It Just Gets Better From Here

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-skipping to a few weeks after graduation-

I was pacing back and forth in my room waiting for Justin to call. He met up with well is now my former principal and they are discussing his job. He wants to keep it but I don't think she'll over look this. I am pretty sure he's getting fired or he's quitting, either way he will defiantly be coming home without a job to come return to next fall. My phone went off and I ran over and answered it.

-phone convo-


"Hi Arianna is what Mr. Bieber telling me true?"

My former principal asked. Damn Justin had her call me from his phone.


I said and I felt like I let her down or something. I have always been a good student. Never once gotten in like any trouble which is practically unheard of for a high schooler. But hey I am done with high school now so....

"I know it was wrong and I know it shouldn't have happened but it did...and I know you think it was all him but it wasn't. It was both of us. I wanted it just as bad as he did. And if you must know we are still together and I'm moving in with him soon. It wasn't a one time thing. I love him, and I know he loves me."

I said feeling tears stream down my face. Why the hell am I crying over this?!

"I guess being a good student and a teachers pet isn't always a good thing."

The principle said laughing.

"Well I guess you can keep your job since there won't be any more involvement with any other students."

She said more to Justin than to me.

"No I can assure you that I've found my only girl and I don't intend on letting her go anywhere."

I heard Justin say in the background.

"Alright well Arianna I'm going to let you go dear. Here's Justin."

She said and I assume she handed the phone to Justin.

"Hey babe!!"

He said sounding happy.

"So you do get to keep you teaching job?"

I asked feeling as if my mind made up what I had heard.

"Yeah!! So are we telling your parents now....or soon, or what?"

"We might as well tell them now."

I said sighing. I do not want to tell them.

"We can wait til after your birthday next week. You could just be like 'I'm out' and leave"

He said joking.

"I wish. Bri showed you where I lived right?"

"Yeah when you were in the hospital she drove me by your house. So I'll be there in a few minutes."


I said starting to worry.

"Babe it'll be ok and no matter what you will still have me. I love you and I'll see you soon."

"Love you too."

-end of phone convo-

I laid down on my bed staring at the wall until I heard a car honk outside. Shit guess I gotta do this.

I ran down the stairs and opened the front door. Justin wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. I looked into his brown eyes and he squeezed me tighter.

"It'll be ok."

He whispered.

I nodded and took his hand and led him to the dining room where my parents were setting the table for dinner. My mom looked up to find Justin with his arms around me.

"Arianna dear you didn't tell us you were having a guest over for dinner."

She said frowning once she recognized Justin.

"Mom, dad, We've got something to tell you."

I said as Justin kissed the top of my head. I knew I did have to come right out and say it.

"No!! You're not!"

My mom said in disbelief.


I was expecting all hell to break loose and the fine china to start flying everywhere, but no my mom just smiled.

"I would've loved to be a grandma later like when you're like in your twenties but aww sweetie!!"

She said wrapping her arms around me. Even my dad was smiling. What the actual fuck?!

"And you Mr are stepping up as a father to be am I right?"

She said pulling away from our hug and pointing at Justin.

"Yes, I am more than ready to have Arianna move in with me and if she wants....we will get married before or after the baby is here."

I saw my mom nod in approval and I jumped into Justin's arms.

"So do you wanna get married before or after?"

"Before just to be safe."

I said kissing his nose.

"Well good."

He said setting me down on my feet. He looked as if he knelt down to tie his shoe but he pulled a black box out of his pocket and held it up to me. He opened it and said

"Will you marry me?"

He was proposing in my dining room right in front of my parents.


I said as he slipped the ring on my finger. Oh my dear Jesus it was beautiful.

I turned around to find my mom crying.

"Happy tears?"

She nodded and her and dad came over and hugged me.

"Now go get your stuff and move in with him already."

My dad said.

I laughed and dragged Justin up to my room. We cleared everything out and packed it all into his car.

On the way back to his house, well I guess it's mine now too, I couldn't contain my smile. And neither could he. I mean he gets to keep his job, my parents are ok with everything, we're getting married and I'm moving in with him.

"It just gets better from here."

He said as we pulled into the drive way.



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