I Dont Like Hugs

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The Beginning of my Actual Life

Chapter 4- I Don't Like Hugs

Linkin Park Fan Fic

*I hope you guys like this chapter and the next few should be up soon. Please be awesome and vote+comment if you want*

Man, he has a nice place. Spacious but not unnecessarily huge. Mostly modest black furniture nothing too fancy but it has a nice homey feel to it. He told me to make myself comfortable and walked off. Thats something I didn't want to get, comfortable. I shuddered at the thought.

He quickly came back with some coke and chucks me a can which I catch then sat down on an armchair opposite me. I noticed as he too sunk a few centimetres or so into its surface and silently giggled to myself.

I muttered my thanks and commented how nice his place was but I was honestly expecting some sort of mansion with all modern stuff and high tech security.

He told me he didn't believe in living too fancy and having to have a huge house just cos you are as some say 'famous'. Even though some people are into that sort of thing. He said he doesn't have security cos none of his fans or the media knows he owns the house. Thankfully. That's another reason why his house isn't a mansion cos it would be obvious and the masses would 'attack' with their 'flashy weapons of doom' he joked. He laughed and I joined in even though it was a lil tacky.

"You probably haven't eaten since yesterday, do you want something to eat?" It was obvious but he asked anyway just to be polite. How nice of him. How very nice of him. How very very nice of him. Oh cmon Skye you're overreacting! What is wrong with you? Just calm down!

While I was furiously fighting with myself in my head at my immature thought processes I realised he was waiting for an answer. I felt bad for all he had already done for me and I stubbornly replied "No." But my stomach obviously had other plans because it grumbled rather loudly and I quietly swore to myself.

He smirked. "I'll take that as a yes then." He placed his coke on a black coffee table next to the armchair he was previously sitting on and got up and walked into the, I'm assuming, kitchen.

I sat there asking myself how I went from running away from home to being in the lead singer of my-favourite-band-of-all-time's house. I hate that word though, run@w@y. I didn't run@w@y I walked away, from a bad situation. I wonder if my family had discovered I had left and how my brother, Dan was and I felt my eyes start to fill up. I feel like I just abandoned him, betrayed him even. It was always us against everything even as kids. I hate it when I do that I cant stand it, dissapoint people that I care about. It makes me feel so low.

Chester just so happened to walk in right then and I swore to myself again. "You do that a lot yano" he stated. I looked at him confused and a little offended so he added "swearing I mean."

"Oh yeah sorry" I blushed feeling awkward.

Then he opened his mouth again, "I didn't mean to make you feel bad I don't really care. I usually have a swearing habit but you seem to have taken the fucks out of me" he laughed.

I managed to laugh weakly along with him. Did I mention he has the most adorable yet macho laugh? I think maybe I did.

Yes I could go on all day about his laugh, over and over. It was then that he realised I had been crying again because I lifted up my head to look at him and he saw my red puffy eyes and tear stained face. Even though I turned away quickly and tried to hide it he had already seen the pain and confusion in my eyes.

He took a few big steps and before I knew it he sat down next to me and hugged me. He wrapped his arms around me but I quickly pulled away. "Sorry I forgot you don't like hugs" he said.

"I'm sorry it's just I don't like being touched, ever its the same with everyone, even my mum."

He raised one eyebrow slightly at that comment. I only let you before because I was too sad and emotional to stop you" I said.

"Wow, Im sorry it seems like I took advantage of that, I didnt mean to." He said truthfully with a small frown on his face.

"Nah we're cool you were just trying to make me feel better."

"Cool, as a cucumber. Cooool, as a cucumber. Coooooool, as a cucumber." Okay now he was just taking the piss.

"So what's up?" He asked while he raised an eyebrow.

"Not much its just well I guess I uh miss my lil bro..." I trailed off. He went to reassure me by putting an arm over my shoulders but hesitated and must have thought better of it because his arm kind of hovered there above my shoulder in mid air for a few seconds before he pulled it back down. We sat their in a quiet but not awkward silence for a while.

Then Chaz reminded me about being hungry and walks to the kitchen. I hear many, far too many bangs and loud noises than I thought were possible from one kitchen. This continues for a while then he walks in with two plates. He passes me one with delicious looking bacon and eggs.

He started digging into his own and before I could say 'Linkin Park rocks my socks' the plate was empty. Completely. Not a crumb in sight. The same couldn't be said for his face though.

I laughed and he said "Whut?" with a mouthful of food.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing." I answered with a straight face.

Remembering the steroetypical capabilities of guys in the kitchen I said "should I be scared?" with a slight grin.

"Very" he replied. I've never felt so hungry in my entire life, or maybe I was just feeling empty.

Anyways, I said "Thanks food poisoning or not I'm am pretty fucking hungry"." I quickly downed the whole plate. Not including the plate, but it was tempting. Not as fast as Chester but not much slower either.

"I think you and me will get on pretty well if that's how fast you eat, still I bet I could beat you" Chester said with his cheeky smirk.

"If I was feeling better I would take you up on that challenge. You gotta remind me sometime" I said.

"Oh I will" he said.

"I take that as a challenge" I replied with the smallest hint if a smile. I feel a little shy around Chaz for some reason. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Maybe it's just me being in a self conscious mood.

I could get used to being around this guy, he isn't as bad as the guys I usually hang around.

It seems when one person wrongs you in a really bad way you create a wall from that entire population, or in this case gender.

*So... Still interested? This is sorta short but I kinda need a way to lead into the story so yeah and I've already written the next 3 chapters I just need to edit them.*


The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now