Damn You

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-about a month later-

~8 months pregnant~

Since I've came back to Justin everything has been great! He has really straightened up and there hasn't been any fights or anything like that! I have started wearing my engagement ring again! Justin has been going to those classes with me and I'm really excited that I am just a month away from holding my baby boy!!!

Now about Justin's job....he got to keep it thank god, but it gets better! Cassandra apologized and she's left Justin alone and promises it'll never happen again.

Trina and I hang out a lot. Well either she comes over with Tyler or I go over there but still. Trina still doesn't trust Justin and says I need to keep my eyes on him, but I think he's fine and I trust him again. Everything is just so perfect right now! I can't wait for my little man to get here!


I am currently making dinner and I glanced over at the clock on the microwave. Justin had a teachers meeting tonight but he should be home any minute. Just then I heard the front door open and close. Seconds later Justin's arms were wrapped around me, his palms resting on my tummy.

"How was your day?"

I asked like I always do when he gets home.

"Awful! Everything seemed to get in my nerves today, and I've had a horrible headache all day so that didn't help either. Just a student doing a simple click of a pen made me want to pick the student up and throw them out of my classroom!"

He sighed.

"That bad huh?"

I said turning the food off so I could turn around and face him.

"You have no idea."

He said resting his forehead on mine.

"Was your meeting any better?"

"No, it was worse."

He said letting go of me and walking toward the fridge and pulling out a beer. Judging by the way he looks and what he just told me, he could use a beer or two.

"What happened?"

I asked as I followed him into the living room. He sat down on the couch and turned he TV on. I stood behind the couch and started to massage his shoulders. He took a few sips of his beer and closed his eyes.

"Don't really wanna talk about it, but please don't stop what you're doing!"

He said and I giggled. His muscles were all tense and tight. I kept massaging his shoulders.

"You poor thing, you're under too much stress."

I said not playing around but meaning it. He's under a lot of stress right now. With his job and the baby coming soon, it's a lot to take in and I know he's overwhelmed. He nodded his head in agreement.

"You sure there's nothing you wanna talk about, nothing you wanna get off your chest?"

I asked knowing if he talked about it, it'd make him feel better. I heard him sigh and he took a big swig of his beer.

"You won't like it."

He said as I continued to massage his tense shoulders.

"Won't like what?"

"You won't like what I'll say."

"Just tell me baby."

"It's my boss, Cassandra."

He said and I felt my heart stop. What did that bitch do now. Sure she apologized but I mean you don't do the shit she did, and then apologize and everyone gets over it. That stuff sticks with someone. I don't think I'll ever truly forgive her for it either.

"What about her?"

I asked trying to keep from snapping.

"She tried to make a move on me at the meeting."


I said and I stopped massaging him and he turned to look at me.

"I didn't do anything I swear! I pushed her away and told her that it wasn't happening ever again, Arianna I swear to god I didn't do anything!"

He said standing up and rushing over to me. He held me close to him and I could see in his eyes he was telling the truth.

"Ok I believe you."

I said kissing his cheek.

"Well I did do one thing....."

He said scaring me to death.


I managed to whisper.

"I told her if she messed with me again I was going to quit."

He said and smiled. I smacked his chest.

"Damn you! I was about to have a heart attack!"

I said and he laughed and kissed my lips.

"What did you cook for dinner?"

He asked. His hot, alcohol scented breath blowing across my face.

"Come find out!"

I said and he laughed.


"No way!"

I said as I took our empty plates into the kitchen. Justin was telling me about a student who just can't seem to play any instruments....like at all!

"She makes me want to burn the classroom down and quit my job. She jus can't play anything. We've tried all the instruments she wanted to try. The trumpet, the flute, the clarinet EVERYTHING!"

"Why do you think she's not getting it?"

"I don't know and that's what drives me insane!"

He said leaning against the counter as I washed all the dishes.

"I might have an idea...."


"She's probably distracted."

I said winking at him. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and I gave him the 'are you fucking kidding me' look. Then he understood.

"But I'm a taken man!"

He said wrapping his arms around me.

"Yes but you're still undeniably sexy!"

"Thanks babe, but for real though I can't understand why I'm not getting through to her. And if she doesn't make and progress soon I'm afraid she won't be able to lean the basics on any instrument before the semester ends."

"Try something new."

"We have but---"

He started but I cut him off.

"For Christ sakes Justin you are a music teacher you should know that everyone has a special instrument, whether it be the ones they want to connect with or not. You can play more than one but everyone had that special one instrument tht they just click with."

I said as he spun me around.

"Babe your a genius!"

"I know!"

I said and we both laughed.

"What do you think her instrument is?"

"What does her personality say?"

I said and he thought about it for a minute.

"Guitar defiantly."

"There's her new instrument!"

"You are a lifesaver! Imma go take a shower ok?"


I said laughing. This man.



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