Chapter Eight: Welcome to Your Real Home

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I stand in the graveyard staring at the gravestone as my family talks about my mother.
"Do you have anything to say, Aeryn?" my grandmother asks. I shake my head. "Com'on darling, say something about your mother."
I hesitate, but decide I should say something.
"My mother was the greatest woman I have ever known..." I take a breath. "She was the best mother I could have asked for." Tears well up in my eyes. I stop talking and look at the ground. Ian hugs me. I cry into his chest.

After the funeral, I pack all the things up from my mom's house. I decide to put all the pictures and other important memories of my mother into storage. All other unimportant things are going to be sold along with the house. I decide to keep mom's car though and I also put that into storage.
"You can come live with me and Anthony if you want Aeryn. I can give you a job at Smosh Games. The fans love you and said they want to see more of you," Ian says. I slightly smile at him.
"Yeah. I think leaving will be the right thing to do," I say.

I spend the next day packing all of my things. I get back on the plane to L.A. Ian and I walk into his house. There are boxes piled in the entryway.
"Looks like your stuff got here before we did," Ian says with a laugh.
"Want me to help you unpack?" he asks.
"No. I can do it," I say. I bring all the boxes to my room. I unpack all of my things in about two hours.
"Aeryn, what do you want for dinner?" Anthony asks from the doorway.
"I don't care," I reply.
"Oh come on, Aer, I'm sure you're craving something," Anthony says trying to cheer me up.
"No. I don't really care what we eat," I say. Anthony nods and walks out.

"Aeryn, dinner!" Ian calls. I walk into the living room-kitchen area. Tacos sit out on the table.
"You used to like tacos a lot when we were kids, so I thought we should get tacos," Ian explains. I smile.
"Thanks, Ian," I say. He just nods and sits down at the table. Anthony sits across from him and I sit next to Ian. We eat, laugh, and talk about a bunch of stuff.
"So, I was thinking we could give Aeryn a job at Smosh Games. You can edit videos can't you?" he asks. I nod.
"To an extent," I say.
"She could be in Game Bangs and Grand Theft Smosh and Maricraft-" Anthony says excitedly but runs out of breath. I laugh at him. Someone knocks on the door. Ian and Anthony share a look.
Ian answers the door and the entire Smosh Games crew comes in. "Welcome to Smosh Games!" they all shout. I smile. Mari walks over to me and hugs me.
"Welcome to Smosh, girlie. It'll be nice to have a girl around," she says and smiles. Wes walks up to me next. He pulls me into a hug and rests his head on the top if mine.
"Welcome to the group," he says.
Joven, Lasercorn, and Sohinki squish me in a group hug.
"Welcome to Smosh Games, Aeryn!" they shout in unison. I smile.
"Thanks guys," I say to all of them. Anthony walks up to me next and hugs me.
"This'll be great to have you around, Aeryn," he says. Ian hugs me next.
"Welcome home, Aeryn," he whispers to me.

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