Chapter Thirteen: Trouble

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I slowly raise the phone to my ear and press the answer button.
"Hello?" I ask nervously. Ian and Anthony look at me curiously.
"Aeryn," he breathes out.
"What do you want, Carter?" I ask harshly.
"Come back to Michigan. Come back to me," He says.
"No. I like it where I am," I say.
"You're going to regret staying in California with your cousin," he says menacingly.
"How did you know-"
"I know more than you think, Aeryn. I'll be seeing you around," He says. The line goes dead.
"Who was that Aeryn?" Ian asks in a worried tone.
"No-no one," I lie setting my phone down on the coffee table.
"Aeryn, we all know that's bullshit," Anthony says protectively.
"I-I can't tell you," I whisper pulling my knees up to my chest.
"Aeryn," Ian says softly. He moves over to where in sitting. He lays a hand on my knee. "You have to tell us. Who was that?"
"Carter," I say. "My ex boyfriend..."
"Your mom told me about him," Ian says.
"What did he want?" Anthony asks.
"For me to go back to Michigan, back to him," I say.
"He cheated on me. He can't expect me to just go back like that," I say and snap my fingers once. Ian's phone rings in his pocket. He answers it.
"Oh shit. I forgot!" he exclaims. "Alright. Yeah. I'll be there in twenty."
"Anthony, we forgot about VidCon. Our plane leaves in two hours," Ian says.
"I totally forgot," Anthony says standing up. "Well, we gotta pack!"
They both run to their rooms to pack their stuff to go to VidCon. I walk into Ian's room and sit on the bed. I cross my legs and watch him pack.
"You'll be okay by yourself, won't you?" he asks. I nod. "And take it easy. No work. Let your concussion heal."
"On second thought, I'll ask someone to come stay here for the time we're gone," Ian says.
"Who?" I ask.
"Well, Joven, Mari, Lasercorn, and Wes are coming with. So, I could ask Matt," He says oblivious to the fact that Sohinki kissed me the other day and is kind of the reason I have a concussion. I go along with it anyway. Not like I have to talk to Sohinki. He just has to be here just in case I have to go to the doctors.
"I'll call him," Ian says zipping up his suitcase. He walks out of the room dragging his suitcase behind him.
"Matt says he can stay here to take care of you," he says. Anthony walks out with his suitcase in hand.
"I don't need to be taken care of. He'll only be here just in case I need help," I say. Ian nods.
"The Smosh Games office will be closed anyways. Sohinki can upload videos from here," Anthony says.
"We should be going," Ian says. "Matt said he'd be here soon." Ian hugs me.
"Have fun," I say with a smile. I hug Anthony after that. "Remember, fans are crazy, be careful!" They walk out the door laughing.

There's a knock on the door. Must be Sohinki. I walk over and open it. Carter stands there with a knife to Matt's throat.
"Hello, Aeryn," Carter says.

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