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Alex POV

"Well I didn't have any choice did I? You were going to let that woman have my wolf on a golden platter," I glared at the floor feeling the heat crawling up my neck.

In the circle, all eyes were on us. A pin drop in a pile of leaves could be heard as each and everyone held their breath.

"So you went behind my back and summoned a crazy witch in my territory to prove a point?" He growled.

"You'd think I will go out of my comfront zone to prove a point to you?" I laughed humerlessly.

"I am your mate"

"No, our wolves are mates they were the only connection you and I have," I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, your wolf is here,"he said and pointed at the beast still whimpering behind.

"And now there's a damn crazy witch waltsing in my land," he countinued.

"You know that witches have ears and they won't appreciate it if you talk shit about them"

I pushed past him and took careful steps towards my wolf. The beast's belly laid low on the ground. Her eyes whipped around the crowd. She glanced in fear at the different faces and expression each pack member held.

"Stop staring, there's nothing to see here," I shouted.

I received more glances and raised eyebrows.

Grumbling under my breath, I kicked at the floor. I felt defeated. The beast was a lost cause, I brought a witch into my mate's territory. And speaking of my mate, he probably thinks I'm useless. I told myself that I didn't care and that I didn't need him. But a tiny part of me wanted him desperatly to approve of my actions. To add on top of all that, this pack won't regard me with respect if I somehow stay here.

If my life wasn't a mess already, I would say that I messed it up.

Staring at the wolf, I wondered if it was temporary. She didn't look crazy, she appeared scared and defenseless. She definitely wasn't going to chop someone's head at te moment.

"Do not speak of this to anyone, or else you are next," the Alpha said pointing at my wolf.

If I could growl at him, I would've.

The wolves started disappearing behind the thick trees. When every trace of them left, my wolf jumped up immidiatly. I flinched away at the sudden movement. Tears threatened to spill as I realized I was scared of my own beast, of myself.

She didn't acknowledge me, she went straight to the Alpha. I moved to stop her but I stepped away since I couldn't even defend myself against a part of me.

To my surprise she didn't fight him, she sat infront of him like a puppy wagging its tail.

I was speachless. She had almost killed me when I tried to lay my hand on her. But here he was running his hand in her fur and she let him.

I stared and stared until my legs started to wobble and I couldn't hold myself upright. I crashed on the floor barely keeping my sobs in. I felt abandoned and cheated on by my wolf.

My mate was still livid, but his demeanor softened the moment he heard my cries.

He grabbed the beast roughly by it's fur and everything happened so fast. I scrambled off the floor as I saw him pull out something sharp out of nowhere.

"What are you doing!?" I cried out.

Seconds later my wolf laid flat on her belly sleeping soundlessly. I shoved him brutally away from her and dropped down on my knees.

"You should be glad I didn't kill it, that's what I should've done in the first place," he glanced at me with disapproval etched in his eyes.

"You wanted to kill me" 

He didn't answer.

"You're a monster," I spat out.

He glanced at me nonchalantly and unfazed, racked his eyes from my toes to the top of my head.

"I have been called worse," he shrugged.


Notice that I didn't say silver platter. Because ya know werewolves and silver, they don't mix well.

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