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Alex POV

I was in that state between sleep and conscious. I could feel and hear everything around me but I couldn't manage to figure out the voices around me. They seemed far away but still so near. As if they were floating around me and I couldn't grasp them.

"Why not?" The voice speaking didn't seem pleased, they sneered and I felt them pacing around me. Their boots gave them away from the sound it immited on the floor.

"Because it's causing total panic to the brain area and that is our only hope" another person explained calmly but their frustration was heard.

"For how long ?" The irritated one hissed through gritted teeth.

"Until I deem ready"

The conversation ended there and I was left floating in darkness.
Until I saw a bright window, where light was peeking in. I followed the brightness until I found the window staring at me.

The light blinded me and I stumbled backwards.


The sound of the TV woke me up that day. I must've left it on yesterday before I fell asleep.

I had a weird dream.

I scratched my brain trying to remember what was it about but I came out blank. I couldn't remember what happened.

When I sat up straight, my neck cracked with every move I made. I had been laying in a very odd position. I didn't expect to feel the most comfortable I had felt.

The incident with the man happened a few days ago and I refused to sleep in my room ever again. And I also refused to sleep in Damon's room. Speaking of Damon, I hadn't seen him since that day. Nor have I seen any living creature and neither dead corpses. I was thankful for the last one. But not so much for the first two.

My beast has been MIA since I came here, barely showing up. I missed the warm fuzzy feeling of her caressing my mind.

I haven't had any werewolf interactions for days and I was stuck inside my mind for what felt like years. I wanted out.

My ears picked up when I heard a squeaky noise from upstairs. I felt a presence in the house so I concluded that Damon came in last night and slept here.

I waited for him to come down the stairs but he never did. I picked my ass up and strutted up the stairs locating his room. I knocked twice and I heard the noise loudly in my ears for some reason. I had to shake my head for a few seconds before opening the door slightly.

"Damon?" I whispered not wanting to wake him up if he was still knocked out.

But to my utter surprise Damon wasn't in his room nor was he in his bed. Instead I found a red head rocking back and force on the bed. She hadn't acknowledged me standing staring wide-eyed at her. I didn't assume anything and thought that I shall ask Damon before throwing the house on his head.

"What are you doing here?" I tried to act natural but the animalistic instinct made me want to cut her throat.

As I expected she didn't mind me and kept rocking back and force. She buried her head between her knees and whimpered silently. I heard a sob escape her lips and she suddenly snapped and stood up on the bed growling at an invisible person in front of her. She moved her mouth and told words my ears couldn't hear. She then clamped her hands on her mouth in panic while her eyes widened and she started backing away on the bed. Her back hit the bed frame and she was suddenly lifted in the air by an invisible hand. She clawed and scratched at her throat trying to kick away the intruder on her peace.

She was thrown on the floor, her body crumpled messily on the ground because of the impact. Her chest was rising and falling heavily with a start she crossed her legs and her arms to shield herself away. Her head was whipped upwards, she gritted her teeth and opened her mouth. But then I realized that the invisible person had opened her mouth and was grabbed her tongue. She struggled to move and tears streamed her face.

I wish I could've closed my eyes before I had seen what happened. But I was frozen, I couldn't take matters into my own hands. It was the girl's story not mine.

The person pulled her tongue out of her mouth, and let it fall next to her. She gagged and threw up blood everywhere. Her body shook as she stared at her tongue laying next to her. She held her face inside her palms and her mouth opened into a silent scream.

I would have fallen to the ground and closed my eyes, but I felt like my life was paused at the moment I could only stare and watch.

When I regained control of my body, the girl was long gone she vanished in front f my eyes. I tumbled to the ground laying on all four, I crawled over to the spot where the innocent girl was. She was gone but her blood still covered the floor with her tongue.

I needed proof that I wasn't gig crazy, I could store her blood somewhere but I shivered at the thought. I contemplated staring at the proof until Damon came back to make sure that they didn't dissappear, but my heart sank once I remembered that he hadn't come to check in on me for days.

I could be dead for all he cares.

I thought about him for a split second and an unwanted thought found it's way in my head.

What would a girl be doing in his room if be didn't know her?

I remembered the rumour I had heard when I arrived here. I had ignored it completly and dismissed it as fast as I could say blink.

The Blood Moon pack Alpha had killed his mate.

Could this have been Damon's mate? Did he kill his mate? Did he kill that man too? Was he going to kill me too?

I closed my mouth and got to my feet immidiatly. I was not going to stay here. I wanted out and I was getting out.

I glanced one last time at the blood before racing out of the room and down the hallway. I found myself on the first floor and was ready to get out when I saw a figure in the window. Two to be exact.

Damon and Jonathan.

They were talking together while Jonathan had his back to me, I could see Damon's face clearly. His face didn't look like one of a murderer.

But looks can be deceiving.

Worry was written on his face while he stared inside the glass window. Not at me. But at something that I couldn't see.

I had enough.

I marched towards the door and I grabbed it roughly while I opened it. A blinding light hit me scare in the face, I almost closed the door again but I fought it and placed one foot before the other.

I was falling in the white light and a wind was whirling around me. Blaring in my ears. My hair whipped around me, my heart clenched in his ribcage and a lump formed in my throat.

There was no landing. Only hitting a surface hard, cold, almost dead, or wanting to be dead.

The whole time while falling it was the worst feeling in my life.

You'll be getting very bad/worse news in the next chapter...

I'm sorry

But you know there's always some truth behind the rumours and the lies.

"There's no such thing as a complete lie, there's always some truth in there"

^That my wolves is from 'Will grayson'

If you find any mistakes (which I know there is PLENTY) Be a sweetheart and tell me will you?

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