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Alex POV

The moment I opened my eyes, I could feel bruises forming all over my body. I gritted my teeth and focused on my surroundings. I was sitting on my ass with my back perched on the cold tiles. My ears popped and I shook my head becoming annoyed at the sounds around me. I wasn't used to the area here and it made my wolf uneasy. I cursed the stupid beast for leading us here.

Loud voices were approaching the door and I bit back a growl and focused on what they were saying.

"Stop whining David you sound like a pup being scolded by his mother", A voice snapped at 'David' which was followed by a string of curses.

I exhaled slowly feeling a pressure building up my chest. I don't how or why but I suddenly felt really tired. My eyes closed and my head fell forward. Darkness fighting with me to take over. I didn't fight back I was physically tired and it looked like I was still stuck here for a while. Until I gained some of energy back, at least. Or so that I could feel my wolf whining in the back of my head. Because right now the space it should be feeling is silent and void. Silence, I hated the silence.

I was in this state between asleep and awake, I could feel the hair my neck raised but I couldn't figure out why. My head was throbbing and I could hear the blood pumping in my ears.

I groaned and picked myself up with my hands. Which I noted weren't bond together. I hissed when I held my weight with my arms. My wrists were quivering and my gaze fell on the red irritated skin the damn chains left on my skin. I sat up and winced a bit my back hurts like hell. I felt numb all over.

My senses were down because after a few seconds I noticed a presence in the cell. Which I noted was also a different one.

I diverted my gaze, I felt afraid to look at the person. But when I did saw a gorgeous man leaning on the wall. He had a sharp jaw and brown hair. A black shirt clung to his body. He had a tattoo that went from his wrist and up. It was of a forest where the trees were thick and huge. I couldn't see the back of it, but I think I might have seen the head of a wolf.

He had a sharp jaw and his eyes were a weird shade of green that could make a painter rip his hair out because he can't find the right shade to colour it.

His voice brought me back to reality, deep and low. It brought chills down my spine. I looked at him, he was staring at my face with an expression I couldn't read. it made my wolf whimper.

"Who are you?", His voice had me melting under his eyes.

"I asked you a question", he said smirking knowing I was checking him out.

"Who are you", I replied back  emphasizing on the you, I almost couldn't hear my own voice.

I clutched my head groaning. I felt like someone was hammering a nail on my head. And then my wolf  crashed in my mind again. I cursed the damn she-wolf under my breath for yiping in my mind. It was echoing in every part of my body.

She was pacing in my mind going back and forth and I wondered if she was going to be dizzy or not. She felt a connection to the male in front of her. And that almost made me went to go running up the hills.
The male in front of our eyes was our mate. Great timing fate. Really great timing.

She was getting reckless she wanted control, she wanted to mark him as hers , he was hers after all wasn't he ? The human part in me, the logical one was thinking about all the rumours that had been going about this pack for years.

I met my mate's gaze again and saw a silent question behind them. I realized I was still clutching my head.

"I'm fine", I said, he nodded.

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