Those eyes.

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Alex POV

A disgusting smell of blood and death filled my nose and I stopped myself from growling before I blew our cover up.
Damon, Jona and I were watching David give the rogue wrong information.
I could see Damon and Jonathan struggling to stay quite.

The rogue finally left our territory, and Jonathan mentioned for David to start walking back, David left with Jona hot on his tail, David was still locked in his cell, I understood what he did and why he did it, but he was still a traitor and I could do nothing about it.

My eyes found Damon's and an idea popped in my head, I smirked, he had a confused look on his face.

"Race you" I said and didn't wait for him to speak, I ran off and in a couple of less than a minute I was standing in front of the pack house.

"That's not fair" Damon whined in my head, I couldn't help but laugh, it was obvious that his ego was wounded because I was faster than him now thanks to my special "powers"

I waited few more seconds and he showed up next to me, I gave him an innocent smile which he rolled his eyes at me and my smile grew into a full grin.

I opened the door to the pack house and the smell of blood hit me, I scrunched my nose and my head whipped around to look at Damon whose eyes were wide and fixated in a direction.

The house was quite which was pretty odd and I noticed that there wasn't anyone outside, usually everyone would be either in the garden or the woods.

Damon's loud growl brought me back to reality, his eyes darkened, his jaw was clenched and I noticed his knuckles turning white at his sides.

He walked past me probably following the smell, I followed behind him.

Damon stopped abruptly and a low menacing growl erupted from his chest making me jump a little, from the corner of my eyes I saw his head turn in my way, but the sight in front of be broke my heart, the blood my dad's, he was laying on the floor barely breathing.
Another body laid on the couch in the corner which was my mother's. Her soft steady breathing made me think she was fast asleep.

I ran over to my dad's limp body, and kneeled down next to him, tears blurred my vision, I blinked to stop them, I laid my head on his chest and heard his hurt beating, I sighed in relief but the pool of blood forming underneath his head, made my heart skip a beat.

I looked up at Damon who was frowning, he sniffed the air and his eyes widened.

"The house had been gazed " He said through gritted teeth.

This explains why everything is so quite, this gaz effects everyone expect us, which means the person who has Alpha Blood running through his veins.

Damon picked up my dad and headed to the pack doctor, we went in and found nurses sleeping on the floor and the pack doctor was also sleeping with his head lying on his desk.

Damon growled again and I saw his eyes darkening, but he shook his head and gritted his teeth.

"I demand you to wake up ! " he said with his Alpha voice.

To my surprise the nurses and the doctor were awake in seconds.

Their eyes widened once they saw us and looked at each other confused.

Their eyes landed on my father who was now lying on a bed, they rushed towards him, followed by the doctor who started yelling orders in their faces.

I ran a shaking hand through my hair, and but my lip trying to hold my tears, Damon noticed this and wrapped him arm around my waist and pulled me in his chest.
A few silent tears escaped falling silently on my cheeks.

The door flew open and my mom barged in the room, with tears staining her face her eyes landed on me and she ran into my arms.
She fell asleep like the others because she's a Beta's daughter.

My heart clenched at the thought of her pain right now, she must've felt my dad's pain.

She pulled away and whipped her tears with the back of her hand .

"Honey you should go they need you " she spoke with her soft but trembling voice, I shook my head.

"Honey go, I'll tell you when I get some news" she said pushing me lightly, I couldn't find my voice so I just nodded my head.

Damon and I left the room, he intertwined our fingers, making me look up to meet his eyes, be gave me a small sad smil which I returned.

All the pack members were gathered, the room was buzzing with cries and complaints. But all were dead silent when they saw us on the small stage.

"As you all might already know, the house was gazed with wolf bane, the guards at the borders couldn't do anything about it, it's over now, but I want you all to be careful and I want you to make sure that everyone is okay, because the wolfbane could've been to strong for some of you " Damon spoke firmly, 'Yes alpha' were heard and Damon nodded his head and dismissed them.

"We need to be more careful, I don't understand how are we going to win if they have tricks like this" he said while running his free hand in his hair.

I opened my mouth to speak but Jonathan rushed in the room looking stressed and worried, he was looking around like a mad man shaking uncomfortably, it was obvious he was still a bit dizzy because of the wolfbane.

"What's wrong ?" Damon asked him

"I-I don't know, my wolf told me to hurry and go to Megan" he stuttered, my eyes widened, Megan is pregnant and I haven't seen her in days.

Jonathan ran up the stairs with us following behind, he opened the door to his and Megan's room, to find a sleeping Megan on the floor, I slapped a hand over my mouth, she was supposed to be awake now.

Without hesitation Jonathan picked her up, he was visibly shaking, his eyes heald fear and worry.

Everything was dark, I couldn't see anything, I looked around me but was met with darkness, darkness surrounded me making me cringe a little.

Then blue wolf eyes with green specs glowed in the darkness, I couldn't even see with my wolf sight, how is that even possible ?
The unknown wolf growled at me, and took a step closer, his eyes flickered to something in front of me, and he stopped growling and took a step back, and the eyes disappeared.

A cold shiver ran down my spine,I kneeled down and picked up what seems like a bouquet of flowers.

I blinked trying to see the bouquet but what I saw made me drop the bouquet on the floor and shriek.

Black Calla lillies.

The symbol of death.

My eyes shoot open, I took in my surrounding, I was in a hospital chair, next to me in the bed, laid a sleeping Megan, Jona was holding her hand while lying his head on the bed, Damon was nowhere to be seen.

The doctor came in, his face was emotionless making my stomach drop for some reason, Jona looked up at the sound of the steps and jumped out of the chair.

"Well the fall didn't hurt the baby" he said and I sighed but the doctor continued.

"I'm so sorry but the wolfbane did, the baby is gone, I'm so sorry Jonathan" the doctor said, he bowed his head and left.

My heart ached at the news and a few tears slipped from my eyes,
My gaze flickered to Jonathan who was sitting on a chair with his head buried in his hand, he was gasping for air, I couldn't imagine what he was going through right now, I can't imagine what will Megan do.

I don't know why but I feel like all of this has to do with the owner of those eyes. This isn't the first time I see those eyes.

When I find their owner I'm going to kill him or her for this.

Chapter 34 I!!!!
Thank you for reading
Ily ❤

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