How could they ?

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Damon POV

Alex approached me, her eyes were a shade of grey signalling that her wolf took over, she was looking at me like I was her prey.
A low threatening growl erupted from her chest and vibrated in the room. Her eyes never left mine, she was silently challenging me to move.

"Ale-"I started saying but was cut off by a ear piercing growl

"SHUT UP" she growled her voice sounded animalistic, she clenched her fist until they turned white, and gritted her teeth, her eyes flickered between her wolf's and hers, and the next thing I knew was she collapsed on the floor sobbing, she locked her watery blue eyes with mine, her eyes showed nothing but betrayal, a wave of sadness and hurt washed over me but they weren't mine.

I rushed over to her and picked her up placing her on my lap, she punched my chest and tried to loose my grip but all I did was tighten my hold on her and pull her closer.

Eventually she gave up and relax at my touch, she inhaled my scent to calm down at some point her sobbing died down and her breathing came back to normal.
She stood up and walked over to the window, my wolf whipered at loss of the contact but I shut him up quickly.
She muttered something in the line of 'stupid wolf why can't you listen for once'

"What ??" I asked her confused.

Her head whipped in my direction and she frowned, then her eyes wided.

"I said that outloud ?"she spoke, I just nodded

She huffed and placed both hands on her ears and she clenched her jaw, to saw I was confused was a statement.

"My wolf wants you to explain but I don't and she won't shut up about it" she groaned and explained when she saw my confused look.

"The-" I started but was caught off by her, again

"No No No NO I don't want to hear it, I'm going " She snapped and walked over to the door, when she opened it something snapped in me and all I saw was red.


Alex POV

I was suddenly picked up and my back slammed against the door closing it, I shrieked and unknowingly wrapped my legs around his torso and gripped his shirt, I gulped once I saw yellow eyes instead of his usual green orbs. His hot breath tickled my face, he growled and closed his eyes taking deep breath.

"L-let me go" I whispered cursing myself for stuttering, his eyes shoot open and I thanked the Goddess that he gained control again.

"Never, you're mine" he growled and buried his head in the crook of my neck, sniffing my hair.
My heart fluttered at his words but then I remembered what he did, he killed my parents, I hissed at him and kicked him off me.
He looked taken aback by my action.

"You killed them, I can't believe you killed them" I hissed at him through clenched teeth.

"I did okay? But did you know that your parents were planning to kill you? Did you? I did kill them but I did it to protect you" he said

"They would never even think about killing me they're my parents" I yelled

"Well they did and if you didn't notice none of the rogues killed a Blue Moon pack Why ? Because your parents planned everything with the rogues and The silver moon pack, they were going to trick us into believing that they were on our side and then they would kill you. Why would you even think that I could kill both of your parents without a reason ? Do you really think so low of me ?" He spoke breathing heavily

"I-I...No I-I don't  know okay ?!" I screamed

"Then I'm sorry for trying to protect what's mine" he declared and left the room.

I felt like screaming this is so confusing why would my own parents try to kill me ?
For some reason I know it's true and I know Damon isn't lying why would he ?
My parents were always the one to hold grudges, they would never forgive anyone not matter who he was.They never gave anyone a second chance. Even if it was the stupidest thing ever.

I sat down on the bed burying my head in the soft pillows, soon later I let the darkness take over.

"Andra I missed you !"Lilly approached me and hugged the life out of me.

"I missed you too Lil" I said with a sad smile

"Andra I know what happened" she said referring to today's events

"Is it true ? Did they really try to kill me ?" I asked not looking her in the eyes

"Yes" she sighed, I just nodded

"I don't know what happened to them, this will sound weird and crazy but I'm glad your mate Umm killed them it was for the best" she said with worry in her eyes, I nuts nodded again.

"Don't worry about me okay ? I'm fine" I said smiling but it turned it a grimace

"I know you will be" she said and pecked my cheek before disappearing.

Then I went into a dreamless sleep.


The next morning I woke up with a deadly head ache I groaned and rolled out of the bed, I felt like my head weighted a Ton.
I dragged myself to the bathroom and took a shower, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body, I looked into the mirror,I had dark circles under my eyes and my skin was a pale mess, my hair looked like a bird's nest.

Heading towards the walk-in closet I grabbed sweatpants and a V neck and slipped them on, I didn't bother with my hair I just put it in a messy bun.

I smelt the heavenly scent of pancakes but not my mate's, I peeked in the kitchen to find a dancing Megan flipping pancakes.

I chuckled but groaned and held my head at the searing pain in my head.

Megan turned around seeing me with a huge grin but it quickly disappeared and was replaced by a concerned look.

"Alex ? Are you okay? What's wrong ?" She gasped and came to my side

"I'm calling Alpha Damon" she said

"No I'm fine" I said but it fell on deaf ears, Megan's eyes were unfocused for a second meaning she was speaking with Damon.

"Come on" she spoke and dragged me upstairs again and placed me in bed again.

"Megan I swear I'm fine "I tried to reason with her but she wouldn't listen.

"Yeah right, did you look in a mirror? You look paler than a vampire and that's saying something" she said I just rolled my eyes

Seconds later the door bursted open and in came Damon with a cold look on his face and the pack doctor.

Turns out I just needed some rest and a lot of sleep at least that's what they told me, the doctor was talking to Damon outside while I was chatting with Megan.
She soon left once Damon asked her to obviously she couldn't say no.

"I'm sorry for everything I wasn't thinking straight, I was just angry and confused" I said it was just above a whisper but I know he heard me loud and clear.

"It's okay, but I'm not sorry for killing them" he said, he laid next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

"I'm glad you did, they could've been a threat to the pack" I said making him chuckle, I tilted my head to look at him confused.

"What ?" I asked a smile playing on my lips he just grinned at me.
I closed my eyes and enjoyed his touch, he buried his nose in my neck.

"Mine" he whispered


Chapter 38 !!!
Thank you for reading
Ily ❤

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