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Alex POV

Next morning I woke up without a strong muscular arm wrapped around me, I turned around to look at Damon's side, he wasn't there and there wasn't any note on the bedside, I frowned looking around searching for the note, I didn't find anything, my stomach sank, he always leaves a note, I know it wasn't something so important but I was just used to it.

I got dressed and went downstairs,
I headed to his office, I didn't bother knocking I just went inside, which earned me a growl from Damon, I raised my eyebrow at him, maybe he thought I'm someone else, I shrugged it off and closed the door behind me, I turned around to look at Damon who was completely ignoring me, I frowned again.

"Good morning" I said flashing a small smile, silence that's what I got back.

"Damon ? Are you okay ?" My eyebrows knighted, He didn't answer which iritated me.

"Are you even listening to me ?" I snapped at him, he was starting to tick my buttons.

"What do you want I'm clearly busy" he said in boredom

"You're busy ? Okay then" I hissed and left making sure to clack the  door behind me almost breaking it.

I'm sure my face was flushed from anger, I went back to our room and sat and the edge of the bed taking deep breaths.
Once I was sure I was calm, I headed back downstairs to the kitchen, Megan was sitting in one of the stools eating her breakfast.
When she saw me, she jumped from the stool running towards me crushing me in a bearhug.

"Finally you're awake,I missed you I have so much to tell you yo-" she stopped rambling once she saw my face.

"What's wrong? " she asked me concer filling her eyes.

"Damon" I said simply, by her face expression I knew she understood what I was saying.

"Trouble in paradise? " she asked I rolled my eyes but nodded, she pulled me with her and pushed me on one of the stools and sat next to me.

"Spill" she said with a serious face.
And I did, I told her what happened, maybe he was really busy but he could've at least told me and not snap at me and ignore me, it hurts it really does.

"Wow" was all Megan has said, I shook my head at her chuckling, she opened her mouth to say something but I beat her to it

"So what do you wanna do today, we should hang out if you're free of course" I said

Her eyes brightened and she straightend up calping her hands together like a five year old.

"Let's do a sleepover just you and me, it'll be fun"

"I never had one of those" I admitted

"You're in for a treat" she said grinning

So Megan and I are sitting in the living room watching The notebook while eating tubs of ice cream wrapped in fluffy blankets, we already watched The vow too and I don't know why Megan choosed romance movies, it's making me feel worse instead of sheering me up.
She was in tears when the movie ended.

"Okay enough crying let's do something fun" she said whipping her tears and grinning like an idiot.

"How about we have dinner and then do something fun, I'm starving" I whined like a child.

"Okay fine"

While eating Jonathan came and planted a kiss on Megan's cheek, he then looked at me.

"Damon wants you in his office" he told me, I raised my eyebrow but nodded anyway, I finished eating and placed my plate in the sink.
I went to his office and opened the door, I didn't speak, I just stood there and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I fixed my parent's house, we'll move tomorrow" he said in a serious tone

"I don't want to move" I said sternly

"We're moving, end of discussion, pack things "He said in his Alpha voice

"Did you just use your Alpha voice on me ?" I asked in disbelief

"Yes ?" He said keeping his cool, unlike me, I was burning from anger.
Alphas don't tolerate other Alphas ordering them, even though he is my mate, he can't and will not order me, this made Sienna furious too, she wanted nothing more than lunging at him, I did my best to control her, I was shaking literally shaking with anger, my fist were clenched and I could feel my knuckles becoming white.

"Alex ? Your eyes, they're red" Damon said wide eyed.

I closed my eyes and counted to 10 while taking deep breaths, if I don't calm down right now I might do something I will regret later.

I turned around and left his office, I didn't stop, I coutinued running until I got to the garden, I shifted tearing my clothes in the process.
I kept running at full speed until my mind was clear, the thing that hurt even more was that Damon didn't follow me to make sure I was okay, I shook my head and laid down under an old tree closing my eyes, I think I'll just rest here a little then go back.


Lilly appeared in front of me looking a little mad, she is only a 6 year old and can make anyone bow their head to her, you do not under any circumstances piss her off, I've learned that the hard way.
Her eyes landed on me and the anger was replaced by sorrow, I gritted my teeth, I hate people pitying me I don't need there pity.

"Andra you know it gets better" she said in her tiny voice

"When? " I asked her

"It will be okay you know it"

" it won't " I shook my head fidgeting with my fingers

"Tell him how you feel he is there for you"

"Bullshit" was my only answer

"Believe me, it will be okay you always lead me and showed it to me, it's my turn to show it to you, you are always the leader,don't forget that, but sometimes you need someone by your side to protect you"

And she disappeared

Chapter 22 is here!!!!
Thank you for reading

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