Happy birthday

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Alex POV

A fether like kiss was placed on my forehead, making me open my eyes.
I was met with Damon's handsome  face.

"Good morning beautiful, Happy birthday" he said pecking my lips

Wait, my birthday, today, I totally forgot, is it even possible for a girl to forget her birthday?
Most teenage girls would have flipped if someone forgot their birthday and here I am forgetting my own birthday.

"Morning, thank you" I said

He told me that he has a 'special birthday breakfast' for me waiting downstairs, I particularly ran out of the room, when I was younger my dad would prepare for me a special breakfast, smiling at the memory, I continued my way downstairs, Damon was following right behind me, the smell of pancakes and berries filled my nostrils.

"Pancakes" I squealed clapping my hands like a 4 year old, his laughter filled the room and I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop the smile from forming on my lips.

After breakfast, Damon had some work to do, so I just went along with him to help, I was Luna so I should at least try to help him.
We walked in and I sat down on one of the chair that was facing his desk, but clearly Damon had other thoughts,  he picked me up with ease and sat down on the chair behind the desk placing me on his lap, he opened a drawer and pulled out a book giving it to me, I raised my eyebrow at him confused.

"I folded a page that talks about that tattoo" he explained, my lips formed in an 'o' form and I nodded my head.

I opened the page and started reading as Damon rested his head in the crook of my neck, his breath tickling me, I tried focusing on the words, but he decided to trail kisses on my neck then to my jaw.

"Damon could you stop" I asked when I found my voice.

He placed one last kiss behind my ear,
"Am I distracting you" he whispered in my ear, I breathed out a 'Yes', I could feel him smirk, I rolled my eyes and made a move to stand up, but he pulled me down again.

"Fine I'll stop" I smiled pleased and continued reading.

All this talks about is this tattoo being earned and not given and what not.

"So am I supposed to lead a war or what" I asked making him growl.

"You're my mate, you're not leading any war, if there is one , you'll stay behind in safety" he almost yelled, I chuckled at that, he seams convinced that I won't fight.

"Damon you know I always fight when there is attacks, it shouldn't be any different, and we don't know for sure if this is even a war we're talking about"

"Yeah but if it's a war you're not fighting" he said

"We'll see about that"

I know he heard me and I also know he wants to argue  but thankfully he let it slide.

"How can you stay locked here for hours" I whined Damon staring at the seeling, I was laying on the sofa and it's already 4 in the afternoon and we're still in the damn office.

"I have no other choice" He said

"Oh forget it,I need a break" he placed the papers on the desk and laid his head back groaning.

"Let's get out of here" I stood up and walked towards him,waiting for him to stand up, he let out a dramatic breath and stood up.

We were sitting outside talking about anything and everything, when kids ran over to us, Angel was one of them.

"Hello Alex, Hello Alpha" she said in her small voice.

"Hey Lil- I mean Angel" Oh god I almost called her Lilly I hope she didn't notice, but the confused look on her face stated otherwise, tears burned my eyes but I refused to let them slide, Damon noticed this so he held my hand tightly in his.

"Alex are you okay ?"Angel asked me her eyes filled with worry.

"Yeah I'm fine honey" I said giving her a small smile, she frowned and turned to look at Damon.

"Alpha why is she sad" she asked

Damon picked her up and placed her on his lap, he looked at me unsure but then spoke.

"Alex is sad because she misses her little sister and she remembered her now" he said softly to the little girl, but I had to admit Angel really reminds me of Lilly, both have blonde hair, blue green-ish eyes, stubborn, sweet, I didn't notice that I was crying until little arms wrapped around me, all the kids joined our group hug, making me laugh a little, Damon whipped my tears and kissed my cheek.


"We should go back" Damon mind-linked me

"Okay, race you" I said and ran of, after the whole 'accident' with the kids, we decided to go for a run to help me clear my mind, we were in the forest right now.

"Cheater" Damon voice rang in my ears, and I couldn't help but laugh, I could hear the sound of his paws getting closer with each second, I was in the lead but he was right behind me, the pack house came in view.
He won eventually, we headed for our clothe which were tucked under a a bench.
When I got there Damon was already in human form and he had his clothe on.

"Turn around" I said, he rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to see everything anyway, one day" he said with a smirk

I glared at him and turned to go find somewhere else to change.

"Fine fine" He said and I glanced at him to see his back was turned to me.
I shifted and putted on my clothe.

"You can turn around"

Damon opened the door to the pack house and we were met with silence, then I noticed that there wasn't any light in the house, nor any voices, I didn't get to think twice because the lights turned on.

"Happy birthday Alex!"

Everyone yelled out and I blinked to make sure I wasn't dreaming, when I was sure, my face broke into a huge grin looking at all those faces.

Arms wrapped around my waist from the tingles and sparks I knew it was Damon.

"Happy birthday baby " he whispered in my ear and kissed my neck.

"Thank you so much" I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him really quick on the lips, I didn't want to make a show, plus there's kids.

When the party was over, we headed upstairs, I was really tired that my eyelids are closing all by themselves.

"Alex, I have something for you" Damon said , I glanced at him and he held in his hands a a small red box.

"Damon you really didn't have to get me something" I said, though I was really excited to see what he got me.

"Of course I do, now open it"

I took the box and opened it, inside was a gold necklace, it's a key shape and has a small heart there was small stones in the heart and on the end of the key, it was beautiful.

"Thank you, it's so beautiful" I said looking at the necklace with awe.

"Glad you like it" he said, I looked up at him, he had a grin on his face, I gave him the necklace to put it on me.

"But why is it a key ?" I asked him playing with the pendant

"Because you're the key, the key to my heart,you woke a part of me I didn't know existed, a man not layered in ice and cold blooded,this man ached with every inch, he craved heat and every inch of you, I love you Alex"

He said the three words, my heart fluttered, and I couldn't help but smile too, I couldn't help but say

"I love you too"

Once those words were said, his lips found mine and and let's just say I ended up marking him too, I don't know why I didn't do it before.

But now all that matters is I love him and he loves me too.

Chapter 28 !!!!!
Thank you for reading
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Ily ❤

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