Just Like Us

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I'd been lost in playing the piano that I didn't realize someone was standing I the doorway.


I heard and I jumped causing my fingers to hit random keys making an awful sound. I cringed at the horrible sound as I spun around on the piano bench to find Justin laughing.

"You scared me!"

I said as he walked over and sat down beside me on the piano bench.

"Sorry babe I didn't mean to!"

He said kissing my cheek.

I leaned against his shoulder and his fingers lightly hit a few keys barely making any sound. He started playing and I immediately recognized the song. It was Moonlight Sonata the song I played for him that one time in his classroom. I smiled and listened to the beautiful song that I've loved since I was little. Literally my mom use to play Beethoven's music all the time when I was little. Maybe that's why I have such a love for older music as well as today's music. Hell I love lots of different genres of music.


I said quietly.


he asked still playing.

"How come you're never in here?"

I asked feeling a little to nosy.

"I don't know it seems like after i met you I don't need music twenty four seven to make me happy."

he said smiling and I sighed happily and then I felt the baby kick! I giggled and Justin quit playing. He looked at me weird then he seemed to understand. His hands went to my belly and our baby kicked again! Justin laughed and smiled.

"Looks like he's gonna be just like us and have a love for music!"

He said and I laughed.

"That's one thing that made me fall for you."

Justin said looking in my eyes.


I asked confused.

"Well I fell for you the instant I saw you but then when I saw you had such a gift and interest in music that made me head just over heels for you. I knew that first day that there was no way if ever be able to forget you or fully get over you. That first day I knew I loved you and I knew it was wrong from the start but I couldn't help it. I fell for you. Hard."

He said blushing. Aww is he embarrassed?

"I fucking love you!"

I said pulling him by the collar of his shirt over to me and our lips met in a kiss. This right here was just perfect. And what he said was just ahh to perfect! He went to move his hands up to my face but I guess he lost his balance and almost fell of the piano bench. He caught himself on the piano, he hit the keys making a sound that was worse than the one I made earlier when he scared me! I sat there laughing as he stood up and leaned casually against the piano as if nothing had just happened.

"What's so funny dear?"

He asked trying not to laugh but he ended up cracking up along with me.

"Excuse us!"

I heard someone say from behind us. We both turned toward the door and saw Ryan and the rest of the boys. Justin looked at them and they all cracked ups they'd seen him practically kill himself on the piano too! I was laughing so hard now I was crying! Justin crossed his arms and pouted like a little kid.

"Aww is lil Justin upset? Does he need a hug to make it better?"

Christian said making fun of him and Justin rolled his eyes.

"No I do not need a---"

Before Justin could finish his sentence he was tackled I the ground by all of the boys. I heard several curse words from Justin as all the boys piled on top of him.

"Get off me you asses!"

Justin said groaning and out of breath. They all got up and helped him up. I rolled my eyes at them. These boys they are just wow.

"Can we steal Justin back? We gotta game to finish!"

Chaz said begging me. I raise an eyebrow and then all of the boys besides Justin were on their knees begging me to let Justin go downstairs and play more video games.

"Sure! Who am I to get in the way of a boy and his games."

I said and they all cheered. Children, they are all still children. We all exited the room and I watched them bound down the stairs. Justin kissed me and said thanks before heading down after them. I didn't care I could be lazy in my room! Movie time!



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