What If?

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Justin attempted teaching me how to play guitar but I just don't think tonight is my night. I sighed in frustration and handed him back his guitar.

"You did good."

He said as he put the guitar on its stand across the room.

"Yeah sure I did."

I said rolling my eyes.

"You are too cute, and you really didn't do all that bad babe."

He said kissing my cheek. I shifted away before he could kiss my lips. I just....I couldn't right now, not after last night. Sure I basically forgave him but I'm still hurt. It hurt extremely bad.

"Too soon?"

He said as he looked down at the floor.

"Justin I love you it's just---"

He cut me off.

"You'll never feel the same way about me again. I've fucked up so bad. You'll never love me like you did ever again and honestly I don't blame you! If I was you I sure as hell wouldn't!"

He said standing up and walking out the door. I got up and went as fast as I could after him but he was already downstairs, and me with a baby on board trying to get down stairs quickly just isn't going to happen. When I finally got down the stairs I heard something break. It came from the living room and I knew Justin tended to break things when he's mad. Remember the mirror he broke when he thought I left....

I walked into the living room to find a lamp had been broken and it literally looks like he picked up the coffee table and threw it across the room. I felt a cool breeze and noticed the front door was open. I went outside to see Justin on his knees in the middle of our front yard crying. I don't know what I should do. Yes I love him but I'm still hurt from what happened. I looked back at Justin who was now crying harder. He needs me. I'm stupid, crazy and insane for doing this but he needs me.

I ran over to him and pulled him up to his feet. He looked to the ground refusing to make eye contact with me. I cupped his face in my hands an made him look at me.

"Justin, look I'm here. I love you and I never said I wouldn't love you the same. I still love you as much as I always have. You just hurt me and I need sometime to heal. Don't you even think for a second that I don't love you Justin! If I didn't I wouldn't still be here! I wouldn't be holding you, hell I wouldn't be talking to you right now! I'm still here because I love you! I should've left, I shouldn't be here, I shouldn't put up with this but I am. Why? Because I love you."

I said as I wiped the tears from his face.

"I love you too."

He said laid his head on my shoulder.

"Can you promise me something Justin?"

I said into his ear.


"Please don't do something else like that. I do love you but there comes a breaking point. I can't keep forgiving you. And it'll kill me if I have to leave you, so please just don't."

"I promise Arianna."

He said wrapping his arms around me.

"Now lets get inside. It's late and I think we both could use some proper sleep."

I said and he nodded. I didn't even bother with cleaning up the mess he made right now I just went upstairs.


When we finally got upstairs he instantly went to our room and collapsed on the bed. I went and took a shower. When I was in the shower I cried. I cried over everything that's happened lately and over the fact that if he messes up again I don't know if this will work. Just what if?

I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. I was still sniffling after I had dried off and put my pjs on. I heard a soft knock at the door and I looked up. The door opened just enough for Justin to peak around. I only saw half of him and for some reason it was just adorable. I giggled and then hiccuped. He laughed and walked in and wrapped his arms around me. I continued hiccuping which is really annoying and I'm guessing it was because I got so upset. Sometimes that happens to me.

"Are you ok?"

He asked tugging on my wet hair. The feeling of his arms around me just made me feel better. It's crazy after everything how much he still means to me. I pressed myself against him and rested my head against his chest.

"I'm ok now."

I said as he rubbed soothing circles on my back.

"Let's get you and little man to bed."

He said gently rubbing my belly. I smiled and followed him to our bed. I laid down and he wrapped his arms around me. We were basically spooning. His strong arms around me comforted me and I quickly fell asleep.

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