Twenty-Six: Date With Matt

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I stayed home the entire day the next day, doing absolutely nothing.
I lay on the couch binge watching Supernatural when I look at the clock.
"Shit, it's six!" I exclaim jumping off the couch. I run intp the bathroom and take a ten minute shower. I put my bathrobe on and walk into my bedroom, drying my hair with a towel. I stand there for about ten minutes trying to decide what to wear. I finally decide on a high-low mint green dress. It has one strap hanging over my left shoulder. There is a band of white gems the hangs over my stomach. I slip the dress on and zip it up, then I put on a pair of white flats.
I walk into the bathroom and blow dry my hair. I decide to straighten it and pull my bangs back and braid them.
I'm finally ready at exactly seven. I hear a knock at the door. I smile and skip over to the door. I grab my purse and hang it over my shoulder, across my chest, and down to my hip. I open the door and see Matt standing there with a single red rose in his hands. He's wearing a red dress shirt, a black jacket, and black dress pants.
"Wow," he breathes out. "Aeryn, you look absolutely stunning."
"So do you, Matt," I say. He hands me the rose. I smile and smell it.
"So, where are we going tonight?" I ask.
"You'll see," he says. We link arms and walk to his car.
I fiddle with my dress in the car. Maybe I shouldn't have worn a dress. I feel over dressed.
"Hey, Aeryn, put this blindfold on," Matt says handing me a black cloth.
"Really, Matt, a blindfold? How cliche," I say with a laugh.
"Com'on, Aer," he says. "Just play along... Please?"
"Fine... Only because you asked nicely," I laugh. I tie the cloth around my head and over my eyes. I feel the car stop.
"Are we here?" I ask.
"Mhm," he says getting out of the car. He opens my door for me and helps me out. We walk for a good three or four minutes before Matt makes me stop.
"Ready?" he asks. I nod. He takes the blindfold off and my eyes are greeted with white christmas lights wrapped around the railing of a gazebo. A small table with a white table cloth sits in the middle of the gazebo on the beach.
"Oh, Matt!" I say. "It's beautiful!"
"I'm really glad you like it," He says. We walk down the wooden walkway to the gazebo.
Matt pulls out my chair for me. I smile shyly at him. He takes his jacket off and hangs it on the back of his chair, then he sits down across from me. Joven walks up to us wearing a nice tux.
"I'm Joshua, I'll be your waiter tonight," he says in a proper voice. I laugh.
"What can I get you to drink?" he asks.
"How about some wine?" Matt asks. I nod.
"Wine it is," Joven says walking out of the gazebo. I look at Matt.
"Really, Matt?" I ask with another laugh. "Joven's our waiter?"
"Actually it's Joshua," Matt corrects with a laugh. Joven comes back a few minutes later with a bottle of red wine and two glasses. He pours it into the glasses and sets them down on the table.
"I'll be back in a few with your meal," he says pushing his glasses up and walking away again.
"What are we eating?" I ask.
"Steak," Matt says.
"Mmm," I say. Matt just chuckles and sips his wine. I take a sip of mine.
"I usually don't drink," I mention.
"Oh yeah?" Matt asks.
"Yeah. I got really drunk on my twenty-first birthday, and I decided the next morning not to drink anymore except for special occasions," I explain.
"So this is a special occasion?"
"It is," I say.
"And why is that?" he teases.
"Because I'm on a date with a guy I really care about," I say blushing.
"Oh, where is he?" Matt asks playfully while looking around.
"Oh shut up, Matt," I say. He just chuckles and takes another sip of his wine.
Joven comes back a few minutes later with two plates in his hands. He sets them down on the table.
"Enjoy," he says. He goes to walk away and accidentally trips. I giggle and get up to help him. He laughs awkwardly and scurries away.
I sit back down at the table and see Matt laughing super hard. I juts smile and shake my head at him. I grab a fork and a knife and cut my steak taking a bite. Its perfectly cooked.
"How did you know how I like my steak cooked?" I ask.
"I didn't. Flora did," he says. "Flora is the one that did the cooking for us."
"I'll have to thank her later," I mumble.

Once we finish dinner, Matt and I take a walk on the beach. I hold my shoes in one hand and hold Matt's in the other. We walk along the beach right near the water. The waves crash on the beach and hit my feet. I cup my hand and dip it into the water. With one swift move I splash Matt. He does the same to me.
"Oh it's on," I say. I splash him some more and he splashes me. He grabs me around the waist and we fall into the shallow water. I scream, then laugh as Matt holds himself over me. I look into his eyes. He leans down and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself closer to him. We pull apart after a minute.
"Aeryn, I love you," He says.
"I love you, too," I say still staring into his eyes.
"We should get out of the water, before you catch a cold," Matt says getting up, then grabbing my hand and pulling me up. He grabs his jacket from the chair in the gazebo and puts it around me.
"Thanks," I say. He smiles.
"We should get you home," Matt says.

I walk into the house with Matt. I grab his hand and walk to my bedroom. I grab my pajamas and quickly change in the bathroom. I walk back into my room to see Matt sitting on the chair at my desk.
"Hang on. I'll grab some of Ian's clothes for you to change into," I say.
"Wait, why?" Matt asks.
"I want you to stay here tonight," I say shyly. He smirks. "Not like that you sicko."
I grab a t-shirt and basketball shorts from Ian's dresser and give them to Matt. He walk into the bathroom and I flop on my bed and get under the covers.
"So, where am I sleeping?" Matt asks. I pat the bed beside me.
"You sure?" he asks. I nod. He gets into bed next to me. He puts an arm around me and I lie my head on his chest.
"Goodnight, Aeryn," Matt says softly.
"Night, Matt," I say sleepily.

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