Wish Granted

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-around 23 weeks pregnant-

Justin has been gone for a while now. He left last night and he isn't back. It's eleven o'clock at night, so he's been gone for over twenty four hours. We had sort of a fight last night.


"Hey babe!"

I said kissing Justin's cheek as I passed by him. He was sitting on the couch glaring at the TV. He didn't say anything back so I sat down beside him.

"What's wrong?"

I asked cuddling up to him. He usually wraps his arms around me and cuddled back but not this time.

"I don't want to talk about it."

He said never letting his eyes leave the TV.

"Whatever it is it seems to be really bothering you. It'll help if you talk about it."

I said sweetly trying to get it out of him. And then that's when he snapped. He pushed me off of him and he stood up and faced me.

"You wanna know what's bothering me? Do you? Well it's you!"

He said flinging his arms around as he spoke.

"I-I-I don't understand..."

I said completely confused as to what was happening.

"I am sick of this. I shouldn't have ever gotten involved with you! Now I have you here and a baby on the way and now I have to marry you all because I was stupid. I wish I hadn't even taken the job or better yet I wish I hadn't met you."

He said getting in my face. I flinched cause I honestly thought he was going to hit me. I wrapped my arms around my tummy just in case. What am I supposed to do? I've never seen him like this! I don't know what he's like when he's angry I'm just trying to protect my unborn child!! He stormed off and I heard the front door slam. I ran and opened it. I made it to the edge of the driveway just in time to see the tail lights of his car driving away.

-end of flashback-

I felt the tears fall as I remembered what had happened last night. I still don't know what exactly he meant but all I could piece together was that he didn't want me. He never did. He said it himself that he wished he had never met me. And with that thought crossing my mind again I ran up to the room we shared. I grabbed a suitcase from the closet an began throwing random things that were mine into it. I wish I had left earlier instead if waiting a full day. I ran down the stairs and grabbed my car keys. I opened the door and ran right into Justin.

"Where are you going?"

He asked his voice low almost a whisper.

"Wish granted. I'm gone so now you dot have to deal with me, marriage, or a baby!! As far as I'm concerned we are through and you're not gonna see MY baby boy once he's born. You don't want either of us so..."

I said the end of my rant trailing off as I handed him back the engagement ring. I went to walk toward the car but he grabbed my arm.

"Don't fucking touch me."

I said jerking my arm out of his grasp.

"Please don't go."

He said as I got in my car and buckle up. I was so stupid for waiting til now to leave.

"Why should I stay? Give me at least one good reason why I should get out of this car and run back into your arms."

I spat at him as I turned the car on ready to take off. He just stood there and said nothing.

"That's what I thought."

I said fighting the urge to break down and cry. I looked at him, the hatred clearly gleaming in my eyes. He looked as if he was about to break into a billion pieces right then. I tore my eyes away from him and drove off.


I didn't know why but for some reason I drove to the heart of the town. The shops, the malls everything was winding down after a long days work. People were going home. I had no where to go. I can't go back to Justin. I can't go to my parents they'd probably laugh and say 'I told you so'. I can't go to Bri's cause she's on vacation right now. Vacation....hmm that sounds nice. I started thinking about all the fun things you do on vacation trying desperately to keep my mind off Justin, when I got an idea. Hotel....I'll just stay at a hotel.


I smiled as I pushed the button for the floor where my room was at. I love staying in hotels. It's just something about it I can't explain my love for them. I mean giant beds, wifi, pools, wifi, no cleaning up, and did I mention wifi?

I walked down the hall til I found my room number. I slid the card through the scanner and the green light came on and the door unlocked. I shuffled in and shut and relocked the door. I switched the light on kicked my shoes off. I was so glad I got a suite instead of just a room. A little lucky on that I guess. I took a quick shower and I changed into my comfy pjs. I crawled into the huge bed and sighed. Oh how I love hotels. I rolled over and turned the mini flat screen TV on. I thumbed through the channels til I finally decided on watching Girl Code. It was like two in the morning and no matter how much I wanted to stay up and watch it, because I love this show, I just kept dozing off.



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