Chapter 8

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>>Simon's POV{A few months later}<<

          Everyone is packing. We decided that we need a vacation. So we decided we go to Hawaii. Nova seems to be very happy about that. I glad she is happy about going on the trip. But we're not leaving until tomorrow night. And I'm super nervous about going on the plane. Yeah go on planes once in a while, but I still get nervous. I don't know how the others feel about flying. All my stuff is packed because I packed a few days ago. Everyone else decided to wait last minute. Now it is time for sabotage. 

>>Nova's POV<<

          I was in the middle of packing when the power went out. I screamed, then I heard someone scream downstairs. It sounded like Simon. Then I heard a loud bang, it sounded like someone fell. Suddenly I heard someone running upstairs. I got really scared. Then a large figure was standing in my doorway. It didn't look like Simon, or any of the other guys. The figure said my name, and then I knew exactly who it was, Chris. Chris was my ex. We use to date in high school. But he was abusive. I would come to school with bruises, cuts, burns. He once pushed me down a staircase. I ended up breaking my arm. But he didn't stop, until Skyler came over to my house one afternoon, and found him kicking me. She called the cops, then he was put in prison. In act he should still be in prison. What was he doing out? 

         "I was hoping to see you again" he said "Well I wasn't. I never wanted to see you again" I said.  "Well what are you doing here living with other guys?" He asked. "I left my parents house" I told him. "Well you have to leave here now. We are still dating, and I don't want you living with other guys." he told me. "Um. No we are not" I told him. "You are coming with me. Whether you like it or not" he said. Then he started to walk over to me. I screamed as loud as I could. He grabbed my wrist, but he let go as soon as I started to fight back. He wasn't use to me fighting back. But he was prepared. He grabbed a vase off my nightstand, and smashed it on my head. I crumpled to the ground. I felt blood dripping down my face. My vision was fuzzy, but I could tell he had a metal rod in his hand. He started to beat me with it. I heard someone else walk into the room. I look to see Josh behind Chris. Josh looked like he had a frying pan in his hand. Josh swung the pan, and it hit Chris in the back of his head. Chris fell to the ground unconscious. I could barely move. I knew that Chris had broken my arm again. Josh ran over to me, and told me "I will be right back. Vikk already called the cops, and I'm going to go turn the power back on". "Where is Simon? I heard him scream. Where is he?"I asked as I began to cry. "I don't know. I will go look for him. I promise we will find him." Josh reassured me. I laid on the floor crying. 

>>Josh's POV<<

          I knew that I had to get Nova to the hospital. She looked broken. I don't want Simon to see her like this. She told me, that she heard him scream. I didn't, but I still believe her. I saw fear in her eyes. I had to find Simon for her. I know she cares about him a lot. 

          I ran downstairs, into the kitchen. No one. I ran to the basement to where the power box was. There I found a misshapen Simon laying on the floor. I called JJ. "Hey, I need you to call an ambulance. For Simon and Nova." I told him. "What happened?" JJ asked. "A lot. I will explain later. Just call the hospital, or they might die." I said. "WHAT?! Um okay. I will call right now." JJ said. Then he hung up. I checked Simon's pulse, since he looked dead. His pulse was faint, but it was there. He looks like he took a blow to the head. Probably with the same metal rod the guy used on Nova. I quickly turned the power on, than ran upstairs to find Nova. She was still in the position that I last saw her, but she looked like she was struggling to breathe. Then I heard pounding on the front door. I ran, and opened it. It was the police. I told them to follow me, then ran to the room Nova was in. The guy was still unconscious on the floor. They handcuffed him, and dragged him out of the house. One cop stayed behind to ask what happened. "I don't really know" I told him. I heard Nova scream, and I knew something was wrong. "Do you know who that is?" asked the cop. "No, I have no clue." I told him. "Well that is Chris Williams" said the cop. "He was put under arrest for abuse. And that girl over there looks like his last victim from a few years ago." the cop stated. "What?" I asked in shock. "Yeah I arrested this guy the last time. And she looks like the girl he abused. I didn't really get a good look at her the last time, and her hair was blonde. But otherwise the two girls look like they could have been twins, from what I was able to see." the cop explained. It seems like Nova has been hiding a lot from us. But I couldn't question her in this condition. "Thank you officer." I said. "Stay safe. And I would highly recommend to have someone around at all times, or there is a possibility that this will happen again." the cop warned. "Okay. We will try and have someone with her." I said. Then he left. 

{Skipping to when Simon, and Nova are in the hospital}

>>Nova's POV<<

         Ugh, my head. All I could hear was a steady beep sound. It was familiar. I couldn't open my eyes yet. I started to here mumbling. I couldn't make everything out, but I could make a few things. What I heard worried me. The people talking was Josh, and Vikk? "How are we gonna tell her about Simon?" said Josh. "How are we going to tell Simon about her?" Vikk said. "I honestly don't know" Josh said. What happened to Simon? Is he okay? I felt a tear escape my eyes. Then the mumbling stopped. "What happened to Simon?" I mumbled. "Nova? You heard us didn't you" Josh said. "Yeah. I mumbled. "Simon was beaten with a metal rod, and broke his right arm, sprained ankle, and fractured his right shoulder" Vikk told me. My eyes started to water. I opened my eyes, and let the tears fall. "This is all my fault" I said. I looked at myself. I had a broken left arm, and three broken fingers on my left hand. That was all the damage I could see. Josh noticed what I was doing. "You also have a fractured skull, from him breaking that vase on your head" Josh told me. I started to cry. Vikk and Josh both came over to comfort me. "Get a doctor. I want to go see Simon" I told them. "Um. I don't th-" Vikk started. "I don't care. I want to see how much damage I caused him" I said. I started to sit up, and that was a mistake. "Get the doctor now" I demanded. Josh nodded and left.

>>Simon's POV<<

          "Where am I?" I asked. "Simon?" I hear a delicate voice say. "Nova?" I say. "I'm here Simon" she said lightly. I couldn't open my eyes. "Are you alright. Not hurt. Can you promise me he didn't get to you?" I asked. "No. Mo I can't promise you that" she said. That gave me enough motivation to open my eyes. Once I did, I regretted it. Nova looked broken beyond repair. " What did he do to you?" I asked. "He beat me with a metal rod, and broke a glass vase on my head" she said. "This is the most damage he has ever done to me" she said. "What?!" I asked, but I remembered. She was in my high school. She was the silent one. Skyler was more talkative. They were best friends, and went through everything together. Including the bullying. Nova was abused by her parents. How did I forget this. Well I guess it was a few years ago but still. "I want to leave" I stated. "The doctor says that we are clear to leave later" Nova said. "I meant that I still want to go on the vacation" I said. "We are not safe in England" I said. "Ok we will leave tomorrow like we planned" Nova said. I can finally get Nova somewhere safe.  

A/N - Thank you for reading. And if you liked it, then vote, and if you have any recommendations I will read them, and maybe use them. Baiiiiiiiii ~Adina 

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