Its Your Decision

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Bri came in a few minutes after Justin an I got off the phone. I told her about the phone call and what he said.

"What the hell do I do Bri?"

I said when I was done explaining.

"Don't tell anyone about the baby. Graduation is a few weeks away keep your mouth shut till after schools out."

"But Bri it's his baby!! Shouldn't he know?"

I said confused.

"Yeah I guess he should....."

She said rethinking telling him.

I reached for my phone and she stopped me.

"Don't you dare tell him over the phone."

She said taking my phone away from me.

"Why not? I mean he's just a call away."

"You can't see his reaction wen you tell him. He may be like 'oh great' but you can't see what's in his eyes or in his facial expressions over the phone."

"True. Let me see if he wants to meet up somewhere"

"Good idea."

She said handing my phone back and I dialed his number.

-phone convo-

"Hey, you made up your mind about us yet?"

"Do you wanna meet up somewhere?"

"Sure, why?"

"I have something to tell you."

" bout you give Bri directions to my place and you both just come over."

"Hang on let me ask her if its kk."

I said then I asked Bri.

"She said that's fine."

"So are we back together?"

"I'll let you decide after I tell you what I gotta tell you."

"But I want you to decide."

"Well I dunno if you'll feel the same after this. Look I'll see you inna few kk?"

"Alright, bye."


-end of phone convo-

I looked at Bri and nervously smiled.

"What if he--"

She cut me off

"There's only one way to find out. Lets go girly!!"

Bri said grabbing my good arm and towing me outside to her car.

The nerve racking car ride came to a halt when we reached his house.

"You ready?"

Bri asked parking the car and turning it off.


I said my voice shaky.

"Too bad lets go."

She said getting out.

"Yeah thanks for that great pep talk!!"

I said sarcastically as i was getting out and following her to Justin's front door.


She said rolling her eyes a me.

I knocked on the door and Justin opened it immediately as if he was standing there waiting.

"Come on in."

He said giving a little smile still not sure of what was about to go down.

"Imma just watch TV yall go talk somewhere private."

Bri said as she plopped down on Justin's couch making herself at home. Justin grabbed my hand and pulled me into the kitchen.

"Ok go."

He said smiling.

"Sit down first."

I said knowing this was gonna come as a shock to him. He sat down at the dining table and I walked over to him. I didn't sit I stood there and he held both of my hands and looked up at me waiting.

"Ok are you ready?"

I said my voice shaky.


"I'm pregnant."

I said quickly and I watched his face....light up. He sprang out of his chair and wrapped his arms around me and twirled me around.

"Oh my god for real?"

He said setting me down.

"Yeah, I thought you'd be mad."

I said feeling stupid for getting all worked up.

"No I'm not mad. Just a little surprised but I could never be mad over something like this."

I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist and he held me up as I held his face in my hands and kissed him. I felt happy tears escape my eyes. I broke the kiss

"So it's your decision."

I said biting my lip

"Forever. With you and our baby. All of us together forever I promise."



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