Moonlight Sonata

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I couldn't finish my lunch. Not with the thought of him using me running thru my mind. I took up my trey and went to the bathroom.

I felt the tears slipping out of my eyes. Why am I getting so worked up over this?! I knew this wouldn't be anything more than teacher&student with benefits.

I wiped my eyes and looked at myself in the mirror. I pulled out my eyeliner and my mascara and fixed my makeup.

When I was finished touching up my makeup I grabbed my purse and walked out.

I had to talk to him. Like now.

I walked to his room I knew he'd be on his lunch break and I knew he wouldn't be in the teachers lounge.

I finally got to his classroom and knocked on the door.

Justin opened the door.

"Oh Arianna hey! I wasn't expecting you to......oh my god baby have you been crying?"

Justin tried to pull my face up to his for a kiss. I turned my head. Not only because if someone walked by they'd see, but also because I just couldn't kiss him right now without completely breaking down.

"Babe what's wrong?"

He pulled me in his room and shut and locked the door.

I leaned against the piano and he sat down and fiddled with the keys playing a few random notes . I

I don't know why but that caught me off guard.

"So you gonna tell me what's wrong?"

He said straightening up some sheet music.

"Are you playing me?"

I asked with a shaky voice.

"Arianna why would you think that?"

"That's not an answer. Just tell me."

He stood up and came over to me.

He cupped my face in his hands and looked right in my eyes.

"Arianna, my love, I'm not playing you. Nor will I ever play you. I really do love you."

I smiled a bit


"Yes!! Now, can you play something for me dear?"

He asked sitting down on the piano bench again.

"You want me to play? But you can play why don't you just--"

He cut me off

"Cause if you play just as beautiful as you look then I have no reason to touch a piano dear."

I smiled and sat down beside him.

"What do you want me to play?"

"Do you have a favorite composer?"

I thought for a minute. There are so many composers I love hmmm

"If I absolutely had to choose it'd be Beethoven."

"Good choice. Now play me the piece you love most of his."

Oh that's easy!!

I got my hands in the right position on the keys. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I began playing The Moonlight Sonata. I let the music consume me and played with all my heart like I always do. The first movement is my favorite part and it's like five minutes so I only played that part.

"That was beautiful."

Justin said kissing my neck. I smiled and turned to him.

"How'd you know that?"

"Know what?"

He asked kissing my nose

"How did you know that playing would make me feel better?"

"I just knew. You're like me. Music is your--"


I said finishing his sentence.

He kissed my forehead.

"Would you stop that!"

I giggled.

"Stop what?"

He asked kissing my cheek.

"That! Stop that and just kiss me!"

I pulled him down to my lips by his tie and kissed him. The kiss quickly turned into a make out. Then the bell rang for the end of the lunch period. Justin groaned.

"Damn looks like I'll see you soon."

He said tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah. I love you."

I said straightening his blazer.

"You said it first this time."

He kissed my neck and left a few quick love bites.

"I like it when you say it first."

He said kissing my lips one more time before I stepped out of his classroom.

"See you in class Mr.Bieber."

"Yes you will dear."

He said winking.



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