I'd Do Anything For You

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-a few days later-

I was cleaning the bathroom when I heard Justin clear his throat. I turned around to find hi standing in the door way with open arms.

"Hey babe!!"

I said setting the cleaning spray and washcloth down. I walked over to him and he bent down and kissed me. He placed his hands on my tummy.

Only being two months along there is just a little baby bump there but I know that it will eventually be bigger. He does this all the time now. His hands go straight to my belly all the time as if he is afraid it disappeared since the last time he checked.

"Can I as you something?"

He said his eyes drifted to my arm. The one that had been hurt when he broke that mirror.


"I know it's been a while since that happened but I was kind of afraid to ask but here goes nothing. When I was carrying you out to the car after the mirror incident you said 'not there not again.' Why? What happened there before?"

He asked.

"When I was little I was helping my mom wash and dry the dishes. Like I said I was little and I couldn't quite reach the counter top so I was standing on a stool. I was drying a glass cup when I lost my balance the glass fell out of my hands and I fell backwards. I landed on the glass with well that arm and it was horrible. I've always been scared when i am around broken glass ever since. That's why...."

I said knowing that it sounded stupid but when you're little and something like that happens its enough to scar you for life.

"Aww baby I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked I can tell you don't wanna think about it."

He said kissing my forehead.

"Oh no it's ok you wanted to know. It's not that big of a deal."

I said smiling up at him.

"So how's your tummy? I know you got up really early this morning and I heard you in here. It didn't sound to pretty."

He said his hands drifting back to my tummy.

"It's alright I guess I just gotta get used to the morning sickness."

I said sighing.

"You go to the doctor Friday right?"


"I get to come along don't I?"

"Only if you want to."

"Well of coarse I want to come!!"

He said poking my shoulder.

He is too perfect.

"Come on down stairs I made dinner."

He said pulling me out of the bathroom.

"Aww you made me dinner?"

"I know you were busy and I doubted you would feel like cooking so I did it for you babe."

He said as he scooped me up and carried me bridal style down the stairs. He sat me down in a chair at the table. The table was already set and he had candles lit. He is so sweet.

"You didn't have to do all of this baby."

"I'd do anything for you."

He said kissing my cheek before he sat down beside me.



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