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We arrived at the club where the party Justin's friend was throwing. When you walked in the music would vibrate your bones because it was so loud. But I've always been one to love loud music so I didn't mind.

Justin grabbed my hand and weaved us thru the crowd of sweaty and super drunk people.

We finally reached the back part of the club, and even in the back the music still vibrates your skull. I looked up and saw a guy around Justin's age practically shit himself when he saw Justin.

"Aye Justin!!!"

The guy said setting his drink down and getting up.

"Aye Ryan!!"

Justin said smiling as they did that handshake/hug that guys always do.

"And who's this lovely thing we have here?"

Ryan asked meaning me. I gathered the courage to introduce myself. I'm completely out of my element here. I've drank like three times in my life, I don't got to parties, i especially try to stay away from alcohol related parties, I'm really not old enough to be here, and this man is drunker than my grandpa on St. Patrick's day.(I have Irish in my bloodlines so yeah haha that's pretty drunk son)

"Hi I'm Arianna!!"

I said awkwardly extending my hand. I was hoping for a handshake, actually I don't know what I was hoping for but I didn't expect Ryan to kiss my hand.

"Oh Justin's girl hmm?"

"That's me."

I said and Justin smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I gonna go get us some drinks."

He said and I nodded.

Great leave me alone with your friend who's drunk off his ass, yeah thanks bitch.

" So what's the party for?"

I asked Ryan trying to get some sort of conversation going.

"Just to party, does there have to be a reason?"

He said retrieving his cup and winking.

"I mean there doesn't really have to be a reason but I---"

I was cut off by a boy throwing his arm around me. I tipped my shoulder forward and his arm slid off.

"Aye Christian!!"

Ryan said.

"Aye Ryan!!"

Christian said patting him on the back. What the hell is up with them yelling 'aye' and the whosever name they're talking to?!

"Who's this?"

Christian said eyeing me. I looked down totally uncomfortable with the gazes I'm receiving from them. I'm glad I can't read minds, although I bet I have a pretty good guess of what they're thinking. But why?? I don't even think I'm attractive. Everything about me is like average...except my boobs they're waaay above average, but they seem to be severely interested in my entire body. I shiver as I feel their gazes continue to scan me up and down.

"This is Arianna, Justin's girl."

Ryan answered Christian.

"Hi I'm Christian."

He said trying to act like he hadn't been scanning me like a copy machine two seconds earlier.

"Like Ryan said I'm Arianna, and it's a pleasure to meet you."

I said extending my hand again only to receive another kiss to my knuckles. What the hell man?! Where is Justin?!?!

I sat down at a nearby table to wait. I didn't want to stand there being eye-raped by those two.

Finally Justin came back carrying like a waitress/waiter trey with a shit-ton of shots on it. How the hell did he get that thru the crowd without spilling something? Justin sat down beside me and handed Everyone a shot. Oh fuck it, they don't know I've hardly drank and it's a party right? Everyone grabbed their shot glass and I was about to down it when everyone turned to Justin. What i need permission to drink now? Justin cleared his throat and said

"Three, two, one!!"

And we all downed our shots. The alcohol burned my throat and it took everything I had not to exploded in a coughing fit.

They continued to take shots. How the hell is Chris and Ryan still drinking? They were already drunk as fuck, and yet they are still going!! I took a few more shots of the unknown alcohol and then I was done. I felt a little tipsy so I wasn't taking anymore. I cant believe i drinking wit my boyfriend....who's my teacher.

as i tried to wrap my mind around this i noticed all of them were glaring at me....

"Wanna dance?"

Christian, Justin and Ryan asked in unison.


I said sighing. Well shit I'm fucked I already know.

"Too bad!!"

Justin said lifting me out of the chair and set me down on my feet.

Well fine, you wanna dance? Lets dance bitch!

I grabbed then by his shirt collar and towed him to the dance floor.

Lets just say he didn't waste any time with dancing.

Before I knew it I was being passed between him an Christian and Ryan and some other guy that had came up. I think he said his name was Chaz, but that doesn't matter. I was switched from one boy to the other. And finally the rotation work out so I was back to Justin.

"Can we go home?"

I asked Justin.

"Awh come on babe it's just getting started."

I'm not going to sit here and do this.

"Fine I'll take a cab!!"

I said storming off.

I'm not some whore he can share with his friends and have then all grinding on me.

I finally got to the door and the cold night air swept over me chilling me to the bone. The sweat that had covered my body from all the dancing/grinding, or whatever the hell they tried pulling in there, was like freezing encasing my body in what seemed like a sheet of ice.

I shivered uncontrollably.

I'm upset, tired and pissed. And top that off with me in these damn heels and you've got a woman ready to kill. Ugh I knew this was a bad idea.

I finally managed to flag a cab down and I crawled in giving the cabbie directions to Justin's house.

Well I can't exactly go home looking like this and mom thinks I'm at Bri's so. I shut the car door and just as the we began driving off I saw Justin burst thru the club doors and scan the entire area. He's know what good I'm glad!!



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