get in the back and duck down."

Chaz didn't need telling twice and he was already there before Mike had finished the sentence.

Wow that was fast Mike thought to himself, but I guess he has to do that a lot.

He didn't have anymore time to ponder over Chester's past though because the police officer was now leaning on his window.

"How are you sir" Mikey said to be polite.

"I know you don't care how I am and quite frankly I don't care how you are so let's get on with it."

"Okay" Mike said.

"Anyone else in the car?" The policeman asked.

"Not unless they got through my security system and trust me it would give you quite a ZAP" Mikey replied grinning.

"Very well then" The police officer said a little surprised and confused mixing together to create quite a funny expression.

Mikey, still grinning noticed the officers change in attitude and noted the arms leaning on his car were no longer there.

"Did you realise you were speeding?" Asked the officer.


"I'm writing you out a fine of $320 to be payed within the month and I need to see your drivers licence."

"Here ya go" Mikey said realising that his slang words were pissing off the officer. He showed the officer his licence which the policeman snatched to record his details, looking at it like it was a contagious object.

"Done." The officer snapped.

Mike snatched it back and put it in his wallet again.

"Have ya a good day officah!" Mike said grinning as he spun his tyres in the dirt and drove away. Looking at a confused policeman through his rear view mirror grinning all over. By the time he was looking back at the road Chaz was already sitting next to him.

"Man you must have had to do that way too many times!"

"Tell me about it" Chaz said. "So what was that about a security system?" He laughed.

The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now