Thirty-Six: Call Back

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"Matt remembers!" I exclaim running to Ian as he walks in the front door.
"Remembers?" he asks to himself. "Oh! He remembers you?"
"Yeah!" I exclaim excitedly. "He remembers!"
I look back at Matt on the couch. He just smiles at me as if I'm the only thing in the room. I run over to him and hug him again. I sit next to him as close as I can, feeling like if I don't he'll forget again. Ian and Anthony sit on the smaller couch staring at us.
"So, are you two, like, a couple now?" Anthony says. I shake my head.
"Not yet," Matt mumbles. I smile and look at the floor feeling my cheeks heat up a bit. I decide to lie down again. My excitement is being replaced with my sickness again. I lie my head on Matt's lap. He plays with my hair and zones out.
Ian yawns. "I'm going to bed. Good night."
"Night!" I call after him as he walks down the hall. Anthony watches T.V. not even looking at me or Matt. I sigh and look at him until he notices. He looks at me.
"What?" he asks.
"Why are you so quiet, Ant?" I ask. He shrugs.
"Just tired, I guess," he replies staring at the T.V. again.
"Well, why don't you go to bed then?" I ask.
"I shouldn't leave you two crazy kids alone together," he jokes halfheartedly. I laugh.
"I'm sure we can take care of ourselves. Go to bed," I coax. He nods and yawns.
"Yeah. I guess I should," he says. He disappears down the hall without another word. I hear the click of his door closing.
"Maybe we should go to bed too," I say.
"I don't have any pajamas," Matt says. "Maybe I should just drive home, I mean, it's not that far-"
"It's late, Matt, just stay here. Please?"
"Fine. Only because you used the magic word," he says with a laugh.
"I didn't say abra cadabra," I state with the most straight face I could keep. A few seconds later Matt and I burst into laughter.
"Enough funny business we should seriously get to bed, we've got work tomorrow," I say. He nods. I give him a pair of Ian's basketball shorts that I still had from the last time Matt slept over. I crawl into bed and Matt changes. He gets into bed next to me. He wraps an arm around my torso and I lay my head on his chest.
"I love you," I say sleepily.
"I love you too, Aeryn," he replies kissing my forehead.

"Matt, wake up," I say the next morning. I hover over him and kiss him on the nose.
"Ten more minutes," he grumbles rolling over on his side.
"Fine, I'll wake you up the hard way," I say getting up on the bed. I start jumping up and down on it.
"Wake up!" I sing. Matt jolts up and rubs his eyes. I stop jumping. "Morning, sunshine."
"Ugh," Matt grumbles lying back down.
"Get up, sleepy head. I washed your clothes and you need to shower and get ready for work," I state. He nods and walks to the bathroom. I reach in my pocket for my phone and pull it out, but a slip of paper falls to the floor when I pull out my phone. I pick it up off the floor and see that it's the phone number of the officer from the night Carter attacked Matt's entire apartment building. Maybe I should call him... But what would I say, I mean, I don't know if I'm "cop material", and I love my job at Smosh Games. It is a new opportunity though, I did kick ass that night...
"No," I say. "I can't."
"Can't what?" Matt asks. I look up at him surprised.
"I can't become a cop," I say.
"Why would you be daydreaming about being a cop?"
"I was asked to become a cop the night your apartment building was attacked," I explain. He nods.
"I mean, if you want to I'm all for it, but the fans would hate to see you go..."
"I know, I can't do it," I say. "I'll call and say that I love Smosh Games too much."
"Do what you want, not what others want you to do," Matt says.
"Well... I want... To stay at Smosh Games," I say. "I love everyone there too much."

"Officer Charleston," a man says on the other end.
"Oh, uh, this is Aeryn Foxworth. The girl that took down Carter Argos," I say quickly.
"Oh! I didn't think you'd call, I mean, you didn't call for a few days I thought it was a no," he says.
"I left the number in one of my pants pockets and it went through the washer, but the number was still readable," I say.
"I talked it over with all the officers that were there that night and they think you'd make an amazing officer," he beams.
"Oh, that's sweet, but..."
"You're not joining the force, are you?" he asks disappointed.
"No," I reply. "I just love my job too much to give it up, Officer Charleston," I say solemnly.
"It's okay, I completely understand. If you change your mind, don't be afraid to call, okay?"
"Okay. I've gotta go now, so uh, bye."

Matt and I walk into Smosh Games and straight into the recording room. Wes and Lasercorn look at us weird.
"What?" we both ask at the same time.
"What's going on with you two?" Lasercorn asks suspiciously.
"Matt remembers everything!" I exclaim. Wes and Lasercorn cheer getting up from their desks.
"That's great!" Wes exclaims. "So, now Aerhinki can be a thing again!"
"You ship it?"
"Come on," Lasercorn groans. "Everyone ships it, Aeryn."
"Yeah. Yeah," I say. "Speaking of shipping, Matt, Wes, Lasercorn, do you want to record another video with me? I need to put another up on my channel."
"Sure, sounds like fun, but I don't know what that has to do with shipping," Matt laughs.
"Yeah," Wes says.
"Sure," Lasercorn says.
I put Drawful up on the big screen and we start recording one hilarious video.

"Guys, that was awesome and hilarious. I should just put this up uncut," I say.
"Do what you want, Aeryn," Lasercorn says going to his desk. I decide to leave it completely uncut, except for my intro, and post it to my channel.

"Come back soon, okay?" I ask Flora and Joven at the airport the next evening. They nod.
"We'll be back, Aeryn, I promise. We'll only be gone a week," Flora says. I hug her, then Joven.
"No drugs, sex, or alcohol," I scold pointing my finger at them.
"But, Aeryn, we're both old enough to dri-"
"No alcohol," I say again. The both put their hands up in defense.
"Alright, alright, jeez," Flora says. I laugh. They both start to walk away toward security.
"And have fun!" I shout after them. "But not too much!"
"We'll be fine, Aeryn!" Flora says.
"Keep it in your pants, Joven!" I hear him laugh. I smile and start walking out and to my car. I start it up and drive to Matt's apartment. I knock on the door. Wes answers.
"Ready for some video games?" he asks.
"Always," I say walking inside closing the door behind me.

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