An Important Lesson

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The Beginning of My Actual Life

Chapter 12 -' An Important Lesson'

I couldn't stop myself from laughing/cheering/yelling/grinning all at the same time which I must admit sounded pretty retarded.

I saw Mike had reacted in a similar way. He pointed to the phone and I realised I hadn't hung up.

"Yep thanks we will be there very soon" I couldn't help myself but laugh evilly before hanging up. I heard the doctor make a squeaking sound too. Ahaha that only made my grin impossibly wider as it already reached my eyes.


I was in the waiting room pacing around with my fist in my mouth to stop myself screaming in anger. Mainly because of the other patients and i'm sure most of the staff didn't know I was from Linkin Park. I hate bragging and it's not like I wear our shirts around. Haha what a surprise they would get. I felt myself momentarily grinning at the thought of their shocked faces if I bursted out the chorus to Given Up. Before my cheerfulness disappeared not to fully come back for a few miserable days.

Mike was sitting in a chair enveloped in silence he looked pale and tired. Poor dude came down as soon as he could. Must be pretty smashed after driving all the way back. Haha I bet he wasn't exactly following the speed limits either. He wouldn't confirm it for me though. Meanie.

A while later a doctor came out of Skye's room, locked the door and looked at me. Ive always been pretty good at understanding body languages and similar stuff and well I didn't like the way I was being looked at very much.

It was a -you're-an-irresponsible too-old-for-her-no-good-boyfriend look. I was already worried about Skye, I didn't need this man pissing me off right now.

"How is she?" I snapped a little too harshly at him offended by his ill-funded judgment. I noticed Mike's head snapping up and his body go tense. Expecting some sort of trouble. So was I, I haven't known this man more than two minutes and I already don't like him.

"I'm not going to tell you if you talk to me like that, learn your place boy! He replied with a smirk.

Oh no. He did not just say that.

"You shouldn't have looked at me with the you're-an-irresponsible-too-old-for-her-no-good-boyfriend look!" I shouted back. "Firstly, I'm not her boyfriend! Im just a friend! Secondly, it wasn't my fault this happen and it wasn't hers either. It was an accident! Oh and incase you haven't realised I'm not exactly a boy." I spat with emphasis on the just.

But I'm still young enough to want to punch your head in I added to myself.

He looked quite taken aback by this but recovered and said "Yeah right, whatever. Get lost I want to get home so my pathetic wife can make me some food. I don't care who you say you are. Even if you are 'apparently' not her 'boyfriend," he said making bunny ears with his finger when he said 'apparently' and 'boyfriend.' I'm sure you have another few girls under your sleeve that you can bang in the meantime!" Fucking hell is he looking for a fight?

"Look. I don't care what you think. Are you going to tell me or not!" I yelled losing all patience with this man. He is a fucking jerk. How dare he say that about his wife. And not only suggest that I am her boyfriend, again but also imply I am cheating on her with multiple girls!?!? I may have fucked up pretty bad in the past but I'm over that.

Mike had been watching the whole thing unfold and had been on the verge of getting up many times but I looked at him with the stay-where-you-are look. I know he registered what I meant because he stayed where he was. The doctor still hasn't seen Mike yet because he was sitting against the wall on the other side of the door.

The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now