Hold my breath

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Alex POV

My question lingers in the air, my gaze found hers and I hold back every inch of my body from tackling her to the ground and demanding answers. She is still Damon's Mother, and she could be a huge influence to the pack if I want to stay here.

Do I want to stay here ?

"You probably have a lot of questions" she says, she was taunting me with that look in her eyes which makes her look like she knows something I don't.

"You definitely have questions too" I say cocking my eyebrow at her.

"I do" she nodded at me with her chin tilted upwards.

"Will you answer my questions truthfully?" She eyes me. She tries to find an odd behaviour or a 'twitch' as I like to call them.

"If you do" I didn't want to make a deal with this she-wolf. My wolf and I didn't like her. She seems too nice to be real. Too smart.
She nods at me and incline her head for me to go first.

"How do you know my full name" I manage to ask through gritted teeth.

"All the regions in the south-east are still rumbling about you, your pack hasn't given up on finding you. Your family misses you" She says. I shook my head. No.

"Bullshit, they gave up a few years ago"I growled at her, she was lying some of our 'friends' checked for us they said they gave up a long time ago.

"No they haven't, they're still holding on to a thin thread" She's a good liar. I couldn't see any unusual behaviours.

"I don't believe you" I say.

"You should because I'm not lying" She smiles at me.

No, she's lying. They shoul've moved on by now. Forgot about me already. It's been to long.

What Holly said really shook me up. And I didn't want to spend my days thinking about the conversation. I was bored out of my mind. Everyone had something to do. Damon was in his office next door. Megan and Jonathan were running some errands.

I found myself standing in front of Damon's office. Before I went in I heard yelling behind the door. Damon's voice was filling the room. Everything went dead silent for a few seconds and then something crashed. I hurried and went inside, Damon was standing in the middle of the room his back turned to me, he was gripping his hair with both hands like he wants to pull it out, then there was the broken phone on the floor, he didn't even sense me. Somebody is really mad.

"Are you okay ?" I said quietly leaning on the door.

He jolted around and putt his hands in his pockets,

"Yes I'm fine, why you ask ?" he clears his throat. I shook my head and close the door.

"Clearly you're not" I said and pointed at the phone , he just gave me an nervous smile.

"What happened ?"

"Nothing you have to worry about"

"It's not nothing"

"Don't worry about it"

"Damon it's eating you alive, you were on the verge of pulling your hair out" I point out.

He sighed and sat on the couch in the corner, he placed his elbows on his knees and putt his head in his hand, I followed behind him and sat next to him keeping a small distance between us. There was a moment of pure awkward silence.

"You know, your mother hinted that we should entreduce me to the pack" I say. He looked up at me.  The intensity of emotions in his eyes scared me and brought chills to my spine.

"When can I meet the pack ?" I said and grinned, his eyes widened and excitement lit his eyes, or was it fear ?

"Tonight ?"he says. I agree.

"How long have you been stuck in this room ?"I said and looked around

"Not long, I just came here for the phone call" he said and clenched his jaw.

"You're not going to tell me are you ?"I said with a raised eyebrow, he shook his head.

"Why not ?" I whined

"Because that's none of your business" He snapped harshly.

I didn't flinch but it did hurt, regret flashed in his eyes once he realized what he has said, he opened his mouth to say something. But I beat him to it.

"Okay fine"I said and stood up to leave

His hand shoot up and gripped my wrist gently, he pulled me to his chest and wrapped his arms around my waist.

When did he become so touchy....

"I'm sorry, I just have a lot on my mind. I promise I'll tell you when it's time" he said in my hair.

"It's okay, I understand" I wasn't even done with my words and he crashed his lips on mine, I didn't waste any time and responded to him and my arms went automatically around his neck.
He mumbled a "sorry" and pulled back.

"Can we get out of here, if I stay here one more minute I'm going to go crazy" he said, I nodded with a smile, I took his hand in mine and pulled him out of the room.

Wasn't I mad at him?

We exited from the backdoor and sat at the porch. I remembered sitting like this with my sister in the forest back home. We would always watch the clouds and compare their shapes.

"Wolf" I said without thinking when I saw a cloud shaped as a wolf.

"What ?" Damon asked confusion painted on his face.

"That cloud, looks like a wolf" I explained.

"Oh, that one looks like...like a what ?"

"You don't have an imagination " I shook my head and chuckled.

"Yeah whatever" he said rolling his eyes, at least he tried.

When it got a little late, we had to leave and go back to the house, I needed to get ready for the meeting, and Damon still needs to do some papers.
I was wearing  high waisted jeans, with a grey crop top, I know casual but at least I look like myself. Don't get me started about those dresses I will die if I have to wear one of those today. At least I'm wearing high heels. I left my hair down, and I was done.

On cue, Damon came in the room.

"Are you ready ? They're waiting for us" he said

I couldn't find my voice so I just nodded my head, to say that I'm terrified was an understatement, I just hope I don't slip and make a fool out of myself.

He lead me to a huge room in the pack house. There was a small stage and the room was packed with people. When Damon stepped on the stage with me on his tail  everything went dead silent, you could hear a pin drop, everyone bowed their heads in respect for their Alpha.

At least this hasn't changed in the years I've been rogue.

His walk was so confident, the way he spoke, every bone in him screamed confidence. How can he do that ? I admit that I was scared what if they turn on me and fight for my head ?

Do I really want all this ?

There's no turning back now, Damon spoke up


I think she doesn't want all this, this was Holly enflucing her. She's not as strong as she thinks she is. If she was she would deny wanting to meet the pack.

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