Full Of Surprises

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I woke up feeling sick. I skimmed my hands over the bed trying to find Justin but my eyes snapped open when I realized he wasn't there. I slowly sat up knowing if I got up too quickly it would cause me to possibly throw up. I scanned the room and still no sign of him. Then I heard yelling downstairs. I didn't recognize the voice at first but then it hit me. Ryan? I changed into some clean clothes and ran my brush through my hair. My hair was wild today, probably because I tossed and turned all night. I couldn't get comfy. I was hot but cold at the same time. I decided to put my hair in a fishtail braid because it is my favorite braid. When I was finished I took a brave glance at my reflection and I looked better than I thought I would. I did look like shit though but I didn't look like a 'walker' from the Walking Dead like I had expected. I put on a little makeup and sighed. Looks like this is as good as I gonna get today. I went down the stairs and as soon as I reached the end of the staircase I was greeted by someone yelling. It nearly gave me a heart attack. I recognized that it wasnt Ryan's yell like it was earlier and it defiantly wasn't Justin. So I quickly walked into the living room to find Justin, Ryan, and the rest of their friends playing video games.

"Damn you!!"

Christian yelled throwing a pillow from the couch across the room at Chaz.

"Don't hate the player hate the game bro!"

Chaz yelled throwing the pillow back at Chris. I couldn't help but giggle and that caught their attention. The game was actually paused to my surprise, and Justin sprang up and ran over to me and kissed my lips. I thought he was going in for a quick kiss but nope. It lasted quite longer than normal. Justin's friends giggled and I pulled away. That was awkward.

"Oh my god she does have a little baby bump!!"

Christian said squeaking like a girl as he walked over to us. He seemed as if he was debating on wether or not to place his hands on my tummy like everyone seems to do when any person they know is pregnant.

"Go ahead."

I said rolling my eyes. Then all of the boys came over to do the same and I just sat there and laughed.

"Has the baby kicked yet?"

Ryan asked. Oh my god they sound like girls!! If one of them start talking about onesies or bottles and shit I'm gonna laugh my ass off I swear!

"Yeah he kicked yesterday for the first time. For Justin actually."

I said remembering that feeling. It was quite odd. It kind if tickled. I saw the boys all smile. The boys who were just yelling thousands of profanities and throwing pillows at each other because of a video game, are now all around me acting like girls. This is priceless.


After the little tummy patting session I went to the kitchen looking for something to eat. I felt arms wrap around me and I sighed happily. I love this feeling. I turned around to find Justin smiling at me.

"Sorry about their yelling. Did we wake you?"

He asked kissing my cheek. Aww he's so sweet

"No it's ok. I needed to get up anyway little man needs food!"

I said patting my tummy. He laughed at that.

"I didn't know they were coming over. I just woke up and walked downstairs and then like ten minutes later I heard a knock at the door and there they were."

Justin said somewhat attempting to apologize for his friends being here.

"It's ok I don't mind."

I said smiling at him. His friends and I did sort if get off on the wrong foot but it's all ok now. They were drunk that night and besides that was forever ago. Justin kissed my forehead and his hands went down to my belly. I couldn't wait til that baby was outta there to be honest. I just wanna hold him, kiss him, and hug him. I know it won't be easy raising a child but hey nothing in life is easy.

"Oh and I have a surprise for you."

Justin said tucking my hair behind my ear.

"And what might that be?"

I asked biting my lip.

"Well yanno how we talked about those couple errr baby classes well I--"

I cut him off

"Oh my god you signed us up for one?! I love you!"

I said excitedly. I kissed him and I felt him smile in the kiss.

"Yeah I know we should've started them a few weeks ago, but better late than never right babe?"

He said opening the refrigerator.

"Would you like me to cook something? I wouldn't mind."

I said rubbing his back.

"You don't have to I can."

He said. He's always worried about me doing too much. I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of the kitchen. I laughed knowing he was more than happy to get back to his friends and their video games.


After we all ate Justin's and friends were still in the living room playing video games. They are all grown men flipping their shit over video games. I laughed to myself as I walked back up the stairs. I would sit and watch them play but they are still throwing pillows so I'd be right in the line of fire. I was about to go into our room when I remember there is parts of this house I've never even seen. I remembered the guest room I went to the night I was mad at Justin. Also that was the night the accidents happened. I remembered there was a room across from it. I went down the hall and opened the door to find a room with a piano, drums, guitars, and amps. My mouth hit the floor. How come he never plays? If its right here why the hell wouldn't you just sit here and play 24/7?! Today was full of surprises! first the surprise visitors, then Justin's surprised about the baby classes, and now this! I sat down on the piano bench and my hands lightly brushed the keys. I haven't played since I graduated. My only piano access was at school during piano class so. I sighed feeling as happy as could be as my hands went to work on the keys.



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