Fourty-Seven: Wedding

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"Guys, I'm so nervous," I state as Mari and Flora decide what to do with my hair.
"Hun, you've got nothing to be worried about," Flora says with a genuine, comforting smile.
"I know, but it's still nerve wracking. What if I trip while walking down the isle?"
"We could go through what-ifs all day, Aer, you'll be fine," Mari says.

"Alright, lastly, the dress," Flora says clapping her hands together excitedly. I smile and grab the white gown from Mari. I walk into another room and I slip it on. I walk back out and Flora and Mari gasp and smile at me. I walk over to the long, floor length mirror and look at the dress.
It's long and has a long train in the back. It's completely strapless with a sliver band right around my stomach. I smile to myself.
"You look beautiful," Flora comments.
"Yeah. Absolutely stunning," Mari says.
"Alright, the wedding starts in less than an hour. Let's put on our dresses, Mari," Flora says. They go put on their purple bridesmaid dresses. I smile at them and hug them.
"Thank you," I whisper.
"It's no problem," they say in unison.

Ian and I lock arms waiting to walk down the isle after the rest of the wedding party. My dad couldn't make it. He had work and couldn't get out of it. I didn't really want him to walk me down, but he is my dad and he should have the honor, but he couldn't show up. He said he'd visit after my honeymoon though.
"Ready?" Ian asks with a smile.
"As I'll ever be," I say. We start our walk down the isle. I see Matt standing there. He sees me and tears well in his eyes and he smiles. I look into the crowd and see Victoria and Anthony sitting there. They smiles at me. Anthony and her told everyone about them dating shortly after I had seen them on the street the night I walked home from work.
I turn my gaze back to the front of the church. Jonathan and Daniel stand next to Matt and next to them is Joven and Lasercorn.
Mari and Flora stand right next to where I'm supposed to stand. Ian finally gives me over to Matt ans foes to sit next Anthony, Wes, and Flitz. Matt and I hold hands and happy tears fall from both of our eyes.
"You're so beautiful," he says. I smile.

Collin brings the rings down the isle on the little pillow thing that I was trying to object against using, but Flora and Mari said it was traditional. So we used it anyway.

"You may now kiss the bride."
Matt leans in and wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me passionately.
"Save some for the honeymoon," Lasercorn jokes. The crowd laughs and claps.

"And now for the first dance," Daniel announces into the microphone. Matt grabs my hand gently and leads me out onto the dance floor. We start slow dancing to the music. We press our foreheads together.
"I love you," Matt says. "More than you even know."
"I love you too."

"Flight 105 is now boarding," a voice says over the speaker.
"That's our flight," Matt says grabbing both of our carry on bags. We walk over to the gate and walk through the tunnel and into the airplane. I sit down in the window seat and Matt sits down right next to me.
"I've been on a lot of flights in my life," I state. "But I feel uneasy about this one "
"It'll be okay, just remember, we're going to a place you've always wanted to go," he says.
"Yeah I know, but even if we're going to Japan, that doesn't make me any less uneasy," I say. He grabs my hand and rubs his thumb over the back of it.

I drop my bags once we get in the hotel room. I run and flop onto the bed. Matt does the same after closing the door behind him. He almost lands on top of me. I screech and roll over to the side of the bed. He chuckles and grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. I turn and kiss his nose. He smiles and pulls me on top of him and kisses me.
(A/N: I am not writing smut, so you can just use your imagination or whatever)

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