Chapter Fifteen: Staying With Sohinki

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Matt and I walk into Ian and Anthony's house. His arm is around my shoulders and my arm is around his waist to support him. We walk over to the couch and he sits down gently on it.
"You hungry?" I ask. "Pancakes?"
"That sounds good," He says. I make pancakes and there's another knock at the door. I look over at Matt. He just looks terrified and worried. I walk over to the door and look through the peephole. The cop that was barking orders, the night Matt got stabbed, is standing on the porch. I open the door.
"Ms. Foxworth?" he asks.
"Yeah?" I asks.
"I inform to tell you that we have found Carter Taro and have arrested him for harming you and your boyfriend," he explains. Matt isn't my boyfriend, but I don't correct the officer.
"Thank you for telling me about catching him. I was worried that you hadn't."
"Well, we also want to know if you and Mr. Sohinki would like to testify in front of the jury."
"Yeah. Anything to keep him behind bars for a long long time," I say. He nods.
"We'll mail you information about the trial," he says. "Have a nice day."
"You too," I say closing the door.
"You want to testify?" Matt asks.
"Yeah. I want to keep Carter behind bars for good," I say. Matt nods. I set out two plate and two forks, the syrup, and the plate of pancakes.
"Breakfast is served," I say looking at Matt. He laughs then holds his stomach and groans. It must hurt him to laugh. I rush over to him.
"It's okay, Aeryn, I'm fine," he says.
"You don't have to act like your fine all of the time," I say to him. He looks up at me.
"You should probably take your own advice, Aeryn," he says. I nod.
"I know," I say with a small smile. "Now, let's eat before the pancakes get cold."

Ian and Anthony walk in later that day. Matt and I are sitting on the couch playing Mario together.
"Aeryn, we're home," Ian says.
"I see that," I say laughing. Ian sets his suitcase down and walks over to me. He hugs me.
"I'm glad you and Sohinki are okay," he says to me. "I was so worried."
"We're fine," I say pulling away from the hug.
"Just a little sore," Matt adds. Ian smiles at both of us. Anthony walks over and hugs me then Matt.
"Is everyone else back too?" I ask. Ian nods.
"They all went home," Anthony says.
"So, how was your week?" I ask.
"It was fun. Especially meeting all of the fans and seeing all the other YouTubers," Ian beams. I smile. Ian and Anthony go to unpack all of their things.
"You want me to bring you back to your place, so you can grab some of your stuff?" I ask.
"My stuff?" he asks.
"Yeah. You're staying here while you heal. I'm not letting you stay by yourself," I say.
"Well," he pauses. "You could always stay at my apartment with me."
"If you'd be more comfortable there, I'd stay there with you," I say. He nods. "I'll pack some of my stuff and I'll drive us there."
"You'll drive us? You don't have a car," he says.
"I'll drive your car," I say with a devious smile. He just laughs, then groans.
I pack some of my clothes, my laptop, and my 3DS. I walk into Ian's room with my suitcase.
"Where are you going?" he asks.
"I'm going to stay with Matt while he recovers. I don't want him staying alone," I say. Ian smirks.
"Don't give me that look. I'm just taking care of him while he recovers. It's my fault he got hurt in the first place," I defend. Ian's smirk disappears.
"It's not your fault, Aeryn. Don't tell yourself that," he says.
"I can't help it," I whisper. "Anyway, Matt and I should be going."
"Be safe!" Ian calls after me with a laugh. I roll my eyes and walk out to Matt.
"Ready?" I ask. He nods.

Matt unlocks the door to his apartment and we step inside.
"Welcome to my apartment," he says. He walks over to the couch and sits down slowly. I smile and set my bag down on the floor next to the door.
"Wanna play some games?"he asks.
"I have a headache, but you can play and I'll watch," I say. He sits up and I lay down and put my head in his lap. He turns on his Xbox One. He starts playing Fallout 4. I start to doze off as he's playing.

~Sohinki's P.O.V.~
Aeryn falls asleep in my lap as I play Fallout 4. I smile down at her. When I'm done playing I slowly get up and pick Aeryn up. I flinch because of my stitches, but I ignore it and continue to carry her. I lay her down on my bed and pull the blanket over her. I walk back out into the living room and lay down on the couch and fall asleep.

I wake up in the morning to the smell of toast. I sit up and look over the back of the couch to see Aeryn in the kitchen making breakfast. I get up from the couch.
"Good morning," Aeryn says looking away from the eggs cooking on the stove.
"Morning," I say sitting on a stool at the counter. Aeryn hands me a plate filled with eggs, bacon, and toast.
"Thanks, Aer," I say smiling at her. She smiles and sits down next to me, taking a bite of her toast.
"I'm going to work today. Will you be okay by yourself here?" she asks. I nod.
"Can't I come to work?" I ask.
"No. Ian and Anthony are giving you the rest of the week off," Aeryn says. "You've got to rest and recover, Matt. You can't expect to get better if you don't rest."
I sigh. "Yeah. Why are you always right?"
"Because I'm a girl," She says with a laugh.

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