New Teacher

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Today there was an unusual excitement all throughout the school. I didn't really ask anyone why, because I usually just stay out of things. My favorite classes were all music related, and those classes are choir, piano, and music history. The bell ending 5th period rang and I ran to my locker and threw my English book inside and met my best friend Brianna at her locker. And we walked together(as always) to our 6th period class....which is music history!! We sat at our usual seats toward the front and waited for the bell to ring so class could begin. The rest of the students eventually came in and sat in their seats, and then the bell rang. Brianna tapped my shoulder.


I said getting out my notebook ready to take notes.

"Did you hear that Mr. Monroe quit!!"

She said. But I love Mr. Monroe!! He's the best teacher ever he makes me love music history even more....a lot of the kids thought Mr. Monroe "liked" me, but he was in his 20s and he was married!! Guess I'll never know....

"I can't believe this!!"

I said about to cry. Ok maybe I had a little crush on Mr. Monroe....just a little....

"That is what has been buzzing around school all day!! Rumor has it the new teacher is way hotter!!"

See well everyone had a secret crush on Mr. Monroe i mean EVERYONE that's why everyone took his class, except I didn't know he was the teacher when I signed up I actually LOVE music and everything about it. Bri thinks that's why Mr. Monroe liked me so much because I genuinely had a gift and a passion for music....

"Ugh it's five minutes into class where's this new teacher?!"

I asked Bri but she just shrugged her shoulders and grabbed her notebook. Just then a tall figure walked in with a rather fit and flattering blazer on, with jeans (at my school the teachers pay $20 a year so they can wear jeans), and his light brown hair was standing up in the front. I couldn't see the front side of him tho!! Brianna elbowed me. I looked at her and she just raised her eyebrows. The new teacher wrote his name on the white board - Mr. Bieber - hmm he was a lefty interesting. Then Mr. Bieber spun around

"Aye!! So I'm your new music history teacher Mr. Bieber. Can someone tell me where your old teacher left off?"

Mr. Bieber said turning back around looking at the notes Mr. Monroe left him in his desk.

"We were about to start the Baroque Period."

I said knowing no one else knew.

Mr. Biebers head popped up and looked at me. That's when I got a perfect view of his face. Beautiful brown eyes, perfect jaw line, the cutest nose, perfect lips, oh dear god!!

"The Baroque Period well---"

Mr. Bieber stopped mid-sentence as he looked at me. I quickly looked away breaking eye contact. I heard him clear his throat and begin talking again.

"What is it with you and music teachers?!"

Bri whispered. I rolled my eyes.

"He totally just looked you up and down!! God I wish I was you I mean look at him!!"

Brianna said and we looked over at Mr. Bieber who was writing on the board. Was I staring at his ass?? Yes, yes I was. Shit!! I looked down at my blank notebook paper. Mr. Bieber turned around

"Can anyone tell me what Baroque stands for?"

He scanned the class and everyone just sat there because no one knew it. Bri smacked me knowing that I knew the answer. I sighed and I raised my hand.


"Baroque, in the music sense, means elaborate, odd, or bizarre. Most of the popular jewelry of this time period consisted of misshapen pearls. Hence the odd and bizarre part."

I said and everyone in the class rolled their eyes.

"Well ladies and and gentlemen we have a perfect definition!!"

He said clapping and smiling at me. I just smiled back. After notes Mr. Bieber handed out a worksheet to everyone.

"While you're working on this I will call you up to my desk one at a time so I can get to know you all a little better."

The class nodded and got to work. five minutes later I was half way finished when I heard Bri sigh and set her pencil down.

I kinda looked at her weird as I wrote down another answer.

"I don't get it."

She said frustrated. I pointed to her notes. Basically that meant its all there in the notes but she refused to look thru them. I wrote down the last answer on the paper and then....


I heard Mr. Bieber's voice say my name. Guess it's time to go tell him all about me. Bri knows I can read lips so she mouthed the words "get some" and winked. I just rolled my eyes and grabbed my finished paper. I walked up to Mr. Bieber's desk and he motioned to sit in the chair beside him. I set my paper down on the corner of his desk. He looked at the paper and saw it was done then looked at me.

"It's the girl with all the answers."

He said and I smiled.

"So tell me something about yourself."

Mr. Bieber asked.

"What would you like to know?"

"You certainly seem to have quite a thing for you play anything?"

I smiled

"I play piano and I'm working on learning guitar. I also sing in choir and yeah."

I said ad he nodded.

"That's great! Do you have lessons?"

"No I'm mostly self taught."

"Wow....I taught myself too!!"

And then we talked about all the instruments he can play and he said he'd be happy to help me with guitar and anything else I want to learn to play. Then he rolled up his sleeves of his blazer to look at his gold watch. I saw some tattoos on his arms. Nice(;

"Looks like you've been up here for ten minutes better get to the next person."

Did he make a frowny face when he said that? I think he did....

"Really? It feels like it's been two minutes!!"

I said and he nodded.

"I'm looking forward to class with you."

He said biting his lip as I walked away. Brianna winked at me as I sat down.


She said as I put my things away in my bag and got out my piano book to study the sheet music for I've been practicing.


Mr. Bieber said. Brianna stood up and walked over to Mr. Bieber.

They talked for a bit then Bri sat back down beside me.

"Well he's defiantly more interesting up close"

Bri whispered. I was about to say something when....

"Arianna I have already warned you once not to talk!! I'm afraid that means detention for you!!"

Mr. Bieber said writing a detention slip and setting it on my desk.

"Lucky you! Detention with Mr. Bieber."

Bri whispered as he walked away.

That's when I realized he never warned me not to talk....

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