Chapter 12

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>>Nova's POV<<

          I am so scared of what is going to happen in the club. I know exactly what happens there, and I am fearful that something will happen to Simon, or the other guys. I have a feeling that it isn't a good idea to be here. We walked into the club, and all I could hear was really loud music. Simon tapped me on the shoulder, and pointed at the bar. I looked at him nervously, but I followed him. "Do you want something to drink?" Simon asked me. "Um.." was all that came out of my mouth. I sat there figiting with my dress. Simon order me the same thing he was having. I knew that there was alcohol in, which made me a little nervous. I've seen what alcohol does to people, which scares me. But I drank it anyways, so I wouldn't waste it. It tasted really good, so I ordered another one. After that I pretty much forgot how many I drank. A guy walked up to me. The bartender said "he has been eyeing you all night". But that face looked really familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on it. The guy grabbed my wrist, and said "Come on, let's get out of this place. We will have more fun at my place" . I giggled, and said "Sure!" Then everything went black. 

>>JJ's POV<<

          I looked over to the bar where Nova was sitting. She was talking to a guy, but I couldn't tell who it was from the back of his head. But something wasn't right. Nova seemed different, she was more than definitely acting different. Then the guy grabbed her wrist, and started to walk her out of the club. She fell to the ground, but her eyes were shut. The guy continued walking, but now he was dragging her. I grabbed Simon, and pointed at the guy. I saw anger wash over Simon's face. He started running to the guy. All the other guys noticed, and started running after Simon. I ran with them. Once I got outside Nova, and the guy was gone. Simon looked furious, and all the other guys looked confused. I walked over to Simon, which I knew was a bad idea. But I didn't care, he needed me. "Hey, don't worry. We will find her" I said. Simon didn't look angry anymore, now he looks vulnerable, and worried. "That isn't what is worrying me" he said. "The guy that took Nova was one of Chris' friends" Simon said flatly. Oh was all that went through my head. Only Simon would know that because he and Nova went to the same high school. "which could only mean trouble I guess"  I said. "Yea" Simon said solemnly. "Hey mate! We will start looking tonight" I said. Simon sat down on the ground against a wall, and put his head in his hands. I started to hear quite cries. I sat down next to him, and told the other guys to start looking for her. We need to find her tonight.  

>>Nova's POV<<

          I woke up with a really bad headache. But that wasn't my only problem. I was chained down to a bed. I also had no idea where I was, and it was too dark to guess. "You are finally awake" a deep voice said. "My head..." I mumbled. "Oh, well you shouldn't have drank that much alcohol" it said. "Where am I?" I asked quietly. "Oh well, why would I tell you that?" the voice questioned. "I dunno, and why am I chained to a bed?"  I asked. "So you can give me some answers" the person said. "What do you mean by "answers" I asked. Then the person came into my view. "Conner?" I said in doubt. " Oh you recognize me?" he asked. "Yeah. Oh course I do. You are Chris' little brother" I said "So let me ask you this: What did you do to my brother?" Conner asked. "He was arrested after assaulting me, and my friend." I responded. "LIE!" he yelled, and the chains tightened. The chains were wrapped around my legs, and stomach. I thought I was going to throw up. "Now you are going to tell me what really happened, or the chains will continue to tighten." he said angrily. "I told you the truth!" I screamed in pain, and the chains tightened again. "STOP LYING!" he yelled. "I'M NOT!" I screamed. The chains tightened once more. I will leave you here, until you decide to tell me the truth. I started crying. I wished Simon would find me soon.

A/N - 300 views! OMG I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD REACH THAT MANY VIEWS! Thank you for reading. And if you liked it, then vote, and if you have any recommendations I will read them, and maybe use them. Baiiiiiiiii ~Adina

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