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Alex POV

I expected the landing to be hard, I embraced myself for death. But I didn't know that I was more alive then I had ever thought.

The sound of my intake of air was ear bleeding. I felt like I had needles pricked inside every inch of my hands. There was definitely something placed over my mouth and chest. I tried to move my arms but the stinging pain was much greater than my attempts.

I gained control over my legs first, I took a deep breath and fought with my eyelids to open. They snapped open and I was met with a dim lighted room with a green-ish undertone. I moved my head to the side, the room was completly empty. Expect for some gigantic machines attached to me.

I was weak, I couldn't sit up nor open my eyes longer. I prayed that someone would come and help me. To my surprise my prayers were answered immediately and a man with green scrubs opened a door I hadn't noticed before. He froze in his place when he saw my opened eyes and looked at the ceiling.

"Thank you Moon goddess" He muttered under his breath and hurried towards me.

He checked my eyes and smiled at me before telling me to stay awake and rushing outside again. He came back with two persons, a man and a women.

I had so many questions, but I couldn't move. I had to trust my gut and believe that they were not going to hurt me.

I have never felt so defenseless in my entire life. I called my beast but I gave up when all I heard was the echo of my voice in my own mind.
I needed her mental support at the moment.

"Call the Alpha" The women told the man that had found me.

My heart picked up at the thought of Damon, I screamed to the man to not tell the Alpha. I yelled and shrieked but the only thing that gave away my panic and struggle was the beeping of the machine that immited the loud nose with each drumming of my heart.

"Hey it's fine no one wants to hurt you, you're safe now" The women smiled at me gently and continued to inspect me. At some point she removed something from my chest and arms. Which I concluded were either needles or those round things that are attached to machines.

"Alpha Harris" they acknowledged the Alpha and bowed down slightly before going back to their work on me.

This was not Damon, this man shared the same features as Damon but it was not. He was different, something was different.

The Alpha took a deep breath once he saw locked gazes with me. He smiled widely and my stomac did a back flip.

He watched the doctors quietly from a small distance to not get in their way. They checked my legs, my arms, my eyes and heart. My ears and every inch of my body to make sure everything was alright.

When I was deemed alright, they left me to get some more rest even though I just woke up less then thirty minutes ago.

I was in the "process of heeling" As the lady doctor said. The mister doctor kept quiet only nodding when spoken to.

Even though I had slept for goddess knows how long, I slipped into darkness the moment I was left alone.


I was moved to another room the next day, a less creepy one thankfully.

I also felt better, I was still wobbly on my legs. But I could talk and sit up. I hadn't tried walking after the small tumble I took.

I wanted some answers and I was getting some. When the nurse came in, I asked what pack I was in. I was sure I was no longer in blood moon pack, because if I Alpha Harris was the Alpha of this pack I definitely was not in Blood moon pack.

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