Chapter Seventeen: Travel

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I drive Matt back to his apartment the next day. He's a little better, but needs to really easy. He sits down on the couch and turns the T.V. on.
"Aeryn," he whines.
"What?" I ask looking over at him from the kitchen.
"Will you get me some Tylenol?" he asks.
"Yeah, sure," I say walking to the bathroom and grabbing the bottle from the cabinet over the sink. I get him a bottle of water from the kitchen and hand it to him.
"Thanks, Aer," he says. I nod and sit down next to him. He puts an arm around me and leans his head on my shoulder.
"Don't you have to go to work?" he asks.
"I should probably be going if I'm going to make it on time," I say.
"What am I suppose to do all day?" he whines.
"Stay here and don't hurt yourself," I say with a small laugh. I get up and he lies back on the couch. I kneel down and kiss his forehead.
"I'll see you later, okay?" I ask. He nods.
"Have a good day!" he shouts after me as I walk out the door.

"Aeryn!" Mari yells running down the hall.
"Hey, Mari. What's up?" I ask.
"I was using your computer because mine is broken and you got an email. You have to see it!" she says excitedly. She grabs my wrist and drags me along.
"Okay, okay," I say. "Calm down. It can't be that important."
"It is." she says. We arrive at my office and she practically pushes me down into my chair.
"Its from," I pause reading the email adress. "PewDiePie?"
"Yeah!" she says. "I didn't open it, but he's the most subscribed to person on YouTube!"
"I know that," I say clicking on the email.
I saw all the videos you've done on Smosh Games since you started there and I must say, you are hilarious. I also asked Ian and Anthony who edits their videos and they told me you did. I like your style, I wanted to know if you'd come to the UK, where I'm staying, and make some videos with me and maybe if you're up to it I could pay you to edit some of my videos. I'm a bit behind on editing and the help would be nice.
I hope you accept my offer.
"The PewDiePie is asking me to record some videos with him and he'll pay me to edit his videos?" I ask rhetorically. Mari nods excitedly. I click the reply button and compose an email.
I can't believe you're asking ME to come to the UK to record and edit videos with you. I'm really honored. I'm totally on board with that! When were you thinking we'd do this? How long am I staying?
I'm super pumped!
Mari runs out of the room calling for the rest of the Smosh Games crew. Everyone comes into my office.
"Pewds asked you to go to the UK and record videos with him?" Ian asks. I nod happily.
"Oh I got another email," I say opening it.
I was thinking that you could leave tomorrow. You could stay for a week and we can record videos and you can edit for me (again only if you'd like to). -Felix
I immediately reply back saying that it's a plan. I'll leave tomorrow for the UK.
"You're leaving for a week? What about Sohinki?" Ian asks.
"He could stay with you. He can stay in my room," I say. Ian nods.
"Can I leave early to go pack and pick up Matt to bring him to your house?" I ask. Ian nods.

"I'm staying at Ian's?" Matt asks.
"Yeah. I'm going to the UK to work with Felix. I don't want you to stay by yourself so I asked Ian if you could stay at his house," I explain. Matt only nods and packs some of his stuff to take to Ian's.

The next morning, I get up at about five o'clock a.m. Ian drives me to the airport and I go through security. I sit down and wait for my flight to start boarding.

Once we land in the UK, I grab my bag from the baggage claim and look around for Felix. He and his girlfriend, Marzia, are standing there holding a sign that says 'Aeryn Foxworth' in scribbly handwriting. I walk over to him.
"Hey," I say with a small wave.
"Hey, Aeryn," Marzia greets sweetly. "I've heard a lot about you from Felix."
"Good things I hope," I joke. She nods with a small laugh.
"Alright, we should be heading home. Then we can record some videos and-"
"I can edit," I interject. Felix nods with a laugh.

"How's it going bros? My name's Peeewwwwdipie and today I'm with Aeryn from Smosh Games!" Felix says to the camera. I wave to the camera.
"We're playing one of my favorite games... Grand Theft Auto!" I yell excitedly. Pewds and I blow stuff up and practically wreak havoc in the entire city of Los Santos.
"Five stars!" I yell. "Smosh Games tradition, to the strip club!"
I walk into the strip club and shoot everyone inside. Pewds joins me, but the cops show up and kill me.
"Aw," I say sadly then I laugh.
"Alright, bros, that's all we have time for today. Stay awesome and I'll see you in the next video," he says brofisting the camera. I wave and brofist the camera and do the explosion thing. Pewds laughs and we stop recording.
"Dude, you're hilarious," Felix compliments.
"You are too," I say.
"How about I make us something to eat and then we can do something," he says.
"Marzia, are you hungry?" he calls to her.
"No," he sweet voice calls back.
Felix makes us meat loaf and it was amazing.
After we eat, him and I sit on the couch and I start editing a video.
"So, you went to California because your boyfriend cheated on you?" He asks.
"Yeah, then he tried to bring me back to Michigan and he stabbed Matt," I say.
"Wow," he says. "That's quite a story to tell."
I tell Felix the entire story from going to California, my mom dying and going back to Michigan and meeting my real father, and even the entire story about Carter. Felix hugs me after I tell him the story. I reach up and rub my eye. I was crying?
"Thanks, Felix," I say.
"When you go home, remember that I'm here for you," He says.
"Thanks," I say. "I should get to editing."
"Or we can play more video games," he offers. I shut my laptop.
"I'm in."
Felix laughs and we play Mario Kart 8 until midnight, then we fall asleep on the couches in the living room.

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