Failure is when you stop trying.

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Alex POV

"ALEX I NEED YOUR HELP" a familiar voice shrieked in my head almost making me wince,

"Gabby ? What's wrong? " I asked frowning, her voice sounded panicked and scared.

"R-ROGUES" my eyes widened at this, I threw my head back and sniffed the air, I frowned when I didn't detect any rogue smell, but I caught Gabby 's faint scent which means she's somewhere near here.

"Damon rogues are attacking Gabby " I said in a rush.

His eyes looked unfocused and he froze for a split second.

"Stay here I told the patrol to follow her scent I'll be back " He said and disappeared in the woods

When hell freezes, I am not going to stay here and let them fight.

I followed behind him thinking how could rogues mask there scent ?
Our wolves mask our scent and rogues have lost there wolves so it's impossible for them to mask it.

So we're dealing not just rogues and wolves, also magic which means witches or worlocks.


I came to a stop when I saw three rogues tackled on the ground and two bloody limp bodies on the floor and a last figure visibly shaking and coughing, that must be Gabby.

I ran past the guards but I caught a glimpse of Damon pulling a rogues heart out, I shut my eyes abruptly trying to take the image out of my mind and focus on the task ahead.
I shook my head and focused on Gabby, her face was bloody and her arms had multiple cuts on them, she had a stain of blood on her stomach and her leg was turned in an innormal way.
I pulled her ripped shirt up a little to see from where the blood was running, I found a large bite mark on her stomach.

"Gabby keep your eyes opened okay ?"
I don't want to think what would happen if she closes her eyes, she didn't answer her eyes weren't focused.

I picked her up so she was laying her weight on me, I looped her shoulder around my head and attempted to get her to the pack doctor, on cue the third in command came my way and picked her bridal style, I smiled gratefully at him and we left the others and headed to the pack doctor.

This is going to be a long night.


Turns out those rogues were a 'warning' for us, they were a group of 10, all of them attacked Gabby taking turns on hurting her.
No one had detected their scents it was pretty obviously that they had other supernatural backing them up, why ?
Well because rogues can't mask their scent because they lost their wolves, in a way it means that their wolves aren't in their bodies anymore, they can still shift but their eyes are a piercing red and they have no control of themselves when they are in wolf form, they're thirsty for blood.

Not all rogues are like this some of them still have their wolves but we're dealing with the other option.

Right now I'm in the training ground waiting for Jonathan and Damon to arrive, Damon doesn't even know that I've been training with them because he wouldn't let me, so I would just come here when he was busy.

I was wearing sports bra showing off my tattoo, I don't think anyone has ever seen it, my thoughts were proven correct when I saw members gazing at it.

Members aged between 15 years and 35 years were waiting with me talking here and there, they went dead silent, straightend up and bowed there heads indicating that Damon was here.

I looked behind my shoulder to see Damon, Jonathan making their way towards us with my dad ?

Jonathan headed towards the fighter while Damon and my dad came my way, they were both nervous about something, I could read them like an open book, also Damon hid it really well,it was easy for me now.

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