I Can't Lie

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-One week later-

It's been a full week since I've seen Justin. And let me tell you it has been pure hell! I can't seem to get him out of my mind, and I know I should but I can't. I'm like addicted to him! I have been spending most of my time with Trina and Tyler. Justin was supposed to take me to those classes but since that obviously wasn't happening right now Trina basically "home schooled" me o the baby classes. After all she's been through all of this so I trust what she saying. She has also gone with me to the doctors appointment I had the other day. She didn't want me going alone just incase Justin was there waiting for me, because he knew I had an appointment too so she just wanted to be safe. Her and I have really bonded over the last few days. It's like she's my long lost sister and I love it! She has helped me through a lot and it's crazy that she let me into her house, hardly even knowing me, just to help me. She is truly a wonderful woman, a great mother to Tyler, and an amazing wife to Trace.

There was a knock on the door making me jump.

"Come in."

I said and Trina opened the door and walked in.

"Sooo it's been a week."

She said sitting on the bed.

"I know."

"Have you thought about going back?"

"Everyday, but do you think I should go back to him?"

"It's not up to me."

She said and I sighed.

"I know it's not up to you but I need you opinion. If you were me what would you do?"

"You really don't want me to answer that."

"Yes, yes I do! Now just tell me!"

"If I were you I'd probably never go back to him. He doesn't deserve someone as perfect as you and you don't deserve someone as awful as that. No one does."

She said making my heart shatter. I have to go back to him at least sometime. I can't stay away from him or it'll kill me. He's literally become my oxygen and I feel as if I haven't been able to breathe all week. I love him even though I have every damn reason not to. Trina is right but she knows I'll end up doing the exact opposite of what she just said.

"I have to go back."

I said my gaze turning to to the floor ashamed that I can't be strong enough to walk away from him.

"I knew you'd say that."

She said shaking her head in disappointment.

"Trina I love him! He has my heart and I can't stay away from him. Just being here for a week has driven me crazy!"

I said disappointed in myself.

"Look don't get mad at yourself. I admire how devoted and loyal you are. You would still take a bullet for him, even after all of this, wouldn't you?"

"Of coarse I would! Well I mean I wouldn't risk my unborn baby's life but you get what I mean."

"See this makes me think I'm too stubborn and bullheaded because I would've said 'fuck it' and been long gone by now! But you, you'd be there no matter what it seems like."

"It's just who I am."

I said kind of smiling.

"So when are you gonna go back? You're always welcome here, but I know right now here is not where you want to be."

"Well since it's Friday I guess I should surprise him. He is still at work so I could get home before him an then when he gets him will just be sitting there in the couch like normal."

I said glancing at the time on my phone.

"Ok so what are you going to tell him once he gets home?"

"I don't know yet.....guess I'll figure it out as I go along."

I said starting to pack my things.


It was almost four o'clock so Justin should be home any minutes. I'd been sitting on the couch watching TV in our living room for about ten minutes and honestly I couldn't wait to see him again! No no you're mad at him not excited to see him stop that!

Just then I heard a car door slam and seconds later the front door opened. I managed to keep myself glued I the couch and my gazed fixed on the tv.


I heard him yell as he ran over to me. Now I looked at him. He looked like hell! I mean damn judging by the bags under his eyes I dot think he has slept hardly at all, his hair is just wild unlike its normal perfect do, and well he just looked bad.....


I said turning my head back toward the TV even though ever muscle in my body was screaming at me to go hug him. He just stood there awkwardly for a second or two before he sat down beside me.

"I missed you."

He said poking my arm as if to get some sort of reaction.


I said trying to keep up my tough girl act.

"Babe c'mon don't be like that! Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't miss me."

He said and I looked him in the eyes.

"I can't lie."

I said and he smiled and cheated his lips against mine. He pulled away after a while and I snuggled up to him, and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I've missed holding you in my arms. Hell I've missed everything about you. Please don't ever leave me like that ever again!"

He said and I looked at him and didn't even have to think twice about what I was about to say.

"I won't, as long as you don't give me a reason to."

I said and I knew Trina would be proud of that.



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