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Alex POV

I was covered in blood and next to me laid two body , a small one and a bigger one, people from Blue Moon pack were surrounding us , some looked at me with anger in their eyes, others with sadness.Then, an all too familiar voice called my name, I looked up and my eyes locked with blue ones, my dad, once he saw the scene , anger filled his eyes.
"Catch her, lock her up, she's not my daughter" he growled looking at me with so much hate filling his eyes that I felt myself tremble.

My eyes stung and tears threatened to spill, but I wasn't going to show weakness, that's what my dad always told me, I saw guards running towards me, I stood up and did the only thing I can do, I ran.
I was already deep in the forest, the guards were still behind me , tears were pouring from my eyes,and I was starting to get tired , my legs felt numb, I was thinking of giving up until I heard a voice calling my name , Damon ?
I looked around but I couldn't see him. His voice was muffled , I couldn't make out what he was saying.

I opened my eyes gasping for air, Damon was next to me, he was looking down at me concerned.
I was on his bed tangled with the sheets.

"Are you okay ?"He asked concern light his eyes,I nodded

"Just a nightmare"I said still out of breath.

He hesitated at first, but then he reached out and ran his thumb over my jaw.I tensed up and backed away at first but then relaxed at his touch, I found peace in the tingles I felt and the rush of blood to my face. I studied his face formed in a look that almost made me melt. His expression was full of concern and a gentleness I had never seen someone wear before.
I noticed that the bridge of his nose was crooked. And that a side of his jaw was slightly sharper then the other side. He cleared his throat and retreated his arm away. He smiled at me. And that made me swallow hard, I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. And I had forgotten everything about that nightmare , there something about Damon's touch that makes me feel safe.

The intensity of his stare made my cheeks flush a beat red, I hid my face in my hair which needed a cut. And I tried to hide my blush, but when he chuckled I knew he saw me, I blushed even more, if that was possible.

Alexandra Thompson does not blush.

"Megan has a whole day planned for us so if I was you I'd start getting ready before she comes in here and turn into the hulk"

I laughed imagining small little Megan banging on the door like a 7'6" green Man and breaking everything inside.

When I was done getting ready. I put on the clothes Megan had left for me. I went down the stairs and followed the smell of food and talking. I found Jonathan and Damon in the kitchen ,in what looked like a heated conversation. They stopped talking when I stepped close enough to hear their conversation. I did catch the murderous glares Damon shot Jonathan making him shift uncomfortable in his seat.

"Good morning" I said ignoring the fact that Damon looked like he was about to kill Jonathan.

They greated me and I eyed the both of them warily.

"Something smells burnt..." I trailed off.

On cue Megan hopped down the stairs and shrieked.

"Jona I told you to watch the pancakes" She mumbled curses under her breath that could make a nun faint.

"Well, the pancakes are ruined thanks to someone" she glared at Jonathan.

He shrugged at her and smiled innocently.

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