Twenty-Four: Flovenshire

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~Joven's P.O.V.~
I look at the time. Flora's flight should be in any minute now. I hold a sign that says 'Flora Delano'.
A few minutes later a girl walks up to me. Her brown, curly hair waves as she walks. Her brown eyes study me. I smile at her.
"You're Joshua, right?" she asks. I nod.
"You can call me Joven... I mean, if you want," I say nervously.
"I'm Flora," she says.
"I know," I say with a chuckle. "Well, we should get going."
"Okay," she says quietly.
I open the door for Flora. She smiles and hops in. I close the door and grab her suitcase. I put it in the trunk. I get in the driver's seat and start the car.
"So, Joshua," she says.
"Aeryn's trying to set us up? Isn't she?" she asks giggling.
"Yeah. I think so," I say with a slight laugh.
"Well, how about we go get some coffee and you can show me around. I've never been in a big city like this. In Michigan I lived far away from cities and the biggest city wasn't even that big," she says. I nod.
"Okay. We can go to Starbucks or something and then we can walk around," I agree.

I get a caramel frappuccino and Flora gets an iced coffee. We walk around until we get to a park. We sit down on the swings and sip our coffee.
"So, Joshua," she says,
"You can call me Joven if you want," I say.
"Joven? Where'd that nickname come from?" she asks.
"Oh. Well, my name is Joshua and my last name is Ovenshire. My friends decided to mix the two together and Jovenshire came out of that, but everyone just calls me Joven," I explain. She giggles.
"What's so funny?" I ask.
"Jovenshire," she giggles. "It just sounds funny."
"I guess it does," I say scratching the back of my neck.
"Maybe I should call Aeryn and see if she's at Ian's," I say. Flora nods.
"I'm so excited to see Aeryn!" Flora exclaims. I call Aeryn and find out that she's at Sohinki's house "fixing his car". She's going to be at Ian's soon though. Flora and I head over to Ian's house. I knock on the door.
"Hey, Joven," Ian says opening the door. "Who's this?"
"Oh, this is my friend Flora," I say. She smiles up at me and blushes.
Flora tackles Aeryn when she gets home. I laugh. They hug for a long time. I see Aeryn whispering to Flora. I feel nervous when they do that. I feel like they're talking about me.
"Joven, can I talk to you for a sec?" Aeryn asks. I nod feeling nervous. We walk into Aeryn's room.
"If you're going to go through with dating Flora, you better not hurt a god damn hair on her head. Got it?" She says fake threateningly.
"Yes, ma'am," I say acting scared. We both laugh.
"But seriously, don't hurt her," Aeryn says.
"I won't, I promise," I say. I wouldn't think of hurting her. We both smile and walk back into the living room.
"Everything okay?" Flora asks.
"Perfect," Aeryn says. We all sit on the couch and play video games.
"Let's play Just Dance!" Aeryn and Flora yell.
"No," all of us boys groan.
"Then what do you want to play?" Aeryn asks putting a hand on her hip.
"Call of Duty!" Ian yells.
"Mario Kart!" Anthony yells.
"Anything but Just Dance," I say.
"Let's play Call of Duty then," Aeryn says.
"Nah, I don't wanna play Call of Duty, but you guys can," Anthony says walking into the kitchen.
Ian, Aeryn, and I grab controllers. Ian and Aeryn sit together on the large couch. Flora sits next to me quietly. I grab a controller and offer it to her.
"Oh, no, I'm not good at first person shooters," she says.
"Com'on," I say. She smiles at my silliness.
"Fine, but I'll make my team lose," she says. I laugh. Flora and I end up on a team against Ian and Aeryn. We're going to get killed. Ha ha. Killed.
Flora and I end up losing. Bad. I only got four kills and Flora got five. Aeryn and Ian do a victory dance and smile at us.
"I know. I know. We lost. Big deal," I say. Flora laughs.
"It's not a big deal," Flora says. "It's just a game."
"Yeah," I smile down at her. She fixes her hair.
"You wanna go for a walk?" I ask Flora. She nods.
"That'd be nice," she says. We get up from the couch. Flora grabs her sweatshirt and puts it on. I look back at Aeryn as we walk out the door. She winks and smirks at me. I roll my eyes playfully and walk out the door with Flora.
"So, Flora," I say awkwardly.
"So, Joven," she copies with a shy smile.
"How are you liking L.A.?" I ask awkwardly.
"I like it..." she says. "It's even better with you here," she whispers. I smile down at her.
"Its even better with you here too," I say. Her face turns pure red.
"You heard that?" she squeaks.
"Mhm," I say.
"I'm such an idiot!" she shouts looking down so that her hair covers her face like a curtain. I move her hair behind her ear. She looks up at me and we both stop walking.
"Don't hide you face, it's too beautiful for you to hide it from the world," I whisper so only.she can hear. She smiles up at me.
"Joshua, I-"
I kiss her before she says anything else. I cup her face with both of my hands. Her arms snake around my neck and through my hair a few times.
"Wow," she whispers touching her lips after we pull apart.
"Yeah. Wow," I agree.

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